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  1. BelAmi Orgasmic Gay Christmas (2016).😈
    6 stiffies
  2. today is Boxing Day, to wit, all of the boys in my lineup have one. the man I think most likely to get molested is Nimi Rabinovich, whom I think would be classed as an otter - too light to be a bear, however very interesting. had a job to take a fare to Clearwater airport, which went all right - unremarkable trip. safe at home regarding my lovely collection of dads and lads. hope you like my selections! a warm welcome to our newest clubmembers πŸ€— https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/43697-quinto-zachary/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/43698-rabinovich-nimrod/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/43699-rademacher-ingo/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/43700-radon-michael/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/43701-radu-ionut/ Colt
    4 stiffies
  3. David Retzlaff by RenΓ© Thomas
    4 stiffies
  4. Is this the scene you're referring to? Technically I shouldn't post these here since it's a not a three-or-more scene. I'm digging the kinky aspect of the scene, but if I were lucky enough to have sex with Devin Franco I wouldn't be shoving any metal device into his cock lol. I'd be too busy using my mouth and hands on his cock.
    3 stiffies
  5. Another classic film, 1984's Heroes. Rydar Hansen, Cole Taylor, Lee Thompson and Matt Sullivan (who in my adolescent mind looked a lot like Jason Bateman). Can't find a sharper image of this still photo (top), even though it was widely used as publicity. Lower photo is, of course, a screenshot. Found some other photos. I also found photos of Cole with Matt and Rydar with Lee. The scene starts with Cole and Matt, then Rydar and Lee watch and jerk-off together. Then the four of them get together for one of the most memorable scenes in gay porn IMO. I didn't download those duo-only photos since we're focusing on "three-or-more." Not much of a resemblance between Matt Sullivan and Jason Bateman, I know; but when you're young and horny and fake nude photos didn't exist you had to make do with what you had when fantasizing.
    3 stiffies
  6. 3 stiffies
  7. Don't know if this will help. While I am on good terms with my family, I have never liked the holiday get togethers. So for almost 30 years, I would drive to the beach for 1-2 weeks and get away from it all. Peace and solitude. It helped that my job has a shut down over Christmas. The past 2 years I am stuck back at home due to Covid, so I had to adjust. No family last year, but this year we did get together. So mostly I am cleaning and organizing things at home. Don't write off you family completely. I had heart surgery in October and my brother came for a month to take care of things. (mainly me). Never expected that from him. But try a vacation, or if nothing else, just go someplace new for new experiences. Take a college class, and make new friends.
    3 stiffies
  8. although i do get along with my family, there are times when i am quite disillusioned. nobody in my family takes me seriously, i don`t get a lot of respect, even though i tried to be as supportive as i can be for them, but i keep trying! 4 months ago, i moved into a rooming house. the people at this rooming house are so supportive and loving that i feel like i am coming home everytime i go out and return to the house. we get along so well, that we actually help one another. if someone has no money and needs food, we share our food with them. all that is ever asked of us is that were put some money in towards food for the house. at least twice a month we cook for the entire house. let me explain: the house is in 2 sections. 4 people rent rooms on the main floor, and 3 people rent rooms in the basement. there is no way to go from upstairs to downstairs within the house. we`d have to go outside, and knock on the door for the basement to make contact with them. i have the phone numbers of several of my housemates, so we can keep in contact, or at times when we forget our keys, they can call someone at home and ask them to unlock the door. it's a wonderful experience to have such wonderful people to share with!! i know this might not be what you are looking for in the way of finding support, but i do have big ears, and have no problem being there for a friend when they need to vent, even if it is just to have someone listen. perhaps you might be inspired to find a rooming house in your area, and find a home filled with loving people who will be there for you. my best advice in this area, is to come back to the same house at different times of the day and talk to as many of the people living there, in hopes of finding a place where love lives!! you can email me through AdonisMale by clicking on the envelope icon next to your username for AM, start typing in the letters for bakersman94, and select it when you see it in a list that will appear in a drop down menu, shoot me an email and i`ll reply a.s.a.p. you do have friends here, and some of them can become part of a new family for you!! with love from Wes!! Hugs!!!
    3 stiffies
  9. Devin Franco is a superstar when it comes to having sex with multiple partners! If he ever did a solo jackoff video it was a waste of his gorgeous body and a waste of his cum. Also loving the contrast between his pale skin and his darker-skinned lovers. What a delight it is to see him getting double penetration.
    3 stiffies
  10. We are just 12 days away from Christmas and all of us here at Men and Underwear are in a festive mood! We have our decorations up, our Christmas music on and our spirits up! So what about one more Christmas-themed little editorial for you all? Brought to you by our very good friend and talented photographer Markus Brehm, the photos you are about to see, feature model Rodolfo Valentino and red trunks by Chulo. In the role of sexy Santa is Rodolfo, who looks great as always. Photographed against a dark background, Brehm presents the model’s physique, the red underwear and props as if they are all in the spotlight. Sit back and enjoy! Credits Photographer: Markus Brehm Model: Rodolfo Valentino Underwear: CHULO
    3 stiffies
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