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Showing content with the most stiffies on 11/28/2021 in all areas

  1. So the other day while perusing around the net, my curiosity got the better of me. I came across a site that offered many photos of male celebs, athletes, & others in some form of undress. After registering, I began to look around the site & came across this fine specimen, Rob Ashton. My gawd! ๐Ÿคค๐Ÿ˜ That body.... oh the thoughts! Think he does well in this orange thong & his nice butt looks really good in it!! ๐Ÿ˜ Yum! Of course he looks even better NAKED! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿคค๐Ÿ˜Š Such a beautiful hairy penis! Def looks much better naked, you think? ๐Ÿค” Just look at that body let alone his beautiful penis & that really cute butt! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿคค Deliciously naked outdoors with the waves putting that gorgeous penis on full display! ๐Ÿ˜ Only later did I find out more about him being a romance novel cover model let alone he appeared in the April 1998 issue of Playgirl! ๐Ÿ˜Š See more courtesy of AM: I also sadly found out that he passed back in 2007 due to heart related issues. ๐Ÿ˜”
    6 stiffies
  2. ho-hum day - worked on the picture collection - a shout-out to @Rapture123 who posted a buntch of pix for Edu Boxer. man, that man is something else. I picture an oreo sandwich with Adam Champ at the back, then me, then Edu Boxer. aaanyway . . . today's lineup - I hope you notice I have veered away from saying "cute man whom I never heard of" and have tried to present a little research with each album. for a feature, I choose Julian Ovenden, whom some of you might say is quite obscure, however, he looks eminently kissable, and I believe I would. a hearty welcome to our newest clubmembers! https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/42226-ortega-david/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/42227-ortiz-miguel/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/42228-otdelnov-andrei/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/42229-otero-valeta-marco/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/42230-ovenden-julian/ Colt
    5 stiffies
  3. NEW GROUP LEADER: Plenty of u fags know Group Leader paolo viterbo, the Italian faggot from near Rome with the real dinky dicklet whoโ€™s been around SM for about 4 years now. Well thereโ€™s news good and bad. Firstly paolo has found a new Master who he is now serving as a real-time slave (good for him). But to concentrate on that heโ€™s stepped down from taking an active role in the Group. Yea its a bummer cos paolo has done a pretty good job keeping u bitches in line when required and otherwise offering encouragement and support for ur subby fag urges. So he will be missed here. Good luck and au revoir paolo. But as a result sub_market has a NEW GROUP LEADER and one u will already know pretty darn well โ€“ its that horny fagslave from west coast USA kevin ballooboy. When accepting the role he told me he could never say โ€˜noโ€™ to Real Men but I kinda guessed that already. โ€˜Noโ€™ is not a word that should feature in any true submissiveโ€™s vocabulary. The fag knows all about submission and servitude as an owned slave in the past and has been pretty active here for a while. Welcome aboard fag kevin.
    5 stiffies
  4. 5 stiffies
  5. Kenny Braasch - Photography by Rick Day
    4 stiffies
  6. my least favourite flavour!
    4 stiffies
  7. 3 stiffies
  8. 3 stiffies
  9. white towel dude ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
    3 stiffies
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