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Showing content with the most stiffies on 02/06/2022 in all areas

  1. a thoroughly mixed up day! I had passengers to go to the airport, and while I didn't think I was worrying about weather and flight cancellations, I did not sleep well. mercifully, I felt all right to have a cup of coffee and make my trip. I had planned to visit a cheesecake bakery in a little town of which I had never heard - displeased to be waved off the highway with no idea how to achieve my target, nor why the detour. when I got to the bakery, there was absolutely no place to park! you would think someone was giving away free beer! finally parked at a bank two blocks away - later found out there was some sort of race 🤨 I was severely naughty and got seven different pieces of cheesecake and departed. on the way, I remembered the Polish deli and got a poppy seed roll for later consumption. in a burst of ingenuity, I noticed a publix and nipped in for a loaf of bread and some other naughty delights, which were on sale. lastly, I stopped at the village inn and had a delicious cuppa, biscuit and gravy, before lamming out for home. called my hag and invited her over for cheesecake and coffee, and sacked out on the sofa! all that to say, I am now looking at my collection with favour, and my feature for today, Gardner Shore. he is really something. I only wish I had either 100 more pix or had him here to pose for my camera! well, this has gone on long enough - welcome to our newest clubmembers, and see you in the rushes! https://www.adonismale.com/files/file/32028-shields-chuck/ https://www.adonismale.com/files/file/32029-shore-gardner/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/45493-show-grant/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/45494-shroyer-logan/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/45495-siegal-sebastian/ Colt
    8 stiffies
  2. imagine the situation . . .
    5 stiffies
  3. 4 stiffies
  4. oh, this tickled my fanny, er, my fancy . . .
    4 stiffies
  5. 3 stiffies
  6. From the album: Lean Lads & Defined Dudes

    Thor is exotically handsome with his dark features and golden brown skin. He has a an impressive muscular chest with a narrow lean waist. An then there's the massive Thor's Hammer ready to shoot bolts of milky white cum.
    3 stiffies
  7. This Google Doc made me chuckle a bit with how inaccurate some of these claims really are. I know that the subject is a serious one but not all of these are actually anti-gay. https://groups.google.com/g/soc.motss/c/P7Z1hXzOv8E?pli=1 I think that I heard that Willie Aames actually doesn’t mind gay people at all, Melba Moore loves how many gay fans she has and very much enjoys performing at Pride events, Tia Mowry has stated she has gay friends and she supports them, Fred Rogers (who is from my local area) actually had no problems with gays and saw them as being just like him and the man who played Officer Clemmons on Mr Rogers’ Neighborhood is actually gay and was a good friend of Mr Rogers, and Donna Summer we all know was very gay friendly and supportive of the community. This was more about a bashing of people of the 700 Club than anything. It was one of the most inaccurate things I’ve ever read and I’m wondering how the author feels about it now considering many of their claims as to why these celebrities were “anti-gay” has been proven wrong.
    3 stiffies
  8. From the album: Lean Lads & Defined Dudes

    Paulo the Pugilist is our main attraction with a knock-out face, a kick-ass body and a champion cock.
    3 stiffies
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