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Showing content with the most stiffies on 05/01/2016 in all areas

  1. 3 stiffies
  2. Alvaro Casavechia
    1 stiffie
  3. 1 stiffie
  4. Although the following newspaper column concerns workplace cyberbullying of women in general, and its possible role in the suicide of a woman firefighter in particular, the column is also relevant to LGBT employees. In addition to explicit, open verbal slurs and insults in their workplaces, and even physical bullying, some (possibly many) LGBT employees may also be subjected to cyberbullying at work via email, on-line discussion groups, social media, etc. "Was a Va. firefighter humiliated by co-workers online before she killed herself?" https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/was-a-va-firefighter-humiliated-by-co-workers-online-before-she-killed-herself/2016/04/25/c444e426-0af9-11e6-8ab8-9ad050f76d7d_story.html You might think human resources departments and their professional associations would be prepared to at least try to handle cases involving cyberbullying of women, but alas, they're not, except in far too few LGBT-friendly companies. The Society for Human Resources Management, the flagship professional organization for HR workers, reportedly hasn't even updated its training materials on sexual harassment at all since 2008. They haven't addressed cyberbullying yet, so unfortunately, we may be largely on our own.
    1 stiffie
  5. It's very depressing. As intolerant as I think certain subcultures of America still view other classes of people (on a variety of human characteristics: race, sexuality, culture), it's stories like this that remind me how thankful Adam and I are to live in a far more progressive and tolerant society. On another note specific to the article ... homosexuality is criminalized in Bangladesh, but I'm pretty sure murder is too. As tragic as this circumstance is, I hope it serves as a wellspring for greater inclusion in Bangladesh.
    1 stiffie
  6. All aboard. I want to get on his boat
    1 stiffie
  7. Love this guy masturbating with his foot
    1 stiffie
  8. 1 stiffie
  9. 1 stiffie
  10. Hot construction worker. He can work on my job any day
    1 stiffie
  11. Hot soccer uniform. Can all soccer players wear this please?
    1 stiffie
  12. What do you mean it's only been three weeks since my last annual physical? Are you sure? How about if I pay out of pocket?
    1 stiffie
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