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Certified Hustlers need to be kept in line - there's nothing worse than anarchy among call-boys, and from its inception, the program has had at its head one of the most respected  in the trade industry, Loveless Motel's seasoned Escort Coordinator Hank O'Hare. Often the mediator in some of the petty disputes between our self-employed joysticks, he's great at fingering an instigator and putting him on notice.  On occasion he has had to demand the return of a Certified Hustler shingle and certificate, an almost ceremonial event in which the perpetrator is marched into the office and presented with his picture and stats page which Hank has just dramatically ripped out of the "Big Book" used by guests to place an order.  "They don't come any better than Hank, " says his long time fuck buddy, Danny Kutwan.  The two men are infrequently seen together, making sure that Danny's availability is never in doubt, but on occasion, when warranted, Hank has stepped in if a guest has requested a role play routine that involves the client walking in on a Dad/Son Uncle/Nephew situation and being invited to join or watch. The two excel at that. Hank is always the in-charge guy, and they've perfected a scene where there's a detailed discussion about the benefits of masturbation, with Hank demonstrating, inviting Danny to unzip him, pull it out and feel his swelling cock, while reaching over to see if Danny is getting the idea.  In this exhibition, which they've played out before a gawker several times, Danny eventually gets rimmed and finger fucked, which always seems to get their observer off, without either Hank or Danny having to touch him.  The requisite "Oh Daddy" grunts and groans are usually forthcoming.  On rare occasions, they've fucked, but that's extra.  There's a list.  One guy got so excited when they showed him the list of stuff they'd do, with prices, in the middle of the whole scene, that he came just looking at it, which made for an early work night with time for a late supper at Birdwhistle's Tearoom or an all-nighter at After Midnight Arcade. Their relationship is a balancing act. With the rest of the group, he can never be seen to have favorites beyond his relationship with Danny, because every Certified Hustler is a volunteer, beholden to no one, and free to move on at any time. Hank's good at keeping most everyone happy, and he definitely does that for Danny, in or out of his clothes.

Edited by redheaguy51

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