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About this blog

Using gay vintage gay porn images to tell tall tales,  "Loveless Motel Parody" is a blog about a fictional 20th century gay resort, where men on vacation are assured by the management that they will have a good time and get what they came for. Vintage gay porn and other pics from the Twentieth Century (1900s through the 1990s) are captioned, telling tongue-in-cheek stories of fictional guests and employees of a notoriously cruisy sexual playground. Recurring characters and storylines unfold from post to post, and  21st century navigational aids including tags, categorization, and sidebar links help you discover all the secrets of Loveless Motel Parody. My recommendation is that you start from the very first post.  The sidebar to the right includes a link to it.
I do not own any images used. The vast majority if images are vintage, though I have taken a few liberties from time to time by digitally enhancing or changing an image to fit a story line, or have taken a newer image when an old one can't be found to fit a narrative. My purpose is pure prurient adult entertainment or a laugh, and not for monetary gain. Requests for removal of any content will be honored as soon as possible. Image sources can usually be found via search, and  I find Google Images particularly helpful in identifying sources. I welcome all constructive feedback, comments, and whatever reader-approval mechanisms are available on the site. I view my efforts as a self-indulgent retirement hobby, and no more.
There is a real Loveless Motel and Cafe' in Nashville, TN. I ran across the image the vintage deco era sign online one day, searching for images of vintage motel neon signs, and was intrigued by the irony of the name, and the sign's blue and pink coloration, and Loveless Motel Parody was born.  There is no resemblance of my characters or descriptions.  Any similarities are unintentional and purely coincidental.

Entries in this blog

158. Photo suites at Shutter Bug Camera Shop

At Shutter Bug Camera Shop, located off the lobby,  you can arrange to book a themed photo suite for your private session, for a professional looking outcome.  Props and backdrops of all kinds are available, from simple to elaborate. Reach out to a member of our staff at Loveless Motel for details, or stop by and let us give you a private tour.   Rates may apply



481. Ten Commandments Club Initiation - results are in

Birdwhistle Tearoom management has been informed that one of the waiters complained his tip had been stolen from a table that had not yet been bussed, by an unknown perpetrator who dined in the restaurant Saturday night.  A typically busy night forced him to get to the table late, after after he had seen a large wad of cash being put on the tray after the bill had been paid, when while leaving, the table host thanked and congratulated him on his perfect presentation of a flaming baked Alaska. Se


CalHowdy in GUESTS

194. That 70s Leisure Look

Another intern lecture at Grab-Basket Conference Room is made all the more entertaining by our speaker choosing the right business casual look at Suit Up, located off the lobby at Loveless Motel



204. Farmer's tan

This man has come to Loveless Motel  from one of our midwestern states, where he works on a farm, driving a tractor under a hot Kansas sun.  It's good to be out of those levis and give the rest of him the exposure it deserves.  Take the fork to the left, just past the parking lot next to the Bunkhouse.



355. I spy with my little eye - Fresh Fruit at the Mauve Tavern

You've just walked into the Mauve Tavern for the first time at Smarty Pants Disco at Loveless Motel. Once you answer these questions satisfactorily,  we'll review a few expectations with you and you will be contacted. "Who are your people?" "Where did you go to school?" "What is your profession?" "Who's your favorite designer?" "Who is Maria Callas?" "What is your shoe size?" "spell ferragamo"


CalHowdy in BARS

104. Queueing up at the Bunkhouse Lockerroom

The locker room after a game at the Bunkhouse at Loveless Motel is always a busy place.  This guy has certainly noticed.   Rather than crowd around the door to see the sights that shouldn't be happening in the Laundry Room across the way, this is a much better place to hang out, or tuck in, as the case may be.  Call the front desk and book your stay in the Bunkhouse today.



543.Yoga your way, I'll go mind over matter

Yoga on the beach is once again being offered at Lake Loveless at Loveless Motel, with plenty of balmy days in store before the monsoon season sets in.  Join our agile instructor, Stretch N. Spreadam, as he twists you into positions you never thought p̶i̶s̶s̶a̶b̶l̶e̶  possible.  Classes are free when you sign a simple form holding Loveless Motel and its employees and guests harmless in the event we can't undo you. Inclement days are bound to happen, and when they do, you'll find Stretch hanging



292. Motor Pool emergency repairs

Our talented mechanics are at the ready to handle your most pressing needs at a moment's notice. Stop by today to tour the facility. We're told they are running a special on decorative suicide knobs - ask for Rod.  


CalHowdy in SERVICES

159. Fluffer Intern Program

Shutter Bug Camera Shop at Loveless Motel is looking for interns who are interested in aspects of working in the film trade.   Our inhouse studio is looking for men who can motivate our performers by keeping them focused on the task at hand. The perfect candidate keeps a guy interested and gets him ready for the film shoot. Auditions are required.



55. Ready for Adventure

Whether solo or in a group, hiking is one of the most popular outdoor activities here at Loveless Motel. Our grounds are vast, with virtually every type of topography represented, whether you like to do it in the woods, in the desert, at the beach or on a mountain, you'll be satisfied.



118. Breakfast in bed

A little early morning icing starts the day out right at Loveless Motel.  Returning the favor is the best way to make a friend.    


CalHowdy in GUESTS

283. Cramming for Intern exams

Interns at Loveless Motel go through a rigorous training, often arriving at the property prior to the beginning of classes to seek out their fellow classmates. Study sessions can often be long and hard, but fulfilling and mutually beneficial as well. Cramming for exams is a time honored tradition, often carried out right in the conference rooms which are made available for any after hours cramming. Instructors often volunteer to lead, as all our instructors were once interns themselves, and ther



137. Three's a crowd

These guys all made out well on Saturday night at Loveless Motel.  By last call at 2AM, they're already partying hard with new friends.


CalHowdy in GUESTS

457. Jockstrap Thief Cold Case?

Seen here relaxing in his Aluminum City quarters at Loveless Motel, Harry Biggerstaff takes solace amidst his antique porcelain collection and vents his frustration to us. "I feel like I'm in a very loose hole up to my nuts, and no way am I gonna get what I want", says he, "about this damned jock strap theft - where is the guy? I'm supposed to be this magical new Hotel Dick, and I'm coming  up with bupkis! People don't steal jocks and sell them on the same property and then just walk away!  Who



155. At the Devil's Ball

From time to time, Loveless Motel plays host to great drag shows, from festive amateur nights to full-on balls, with well- known professional entertainers a mainstay in the Footlight Fairies Cabaret, located off the lobby.  



357. Express yourself at Shutter Bug Camera Shop

Shutter Bug Camera Shop, located off the lobby at Loveless Motel, is the perfect place to bring your creative ideas to fruition. Book a photo suite and private photographer today! It's our pleasure to assist and offer suggestions for a successful shoot. Sometimes creativity is nothing more than recognizing the low hanging fruit of ideas and capitalizing on them. Our private photographers are experts in recognizing and handling every opportunity that might present itself.



260. Party line at Loveless Motel

It's last call on Saturday night and Mr. Right didn't show up, and Mr. Right Now just walked out with a willing pillow biter.  Don't forget, the Party Line at Loveless Motel is open 24 hours a day, staffed by our eager phone men to keep the party rolling. Guests booked into any accommodation get the first 5 minutes of a call absolutely free, and additional minutes at a rate that won't break the bank.  Call 1-900-LUVLESS now! What are YOU wearing?



86. Loveless Venue - Toys for Boys

In these uncertain times, $3.00 can seem like a small fortune.  But considering what you get for that money, how can you not get at the breach of a Big Dick at Loveless Motel.  Toys for Boys, located off the lobby.



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