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Showing content with the most stiffies on 12/01/2021 in all areas

  1. 6 stiffies
  2. Bel Ami's Nil's Tatum (right) and Anthony Lorca.
    5 stiffies
  3. As Aussie as Speedos!... 1928 MacRae introduced the classic, figure-hugging "Racerback" costume, which permitted greater freedom of movement, allowing wearers to swim faster. This inspired staff member Captain Parsons to coin the slogan 'Speed on in your Speedos' and the Speedo name was born in Sydney
    5 stiffies
  4. Levi Conely Stephen Marks Ben Dudman
    5 stiffies
  5. Sebastian Rulli (Sebastian Oscar Rulli) is male model and actor from Argentina. Before being successful as actor, Rulli was a model before. He was born in Buenos Aires, on July 6, 1976. He has blue eyes, blonde hair, height 5'11" and weight 167 lbs. While in Mexico he entered the Center for Artistic Studies of Televisa (CEA), where he prepared more as an actor, although he had already taken acting classes with various teachers in Argentina, Spain and Italy. His first opportunity within Mexican television was received in the telenovela Primer Amor: A 1000xHora (2000) in which he played the character of Mauricio. Previously Rulli had already participated in other television productions in his native country, such as Montaña Rusa, Otra Vuelta (1996), Locas por Ellos (1997), Cada Día te Quiero Más (1998) and Verano del 98 (1998). Sebastian, who is the oldest of three children, also participated in the Mexican melodramas Sin Pecado Concebido (2001), Clase 406 (2002) and Alegrijes y Rebujos (2003). In his spare time the actor likes to connect to the Internet and practice sports such as tennis, squash, paddle, football, diving, golf, surfing and cycling, among others. Among his goals is to strengthen his career as an actor, star in novels and start a family like the one that formed him. The young actor and model, who in 2001 received 'Las Palmas de Oro' as Best Supporting Actor, works for the second time under the baton of producer José Alberto Castro in the telenovela Rubí (2004).
    4 stiffies
  6. 4 stiffies
  7. 4 stiffies
  8. 4 stiffies
  9. lessee - 30 days hath September and the rest I can't remember. jumping jehoshaphat - again a lineup of models, and choosing one is near impossible! Charles Paquette wins the muscle category, hands down, and Rock Pamplin wins the moustache category. how gory!! you choose your fave - welcome to our newest clubmembers! https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/42498-palmer-buck/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/42499-palmer-jim/ https://www.adonismale.com/files/file/29730-pamplin-rock/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/42500-papa-nick/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/42501-paquette-charles/ Colt
    4 stiffies
  10. Bel Ami's Helmut Huxley (dark hair) and Jerome Exupery (blond, curly hair).
    4 stiffies
  11. 3 stiffies
  12. Me, either! He's Yannis Paluan from Bel Ami. He might be the one giving us a ride, though, and I'd be OK with that, too!
    3 stiffies
  13. The back is fine. What does the front look like? But I'm sure it's good enough for me to like and want.
    3 stiffies
  14. Who is this guy? there's another picture of him standing up after he has jacked off and has the cum on his hot body, and he is on a boat. His cock looks even bigger in this picture, but I mainly really liked his hot body and he is good looking.
    3 stiffies
  15. I thought I had seen this picture of hot Doug before, and I've never seen any pictures of him on a boat.
    3 stiffies
  16. Sebastian Rulli - I posted an album in the Male Model Forum with additional photos https://www.adonismale.com/forums/topic/28330-sebastian-rulli/
    3 stiffies
  17. Tomas Skoludik? Unknown, sadly... Logan Swiecki Taylor
    3 stiffies
  18. 3 stiffies
  19. 3 stiffies
  20. Love that devilish look in those eyes!!!
    3 stiffies
  21. A very beautiful specimen of a man!!! You are so lucky!!!
    3 stiffies
  22. Good to see Reno today.
    3 stiffies
  23. Great men today. My favorite was Nick 🙂
    3 stiffies
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