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  1. Oh, it would be Rafael Solano from Jane the Virgin. Not because he's a well-developed character or has great line, but because of this...
    1 stiffie
  2. Oh this is such a good article! I used to identify as a heteroromantic bisexual for a long time, but then I realized that sexuality is way too fluid for me to categorize is as just that. For a while I thought I was heteroromantic pansexual, then biromantic homosexual, and now I'm just straight up confused by these labels. I think the important part is for one to realize with themselves what they identify as, whether a term exists or not. I tried to find a term that exists most close to what I felt and that was just falling out to be an impossible task as I realized my sexuality is more complex that a lot of things out there.
    1 stiffie
  3. Here's an interesting article I came across and in some ways I feel like I can relate... Anyone else out there agree? http://mic.com/articles/127096/what-is-a-heteroromantic-bisexual
    1 stiffie
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