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My daily message has been converted to blog, so expect announcements through this channel.

Entries in this blog

Tuesday - 7th

where did the day go? I guess I did marketing and got a haircut . . . was there a nap in there? anyway, to the boys in the bund. again, excessively handsome gents for your delectation. Quinn Miller is awful cute, however too many clothes get in the way of the few pix. Terry Miller is awfully hunky - very attractive. we are again on the rise in clubmembership, and I rejoice to welcome newbies. and thank everyone for the Likes & Stiffies, which pay my psychic rent. guess that's all for now . .



Monday - 6th

as I sat down to do today's posts, I feared a real problem in choosing my feature. until I looked over the lot and saw that blonde Michael Miller was there in his striped boxers, batting his baby blues seductively. well, at least in my dreams. we seem to have a family reunion of Millers, and I hope you enjoy all of them. welcome to our newest clubmembers, and thanks be to those who left Likes & Stiffies, although we only came in 3rd today [snif] well, as Scarlett says, tomorrow is not today,



Sunday - 5th

just another day in paradise! I did my boy scout good deed for the day; I didn't mention yesterday that my elderly friend sounded terrible on the phone, as if she could not find breath to speak. I worried about her all the day and night, and called again this morning, to find her in much better spirits. I'll try not to break an arm, patting myself on the back. on the boy band again, I have a nice selection for you - every man is superb, however I choose Tamas Miklos as my feature, owing to his u



Saturday - 4th

Happy Birthday USA; also my dear friend Jane turned 98, not quite as superannuated as our nation - I have a selection of studs for you to regard. as is often the case, I am torn between the hunkiness of Stephen Michaels and the studliness of West Michaels. I guess it's a blessing I don't have to choose who to do first 😛 welcome to our newest clubmembers; under the album for West Michaels, I have explained some of my procedures; of course, as always, I give thanks for the Likes & Stiffies whi



Friday - 3rd

at the risk of being repetitious and tiresome, may I say that nothing happened today, save that I did not get a decent night's sleep. now I feel guilty of overusing the emoji, as all of today's models are something to behold. I guess I will feature Perry Merlotti, only because he has such great arms, I would pee to have them wrapped around mee. other than that - the big noise will be going to get the mail, as email has informed me that my printer ink has arrived. I have to figure out how to sto



Thursday - 2nd

I went out this morning, and can't seem to remember it. oh, yes. I have a new thing to be peculiar about. I need a jar of jam, and I had decided I wanted cherry jam. none available in walmart nor publix. wow. so I will try the dollar store. need to get some more birthday cards. otherwise, exceedingly quiet around the ranch. again today, I have five models among whom I cannot choose one. I guess my fave rave is Mike Mentzer, who went to that great gym in the sky all too early. however, each model



Wednesday - 1st

Bonne Fête du Canada/Happy Canada Day to all who celebrate. this does not include me, as the government has said they don't want any tourists carrying all kinds of nasty money up there, so my friends in New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and points west will have to do without me. I was rather hoping to mount a Mountie, such are the stuff of fantasies. note Colby Keller kitted up as same in my Canada Day album. in the mean time, wee see that Pete Meluso is getting ready for Independence D



Tuesday - 30th

thirty days hath September, and the rest, I can't remember. the high point today was starting physical therapy on my shoulders with a nice young lady with whom I have worked before. high hopes for great things! in the mean time, we have Michael Meaney to lead a cast of, well, not thousands, five for today. actually, all the models are quite fetching, however I am a sucker for a man in uniform. especially if I can work him out of it 😛 I see we have achieved 5-1/3 thousand clubmembers, which seems


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Monday - 29th

just another day in paradise. the high point so far has been a visit from a tax client, who had questions I could not answer. made me feel great [not] one likes to appear omniscient! so I turn to the picture collection and think of ewe. I see we have new clubmembers, a warm welcome! and many thanks for the Likes and Stiffies y'all have afforded. they are gratefully appreciated. more Scots wha' hae today, and it is so hard to choose just one. well, Ryan Mc Partlin appears to be blonde 🥰 although



Sunday - 28th

interesting day - I got to wash the car and take my neighbors to the airport. I feel out of sync because I had Sunday dinner at the Village Inn and am still full. I hear the sofa calling me to nap. all alone, darn it. how much more fun it would be to roll around on the floor with Dick Mc Kay and his amazing wiener! so I leave it to you - welcome to our newest clubmembers. notice that I added a zip file for albums >99 pix. thank you for all the Likes & Stiffies 😛 https://www.adonismal



Saturday - 27th

quiet day, as is all recently. tomorrow looking forward to an excursion to Tampa airport and see how the other half lives (well, at least the half in Hillsborough County). have received a wonderful tip from @JoelR about a utility called VisiPics, and am working it in to my routine. it may help in removing duplicate images. trying to figure out how to spend the rest of the afternoon. dreaming of cuddling up with Zack Mc Guirk, who has muscles galore, and is slightly smile challenged. who am I to



Friday - 26th

umm - strange experiences today with the platform. seems to have problems digesting zip files. I am sitting here, looking at pretty boys and unable to share with you like I would like. I have discovered the world of animated gifs and they offer a number of often humourous items. well, it should str8ten out someday! trying to figure whether to feature Eric Mc Cormack or Guy Mc Coy. both good husband candidates. I see that we have acquired new clubmembers, and say Hi, Howdy, and Welcome. two thing



Thursday - 25th

I am so sorry to be behindhand in posting todays selecciones; the system has been unwilling to accept Matthew Mc Conaughey's zip file, merely giving me an error message with no indication of how I have offended. bleagh! so here I am; have been having badinage with @JackFTwist and considering going to bed (all alone). my feature will be the ineffable Kent Mc Cord, who, though regrettably not blonde, is hotter than a firecracker (IMHO). we have new clubmembers to welcome, and I remind all that Lik



Wednesday - 24th

a pleasant day; the housekeep came and redded things up, so I am surrounded by clean everything and clean clothes. my lineup today is one I would be hard pressed to rank. Paul Mc Cartney is IMHO the cutest beatle, and Glenn Mc Allister is my top MVP top, so you figure it out for yourself. clubmembership is flagging, however I give thanx for the many Likes and Stiffies afforded. https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/25368-mc-allister-glenn/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/25



Tuesday - 23rd

this has been a most up-and-down day. yesterday, I sat wistfully by the phone all day, hoping the orthopædist would call. no such luck. at 5 pm, I bundled into the car and headed for urgent care. to avoid a very long story, let me say, there is good news and there is bad news. medically, the young woman who doctored me was very uplifting, and has ordered physical therapy. great! administratively, we did not do so well. before the medical exam, which lasted 10 minutes, I spent over an hour and a



Monday - 22nd

I bring glad tidings of good news: I have proclaimed the day after Fathers Day to be Basket Day, given to the admiration of the charms of the various daddies in my collection, of which there has been a surfeit. today, led by Gus Mattox, following Cameron Mathison, Dick Masters, Mark Mason, Marco Martinelli, and Chad Martin, I am unable to choose a favourite. Gus does have amazing attributes, largely centered on his jug-handle-like ears which look to be very convenient in directing a really good



Sunday - 21st

¡Feliz Dia de los Daddies! at long last love, and I do mean lust. my feature for today is Cameron Matthison, and while he may not be as hairy as Marco Martinelli or as hungky as Mark Mason, he is nonetheless very masculine and sexy. welcome to our newest clubmembers, and a big shout-out and thank you to all who afforded me Likes and Stiffies. we were Nº 1 in Likes and Stiffies, though not Nº 1 all over. well, it is something for which we strive. enjoy! https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/alb



Saturday - 20th

in honour of the coming of Fathers Day, we have at least three daddies for your delectation. a little lagniappe to keep my folders in order. for some unknown reason Big Dick Masters big dick was too much for the system to accommodate, so I stuffed it into a zip file, and believe me, the zip file was grateful 🤩 hope you like my lineup, led by the ineffable Mark Mason, who may be called back if they re-release Major Dad. just so long as it's better than Magnum PI. apparently nobody told them the n



Friday - 19th

today is Juneteenth, the anniversary of the day that the end of the War of Northern Aggression was proclaimed in Corpus Christi. up to then, who knew? I guess they were fighting the same old battles. anyway, I am here, nursing an aching shoulder and regarding the panoply of pretty boys/men who grace my collection. I'd like to feature Reed Marvin, an astonishing redhead, of whom I have far too few pix showing far too few of his charms. still, incredibly handsome. wow! no new clubmembers to report



Thursday - 18th

in honour of the coming of Fathers Day, my feature for today is Daddy Marco Martinelli. whatta stud! I hope you enjoy him and all the other little Martins. welcome to our newest clubmembers, and a reminder to tell your buddy lists about our club. thanks for the Likes and Stiffies afforded. I sincerely appreciate them. https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/25264-martin-david/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/25265-martin-michael/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/



Wednesday - 17th

lunch with the bunch at a forgotten watering hole which appears to be completely back to normal. back here, regarding the collection and the usual problem of choosing a feature. I guess I will go with Chad Martin, who offers the most loving, pound for pound. it must be terrible to have to go through life being so hunkable. anyway - no new clubmembers to welcome 😞 however many thanx for the likes and stiffies left by those who visit. https://www.adonismale.com/files/file/21600-mars-ray/



Tuesday - 16th

an up-and-down day - I got a haircut at a new place and they charged me a lot less. going back there! other than that, loafed and worked on the picture collection. today's lineup is quite remarkable. I am picking Ash Marquez as a feature only because of his unique name and delicious buns. I forgot to say - he's blonde - quelle surprise! not much else to report - our class reunion has been cxl, the main reason being that this is the first year I could attend. my criteria for classmates and facebo



Monday - 15th

if I thought yesterday was pointless, it was no near as bad as today. I woke up late, skipped breakfast, skipped the gym, had lunch and a nap, and finally was able to consolidate my fæcal matter. today's offering does not include the Marx Bros, however has several lovely lads, each of them superb! guess I will go with Jon Marks, he of the big muscles and really butch five o'clock shadow. with beard grown in, he looks like a large and lovely teddy bear, and I will cuddle him anytime, anywhere. st



Sunday - 14th

it really requires imagination to come up with something witty when nothing happens. the biggest excitement was the phone ringing before 8 am, which usually means someone has died. it was a local hag calling to say she was home from hospital/rehab where she was permitted no visitors. I was going to send flowers, however she begged me to substitute pizza. so I will look into ordering pizza. here at home, I have a nice lineup of lads - Charles-Laurent Marchand is wearing a coronet which makes him



Saturday - 13th

nothing exciting to report. I have been labouring most of the day over Patrick O'Brian's folder and enormous talent. now to todays lineup - the usual problem of choosing the one I like best. Trey Manor is hunky and blonde, and Andy Mantegna is hunky, though regrettably gone to the great meat rack in the sky. both worth mentioning. welcome to our newest clubmembers! and many thanks for the Likes and Stiffies you leave along the way 🥰 https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/25057-manor-trey/



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