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Showing content with the most stiffies on 07/30/2020 in all areas

  1. Unicorn Library
    3 stiffies
  2. PHOTOGRAPHER: Sasha Olsen
    2 stiffies
  3. 2 stiffies
  4. Gives new meaning to "oh, it's on the tip of my tongue," right?! And just how lucky IS that tongue, too!!!
    2 stiffies
  5. Beautiful man ❤️ did you find this photo on any particular website?
    2 stiffies
  6. 2 stiffies
  7. 2 stiffies
  8. From the album: The Graphic Man I

    David White, Centerfold, October 1976
    2 stiffies
  9. 2 stiffies
  10. My favorite Playgirl centerfold! so hot, so sexy, so beautiful, so hairy (just enough) 😍
    2 stiffies
  11. 2 stiffies
  12. 2 stiffies
  13. Lukas Ridgeston, by Rick Day.
    2 stiffies
  14. 2 stiffies
  15. 2 stiffies
  16. 2 stiffies
  17. one has to save something for the privacy of the boudoir!
    2 stiffies
  18. FIRST - get yer minds outta the gutter! remains pure and untouched by human hands if y'all bothered to follow on the twitters (which should be linked on the side ------>) maybe ya might have seen respond to Trent Atkins trent - back in the day trent today trent tweeted something about folks feeling entitled - that they deserve a medal JUST BECAUSE - like in the special olympics having had experience working with the disabled - responded - in part about how the kids in the special olympics actually do know who run the race - which team had the higher score and that they do not appreciate being treated like they do not know because it demeans the win and patronizes those who did not come in first as though their effort really did not matter because EVERYONE is going to get the same medal mr atkins then sent a lengthy direct message and and mr atkins had a very nice conversation none of it was DIRTY and we essentially fully agrred here - in part is what trent had to say: My thought is just that I hate that people are growing up to think they get something just because they are alive and entitled to certain things just because. I certainly am not putting down people who are not able to compete at the level of an Olympian. I’ve shed many tears helping young kids in diving and gymnastics that had disabilities because they were always smiling and happy. They have an energy and capability about themselves and the world around them that is to be admired and learned from. I just wish people would stop the entitlement and do the fucking work that they are capable of. said: the simple rule is that NOBODY is entitled. you might be pretty. you might have skill. but you still must EARN it. we all see those who are famous for being famous. there is just no THERE there. bring SOMETHING to the table. earn it. when just the getting to class is a challenge then the able bodied need to spend at least one day truly trying to go about their business with such a disadvantage. the disabled never wanted a hand out. just a helping hand. they, too, want to EARN it. to which mr atkins responded: "ABSOLUTELY!" then tweeted that one could actually have a long and pleasant and sincere conversation on the twitters and thanked Trent Atkins for the conversation at which trent said "My pleasure" so let this be a lesson to you out there that Twiiter is not all about pictures of your penis THAT belongs on Facebook and congrats to trent's 610 days fully sober
    2 stiffies
  19. 1 stiffie
  20. Beautiful! I would love to be fucked by this pair.
    1 stiffie
  21. 1 stiffie
  22. 1 stiffie
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