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Showing content with the most stiffies on 10/30/2015 in all areas

  1. 1 stiffie
  2. I've been buying vintage Playgirls recently on eBay. I even got a copy of the first issue I ever bought!
    1 stiffie
  3. Hard to go past this fella too..
    1 stiffie
  4. COOL_A!!! So good to see my favorite little sperm again! And Youri!!!!! So amazing see you as well! Sammy and ccc333, it is a pleasure to meet you two! Ok, so I will try to address the questions. I agree with that statement on the sense that not everyone has the opportunities that I did. But at the same time, I confess that I never look at it that way. It is more on the perspective that I am happy now, and it happens that it is not in the place I was born at. But I am happy, and this is what I am focusing on. I work with IT Audit and Consulting. Hey ccc333. I actually spent some time living in HK. I absolutely love your land and I miss it a lot. I miss the amazing view of Victoria Harbor, eating amazing food at Soho, going out at LKF or Wan Chai. Going to the amazing rooftop bars. So much culture, so many amazing things to see. I lived in Kowloon, by Kowloon Tong MTR Station. Oh how I miss the MTR. In Regards to Brazil, I actually get that question a lot. Yes, as a country Brazil is very accepting of gay people. The problem is not Brazil, the problem are the Brazilians. And this also varies a lot, specially in regards to location. The more towards north you get, the least accepting people are. I lived in the north. If I was in Sao Paulo or Rio would be a different story. But even in the families and friend groups, homosexuality is a big taboo, and f you come out,you are doomed to only hang out with other gay people.
    1 stiffie
  5. and finally for the moment - KEVIN LARSON - he's available for a hike if you want him to take you? He "took" me in the pool and I've never been the same since.....
    1 stiffie
  6. And now it's JOEY NEWTON
    1 stiffie
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