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Showing content with the most stiffies on 05/19/2020 in all areas

  1. It has now been a little over a month since I first raised this subject. What has changed since then? Almost nothing has changed for me or us. The days became shorter and the temperatures dropped a little bit. We celebrated a few birthdays within eight days. The birthday celebrations were unconventional this time. These were two physically separated parties at exactly the same time at different locations, which were connected via video chat. Everyone has enjoyed it anyway. What I want to say is that there are always situations in our lives that cannot be changed. It would not have been possible for us to travel to Germany for this, as it was planned before. If there is no chance to change the situation, you have to make the best of it. That's what we did. I read a status update earlier: "Since the weather isn't going to cooperate with me this week with my quest to work on my all body tan & tanning needs, looks like I will be resorting to the tanning bed. Actually will be going to a different tanning business from my original one today!" We cannot control the weather. However, we can find an alternative how to get the desired full body tan. 👍 What other options do we have if we cannot change a situation? Whining? Swearing? Does this help? Trust me, I loved to complain about everything. However, I have realized that this does not help me. On the contrary, it leads to a situation where you keep yourself trapped in bad feelings, negative thoughts. I still complain sometimes. But today it's a signal that I'm not happy with something. Through this awareness I am able to use a negative factor to create a more positive situation. What is the reason that you feel uncomfortable, unhappy? Do you know the reason? Have you made an inventory of your life? If your answer is no, you should do it. You have to know what you have, who you are, what your position in life is in order to develop into the desired direction. What are your weaknesses, what are your strengths? What are your dreams? What are your goals? Do you have any? If you have a dream that you want to make come true, you first have to check if it is realistic. If my dream, my goal, were to be President of the United States of America, it would be completely unrealistic. The reason is not that I can't use Twitter, but I am neither a born American nor an American. The latter could be changed. The bigger the goal, the more short and medium-term intermediate objectives are needed. There are always setbacks. These setbacks show that you are on your way. They help you to re-analyse yourself and offer the opportunity for modifications. Let us assume you are unhappy with your weight and want to lose 12 kg within 6 months. After a month of healthier nutrition and exercise, you weigh yourself again and the scale shows that you have lost one kilogram. Do you start whining now and tell yourself that you will never reach the goal? Are you blaming me because you ate my delicious cake? How about looking at this in a positive light. You've lost weight. You enjoyed exercising. You took the first steps. That's great. Adjust (extend) your time frame to get rid of the next 11 kilograms. What I want to say with all this. It's up to us how we handle a situation, what we make of it. We are how we think. What and how do you think?
    3 stiffies
  2. The faggot is correct. Reach that exposure tipping-point and you will never retrieve the situation ( well not without incredible persistence and loads of DMCA takedown notices anyway). I guess the possibility of being recognised is all part of the thrill, but the reality maybe not so much. Just think of it: even explaining to your best buddies why you are shown naked online with a hard on, fag scrawled across your forehead and your tongue licking the rim of a toilet bowl. It won't be easy LOL.
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  3. Dimitrije Sreckovic
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  4. my first celebrity crush was George Lazenby, he only did one James Bond movie. Her Majesty's Secret Service.
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  6. Philipp Brem during his time at Fitcasting.com, before he became one of their success stories and graduated to mainstream modeling.
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  7. Nice! Thanks for sharing.
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  10. hallelujah, we are on the road to recovery - this morning, I see by the corner store that gas has jumped up another 3¢. big wip. am gonna check with the gym about resumption of our silver sneaking, and not much else to report. I am just here, working on the picture collection and avoiding getting back to scanning. what a chore! anyway, the boyz - I have made some additions to Miscellaneous Male Models L and find that some of our clubmembers actually read what I write! @anubis has been gracious to submit images for some of these almost-lost lads, for which I am very gr8ful. I have come to the conclusion that some retro rogues or vintage vamps do not yield well to research, which is disappointing. however, life goes on, so we have Misc Male Models L with between 2 & 9 images, and assistance in getting them into proper folders/albums is most appreciated. the other lads I am uncertain how I can choose between great cuteness and the greater talent of Denny, the King of Fire Island. what a man! hope you like!! welcome to our newest clubmembers, and thank you for the Likes and Stiffies awarded - they really cheer me 🥰 https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24141-miscellaneous-male-models-l/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24212-larssen-ulf/ https://www.adonismale.com/files/file/21334-lash-dave/ https://www.adonismale.com/files/file/21335-lassiter-denny/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24213-lattanzi-matt/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24214-laue-keith/ Colt
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  11. Michael Landon was one incredibly handsome man. One of the most on television.
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  13. My first celebrity crush was Glen Campbell. I was 4 and too young to know why I got so excited when I'd see him on TV and cried when his show was over. He always looked so boyishly cute. Then I developed a crush on Mike Connors from Mannix. Sexy man driving sexy machines. Once I went to black/brown haired guys, I never went back...lol....Okay John Schneider from DOH was an exception, but it's been Dylan McDermott for years now. Actor Mike Evans who played the original Lionel Jefferson on All In The Family and The Jeffersons. Sooo Sexy!
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  14. Dmitry Averyanov
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  18. Austin Track by Rick Day
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  19. A young Philipp Brem during his time at Fitcasting.com, before he became one of their success stories and graduated to mainstream modeling.
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  20. A young Philipp during his time at Fitcasting.com, before he became one of their success stories and graduated to mainstream modeling.
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  21. Porn superstar Marcus Mojo, formerly known as Landon Mycles.
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  22. Russian model Alex Konobeevskikh. He can wash my car anytime, preferably without the Marcuse swimwear. I'd definitely give him a tip that would bring a smile to his face.
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  24. I feel pretty, oh so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and gay! today, I appear to have won my athlete's wings, as I got to see a sports doctor. and he was pretty cute! back here at the ranch, we had quite a bit of rain this morning, and now the sun is out so it is all nice and steamy, like a sauna. I'm here, regarding my picture collection, and vacillating whether to choose Brandon Larcom's smile or Pat Larkin's temptation eyes. guess I know who Elvis would choose. clubmembership is ticking along nicely, and I thank all who have awarded me Likes and Stiffies. onward and upward! https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24199-lanza-mario/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24200-larcom-brandon/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24202-larkin-pat/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24203-larsen-kevin/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24204-larsen-lasse/ Colt
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  25. yes a great job by Boris! And thank you Master Nick! At the same time I would have to warn the fags (not that they would listen) that not only will the exposure be irreversible, there will be consequences! you will have to explain to work colleagues, family, friends etc why you are exposed as such a faggot slut all over the net. Think of the most embarrassing thing you ever did, multiply it by a 1000 and you're still nowhere close!
    2 stiffies
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