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  1. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Monday that existing federal law forbids job discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, a major victory for advocates of gay rights — and a surprising one from an increasingly conservative court. The decision said Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which makes it illegal for employers to discriminate because of a person's sex, among other factors, also covers sexual orientation. It upheld rulings from lower courts that said sexual orientation discrimination was a form of sex discrimination. Across the nation, 21 states have their own laws prohibiting job discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. Seven more provide that protection only to public employees. Those laws remain in force, but Monday's ruling means federal law now provides similar protection for LGBT employees in the rest of the country. Gay rights groups considered the case a highly significant one, even more important than the fight to get the right to marry, because nearly every LGBT adult has or needs a job. They conceded that sexual orientation was not on the minds of anyone in Congress when the civil rights law was passed. But they said when an employer fires a male employee for dating men, but not a female employee who dates men, that violates the law. The ruling was a victory for Gerald Bostock, who was fired from a county job in Georgia after he joined a gay softball team, and the relatives of Donald Zarda, a skydiving instructor who was fired after he told a female client not to worry about being strapped tightly to him during a jump, because he was "100 percent gay." Zarda died before the case reached the Supreme Court. The Trump administration had urged the court to rule that Title VII does not cover cases like those, in a reversal from the position the government took during the Obama administration. "The ordinary meaning of 'sex' is biologically make or female; it does not include sexual orientation," the Justice Department said. "An employer who discriminates against employees in same-sex relationships thus does not violate Title VII as long as it treats men in same-sex relationships the same as women in same-sex relationships." The case came to the Supreme Court that no longer includes Anthony Kennedy, who wrote all of the court's significant gay rights decisions. He was succeeded by Brett Kavanaugh, who is generally more conservative than Kennedy.
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  2. my Covid-19 isolation journal (sent to me by an online friend) Since the start of the stay-at-home order, I have been isolating in my home and trying to avoid public contact. I started a personal journal at the onset, and thought I'd share some of my writings with you today. Day 1. I spent the whole day pondering stupid thoughts like why two plus two always had to equal four. And whatever happened to Richard Simmons? Day 3. Today I added up all the Prime Numbers under one million, but somehow I did a "times zero" factor and ended up with nothing. Day 4. The cats and I decided to hunt down the three crickets living in the garage. We named them Crispy, Crunchy and Tasty. We'll move on to geckos next. Day 6. I get to take the garbage out today. I'm so excited I can't decide what to wear. Day 7. It occurred to me today that I needn't apply my daily sunscreen if I didn't venture outside my house. Day 10. I stayed up all night to see where the sun went. Then it dawned on me. Day 12. I analyzed that age-old question: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Day 13. I spent the whole day today trying to figure out what a woodchuck was. Day 20. Catering to my devious side, I plotted a hostile takeover of Google. I own 2-1/3 shares. Surely that's enough. Maybe not. Day 22. I finally figured out where I could social-distance and be around a lot of people who were always 6 feet away from me. I went to a cemetery. Day 24. Today I lounged in a lawn chaise and got bored. So I decided to count how many grass blades were in a square inch of my lawn. 837. Day 26. I decided to learn a new language. I learned a new Danish term: Häagen Dazs. Tomorrow I'm trying my hand at Spanish. Day 27. Fuh-hee-tuz. Delicious. Day 30. I decided to redo the Food Pyramid to my own liking. Spaghetti-O's got the top spot, but I soon replaced them with Cheetos. Day 31. Strawberries: Some have 210 seeds, some have 235 seeds. Who knew? Day 33. Today, I tried to make Hand Sanitizer. It came out as Jello Shots. Day 35. Went to a new restaurant called "The Kitchen". You have to gather all the ingredients and make your own meal. I have no clue how this place is still in business. Day 36. I put liquor bottles in every room. Tonight, I'm getting all dressed up and going bar hopping. Day 40. I made a new friend and struck up a conversation with a spider today. Seems nice. He's a Web Designer. Day 43. Isolation is hard. I swear my fridge just said, "What the hell do you want now?" Day 50. I realized why dogs get so excited about something moving outside, going for walks or car rides. I think I just barked at a mynah bird. Day 51. If you keep a beer in each hand, you can't accidentally touch your face. Day 52. I was missing the green flash at sunset when the sun disappears over the water, so I decided to make my own green flash. Evidently using a battery charger and a tiki torch isn't quite the same. Day 60. After living through an actual plague, I totally understand why Italian Renaissance paintings are full of naked fat people laying on couches.
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  3. From Suite 703 (Now Richard.XXX) from 2008. Men Hard at Work "Synopsis: It's a holiday weekend and Jasper takes to the gym while everyone is away. Dempsey sees this as a golden opportunity to have his way with that beautiful, blond body he's been lusting after while cleaning up around the showers. Sometimes, it isn't bad to work it on Labor Day." Here is the ZIP download:
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  4. Wyatt Engeman is a young fashion and photography model. He has risen to fame in the later years of the last decade. 2010s have been very successful for him as he managed to get so many gigs with some of the biggest names in the industry not just with photography, but also fashion as well. He has also seen a steady rise in popularity on his social media accounts. Wyatt Engeman is a model for agencies all over the US, but he mostly works in Chicago as well as LA. Photography modeling Saying that Wyatt Engeman had a lot of success in photography would be an understatement. The man is credited as a model in so many artistic shoots, and every one of them is really unique. Some of them even feature puppies, which nobody can resist, not even straight men. He is associated with names like Mike Ruiz, who made the famous photoshoot featuring puppies in 2020. Before that, Wyatt Engeman has been working with Luis Rafael and Michael A Downs. Each of these famous photographers manages to do something completely different with Wyatt Engeman and that's really fun to watch unfold. Brand modeling Apart from being a part of many artistic photoshoots, Wyatt Engeman has also been working with brands to promote their products. His best work, for us at least, is his underwear promotion for Versace. Of course, he has done a lot more than just Versace, but seeing as how big brands like that one are hiring him, you can see the quality in his work. He poses like a pro and he definitely knows what he's doing. You'll get aroused just by watching him promote underwear, and that means that he's doing a great job at it. Social media stardom While Wyatt Engeman isn't exactly a superstar on his social media accounts, he's definitely on the rise on all of them, starting with Instagram and ending with TikTok. On Instagram, Wyatt Engeman boasts a formidable 30,000 followers. You can also follow him on Picuki, which he seems to enjoy using for having an easier time around Instagram. On TikTok, Wyatt Engeman has over a thousand followers and over 10,000 likes. He's also got a twitter that has only a few hundred fans following him on there, but that means you can hope to get some personal communication in on that social media. Fashion modeling Seeing as how Wyatt Engeman is a real stud with his physical attributes, it wasn't long before the fashion industry picked him up to go on the catwalk for them. He has an impeccable jawline, beautiful dreamy blue eyes, blonde hair that he styles to perfection, and not to mention his amazing and very well proportioned body physique. It's easy to see why so many people fall for Wyatt Engeman's looks just by taking a glance at his pecs and abs. He was featured on Fashion TV's SwimWeek, and he also starred in Sauvage: Resort 2019. (AdonisMale Biography added by the website, not by the original poster)
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  5. Celebrating diversity among Gay Community. This Gay of Finland entices you to make love with him. https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=6550d85ac5f77 Sexy men of colorful flavors When I first saw this guy, I thought he was a Vanilla man, but when I saw his profile, he was Latino with Vanilla skin and cock. So, I knew he had several ounces of milk in him and his Chocolate suck buddy could several ounces of brown sugar milk out of him. From the moans and groans he display you can tell he loves to be eaten. And man, I would love eaten his milk and body every day. Take a look. Just press the link below. https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5bfdcc01980c9 and this Brown Sugar man who appears Vanilla, and who loves to get eaten, has his chocolate buddy drain him again. Take a look. Just press the link below. https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5ceb203f1edb2 Deep throat ingredients for Dark Chocolate milk, this vanilla man gets 4 to 5 loads to feed himself and fill his belly. He EATS BBC. Take a look. Just press the link below https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph637a80a643034 __________________________________ Gayoffinland does his Kama Sutra motions and positions. Absolutely HOT 🔥 https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=65e70242013c5 This Vanilla man drains this young Carmel Chocolate man of 10 loads of chocolate milk 🥛. Take a look. Just press the link below: https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph61bf8e8542997 _________________________________ Austin cumming with groaning and moaning with legs jerking. https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=63f5c82f1d23b https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=63f5c82f1d23b Vietnamese guy and his white husband have sex. Milking his Vietnamese husband and fucking his Vietnamese husband. https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph61cbdb9ad7492 This Bi-racial couple of Locky (Vietnamese/Lemon 🍋) man and Josh(Vanilla White/Ginger Strawberry)man made me cry with joy watching them make love to each other. It was so natural and peaceful...looking at Ecstasy on Josh's face made tears fall from my eyes. https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=6427c7ae969b4 Horny Lemon 🍋 Philppino man squeeze out juice from his Lemon. https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph63c2014aed099 Vanilla dick Vanilla man sucks all theChocolatemilk🥛out of the chocolate man's body. Take a look. Just press the link below: https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph613fd93db165d ___________:)_____________________ Gayoffinland, my Vanilla Fudge Boo, decided show me self-love by making love to me. CHECK IT OUT °° You'll Love it!!! https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=64a6c58e1fe52 Chocolate dick This is what is up. Black man feeding his hungry chocolate man his delicious milk. Take a look. Just press the link below. https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph6130091a5e7b8 Bolin Pierce is doing foot fetish jerking off Thang. Take a look. Press the link. https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=65ae1dde8021e Brown Sugar young man gets drained of 4 loads by his Chocolate Daddy. Take a look. Press the link. https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5bfdcc01980c9
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  6. Tomas Brand, real name Håkan Isacsson (born 16 January 1968 in Gävle, Gävleborg County, Sweden) is a Swedish pornographic actor, adult model and escort. The Swedish stud Tomas Brand is a versatile top, and when seeing this guy in action we wouldn’t want him any other way. If there’s an ass in need of a pounding, Tomas is the guy to get the job done.
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  7. From the album: The Graphic Man I

    David White, Centerfold, October 1976
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  8. BIRTHDAY March 31, 1991 BIRTHPLACE Missouri AGE 29 years old BIRTH SIGN Aries Professional bodybuilder and fitness instructor who is known for posting a variety of fitness related content including his diet, routines, and workout tips to his over 70,000 Instagram followers.
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  9. 2 stiffies
  10. Hello. New here too. Just discovered this site today and already enjoying it. Still finding my way about though!
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  11. Both of you are on target with your appropriate responses to the photograph of this very handsome, well-made man!
    2 stiffies
  12. Very nice...thanks 🙂
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