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Showing content with the most stiffies on 06/18/2020 in all areas

  1. lunch with the bunch at a forgotten watering hole which appears to be completely back to normal. back here, regarding the collection and the usual problem of choosing a feature. I guess I will go with Chad Martin, who offers the most loving, pound for pound. it must be terrible to have to go through life being so hunkable. anyway - no new clubmembers to welcome 😞 however many thanx for the likes and stiffies left by those who visit. https://www.adonismale.com/files/file/21600-mars-ray/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/25245-marshall-alan/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/25246-marshall-caleb/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/25247-martignago-brandy/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/25248-martin-chad/ Colt
    7 stiffies
  2. Textual Corona memes and jokes They asked the doctor what they give to patients with coronavirus? "Pancakes, and pizza." "And that helps them?" "I don't know, but it fits under the door." Chuck Norris got the coronavirus. He felt sorry for him, so he let him go again. “You have a gap in your CV. What did you do in 2020? ” “I washed my hands.” I was at home yesterday because of a closed pub and chatted with my wife. Pretty nice woman with good opinions. Crazy times we are living in. I used to cough to hide a fart. Now I fart to hide a cough. Coronavirus will not last long because it was made in China. Medical tip: spread chili peppers on your hands. It does nothing against coronavirus, but you will learn damn quickly not to touch your face. In Germany, they are preparing for the crisis by stocking up with sausage and cheese. That's the Wurst Käse scenario. Yesterday two people in robes came to the post office, panic occurred. After a while, it turned out to be an ambush, so we all calmed down. " This is the first time in history that the original is from China and a copy from Milano. Teacher: "Late coming again, reason?" "The was a traffic jam." "But this is an online lecture!" We can defend against coronavirus by eating 16 garlic cloves a day. It won't help, but at least nobody gets near you.
    6 stiffies
  3. This guy is fucking SMOKING HOT to me. I have a thing for guys' bulges in wrestling singlets and spandex anyway, so that is a plus! He has a damn hot body too...and is really cute in a goofy kind of way ;) Love the sneakers too. Overall...a perfect package to me! Let me know what you guys think :) Take care! Jeremy
    2 stiffies
  4. Jake Hollings in a David Vance photo.
    2 stiffies
  5. 2 stiffies
  6. 2 stiffies
  7. 2 stiffies
  8. 2 stiffies
  9. 2 stiffies
  10. David Ortega by Pablo Solano
    2 stiffies
  11. 1 stiffie
  12. That empty faghole sure as hell needs filling with something. In the absence of Dom dick, find a large fruit or vegetable, insert, leave for an hour then consume.
    1 stiffie
  13. Iron Stanly AKA Stas Tikhonov
    1 stiffie
  14. 1 stiffie
  15. Wow I thank you so much Sir Got an instant hard on 😊😊
    1 stiffie
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