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Showing content with the most stiffies on 04/10/2023 in all areas

  1. Hopefully never see this picture in my toilet πŸ€­πŸ€¦πŸΌπŸ˜‚
    7 stiffies
  2. Happy Easter to those who celebrate (Orthodox Easter will be next Sunday). the Easter bunny has visited, thoroughly modern, he used an app called iHop πŸ™‚ otherwise a very quiet day at the so-so corral. I decided to post early and avoid the rush. Bob Prince is a lotta blonde loving, so is my feature. a warm welcome to our newest clubmembers, as we approach 32,000 πŸ™‚ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/62527-prima-michael/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/62528-prince-bob/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/62529-prince-paul/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/62530-princiotta-vincent/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/62531-prior-ted/ Colt
    6 stiffies
  3. The late, great Dame Diana Rigg in HBO's "Game of Thrones":
    5 stiffies
  4. 5 stiffies
  5. I just thought it was meant to be a fishing rod πŸ˜•
    5 stiffies
  6. Loc Rios - @UncutLoc.mp4
    5 stiffies
  7. 4 stiffies
  8. I had the lovely fortune of working w/Michael briefly in the NYC bar scene back in the early-mid 1990s, nightlife back then being still an amazing mashup of creative personalities from all walks of life (and potential career paths). He was taking his chances as a model/actor seeing where it would go (although already married w/multiple kids but maybe even that was part of his story at the time), and was absolutely unashamed of his foray into nude male photography (hence using his real name!). We've since lost touch but seeing him here paired w/ recalling his great personality and gracious handling of my geeky fan-girl mess, even to the point of autographing my copy of his PG centerfold issue...πŸ’‹
    4 stiffies
  9. 4 stiffies
  10. 4 stiffies
  11. 4 stiffies
  12. 4 stiffies
  13. Depends where you are. πŸ˜‰ (I've been on six of the islands, but as a tourist, I mostly saw just the pretty parts. I should perhaps add that one of my in-laws is native Hawaiian, and a co-worker had a time-share there, so we got plenty of good advice on where to go and what to do.)
    4 stiffies
  14. ! He likes it rough.mp4 He Loves it a little rough. Definitely got off on it. πŸ˜‰
    4 stiffies
  15. 4 stiffies
  16. 4 stiffies
  17. Samuel Hodecker aka Samuel Decker
    4 stiffies
  18. 4 stiffies
  19. Ted Prior is an actor, film producer, and bodybuilder. born in Newark NJ, Prior moved to Los Angeles in the late '70s to pursue a career as a bodybuilder. blonde
    4 stiffies
  20. Dean Flynn & Dirk Jager
    4 stiffies
  21. this is a sketch of me, except that I am in an office chair, looking at my computer!
    3 stiffies
  22. my deargrandmother told me, "if you can't say something nice, come and sit on my lap!"
    3 stiffies
  23. D is for Deepthroat
    3 stiffies
  24. 3 stiffies
  25. 3 stiffies
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