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Showing content with the most stiffies on 05/04/2021 in all areas

  1. 1. Unknown 2. Pierre Vuala 3. Ramon Pereira 4. Matthew Crawford
    4 stiffies
  2. PHOTOGRAPHER: Blake Yelavich
    3 stiffies
  3. 3 stiffies
  4. Him at the top left: Wow - F**K! Wouldn't mind to sit down! 😋😋😋
    3 stiffies
  5. Nice thick bush on Fabian!
    3 stiffies
  6. Thank you Master Nick - I propose Rinus Jansen and Renato from Italy
    3 stiffies
  7. 3 stiffies
  8. PHOTOGRAPHER: Paul Jamnicky
    3 stiffies
  9. 2 stiffies
  10. May the Fourth be With You! welcome to the first edition of Foxy Laddie, dedicated to several foxy lads called Fox. led by Edward Fox, you would actually have to be here to see him in old movies, dressed impeccably in a three-piece suit and holding his hat in hand, while he says, I'm so sorry to bother you; what do I have to drink to get fucked around here? to which I say NOTHING, although I expect I could lay on some tea and scones. what a cutie! just like all our newest clubmembers, whom I welcome with open arms, etc. https://www.adonismale.com/files/file/27001-fosters-trent/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/34390-fox-christian/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/34391-fox-darren/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/34392-fox-edward/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/34393-fox-eric/ Colt
    2 stiffies
  11. That’s the whole idea! 😈 And lesson learned slave Darren....as I have been telling you, there is no such thing as a vacation from exposure. It’s forever!
    2 stiffies
  12. 2 stiffies
  13. 2 stiffies
  14. 2 stiffies
  15. Dusty Lachowicz
    2 stiffies
  16. 2 stiffies
  17. I agree, the postings were not what they should have been. I would have posted more too but was sick a large part of your time away. So sorry about that. But happy my meager contribution still merits a banner bitch entry. And my choice for the faggot that should be displayed on it is........Darren Pizzi. He definitely needs more exposure.
    2 stiffies
  18. PHOTOGRAPHER: Paul Jamnicky
    2 stiffies
  19. 2 stiffies
  20. Dude: Please send this guy over, pronto!!!!
    2 stiffies
  21. I can see any interaction with Cody involving blasts of love lava or macho gazpacho, all over the place
    2 stiffies
  22. Pergola Coat of arms
    2 stiffies
  23. Rollerskates Ice skates
    2 stiffies
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