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Showing content with the most stiffies on 02/03/2017 in all areas

  1. I fell in love with him at church camp.we were in the 7th grade and the same cabin. He had light brown curly hair,a gorgeous smile and always laughing.Every year I hoped we would be in the same cabin but never were untill being in the grad cabin. By then he had grown into a tall muscular jock but it was always his smile that got me. The next year we were co consolers and one night we were outside the cabin talking and I so wanted to just kiss him but was afraid to.I think I came pretty close but then I didn't want a scandal to happen in all places. To make a long story short I came out to him five years ago and basically told him how I had felt all these years about him. He was really understanding and said why didn't you tell me sooner and that I had always been a good friend and would do anything for me. I really have a gut feeling he is also gay but he can't admit it. He dosent stay around and talk when he's in town and pops up at events. Almost like he's afraid he might have to open up. He had a high profile running NASCAR so that may be why. I personally told him how great he was and that he needed to find someone to share his life with. I will always carry a torch for him untill the day I die.I have never met any man who has come close to him in all aspects.He is the only one who felt like a soul mate.
    3 stiffies
  2. I agree that the bulge is most likely morphed. His real package during the Brazilian Olympics was much more subdued (which is okay, he's still great-looking man candy who won multiple Olympic golds)
    2 stiffies
  3. By Katia Hetter, CNN A Twitter account run by employees of the U.S. National Park Service in their free team has called out President Trump on a variety of hot topics: climate change, fake news (#FauxNews), and scientific fact (#FauxScience)s. Do you think this is appropriate for a government employee to be doing? Is it okay for them to be doing it on their own free time (versus using the official Park Service twitter account?) Or do you advocate their hard push for scientific facts against an administration that denies climate change?
    1 stiffie
  4. Joshua Delos, who can’t seem to decide on a hair color. The last photo seems to be his natural color.
    1 stiffie
  5. @wolfe What a beautiful and romantic story ! Made me want to tear up inside
    1 stiffie
  6. Ryan Lochte, from the US Olympic swimming team. Unfortunately, he and his teammates never showed any noticeable bulges at the Games, at least during the TV coverage. Lochte was the ringleader of the group of US swimmers who busted up a restroom at a Rio gas station, then tried to cover it up by claiming they’d been robbed there. He even went on the “Today Show” the next morning to be interviewed about it. When the swimmers' cover story began to unravel, he jumped the next flight back to the States, before the Brazilian authorities had enough evidence against them to block them from leaving the country. This left his teammates to face the music with the Brazilian police and courts. A truly class act and real leader, role model, and friend.
    1 stiffie
  7. I know I've said it before, but it's worth repeating: Being hairy chested myself and not always being proud of it, I'm so glad to see that guys with hairy chests can still be a hot commodity!
    1 stiffie
  8. I only swallow my husband's cum... And mine of course, when I was able to suck my own dick... 😁
    1 stiffie
  9. The first pic is Alex Mecum's dick... 😁
    1 stiffie
  10. A movie star, Jake Gyllenhaal, in brokeback mountain....
    1 stiffie
  11. More of his impressive cock from his Twitter.... 😁
    1 stiffie
  12. @Steve Oh! so he is I hadn't noticed because I hadn't got as far as the face. I was distracted by the impressive stiffy - again!
    1 stiffie
  13. Thanks for this discovery! What an awesome hunk, and I'm impressed by the fact that he's a CFO.
    1 stiffie
  14. @Doug Alex is smiling at you.
    1 stiffie
  15. 1 stiffie
  16. Surf’s up! #1: Alex Cypriano; #2: Pornstar Brady Jensen; #3: Bel Ami superstar Kris Evans; #4-6: Unidentified.
    1 stiffie
  17. I dunno ... he looks absolutely threatening in the last photo above and none too friendly in #3-5, or #1 below. But at least he does have a somewhat-forced-looking smile in #2 above and at least a neutral expression in the others, not the frown that seems to be the habitual expression of so many other models. But yes, I’d love to “frölich” with him anytime, too. Here are two more shots of this hunk, both by Dutch photographer Paul van der Linde, who seems to have become the Michael Anthony Downs of North-European male models. Keep ‘em coming (and us, too), Paul!
    1 stiffie
  18. 1 stiffie
  19. Agreed! I'd love to frohlich with him anytime!
    1 stiffie
  20. Kirill Dowidoff and some (very) wildlife, in the service of modeling ES’s “Fierce” collection of underwear and other clothing.
    1 stiffie
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