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Showing content with the most stiffies on 10/29/2015 in all areas

  1. Hey Everyone, this will probably be a long post, but hang in there. I did not even know where I could write this to be honest. I am Peu. I have been a member of this forum since 2009 and I was a pretty active member. The truth is that this place changed my life. I used to live in Brazil and I come from a very catholic and conservative family and neighborhood. I grew up hearing things like, it is better to have a dead son than a gay son. This forum was my open door to a place where I could communicate with other people like me. And it was of big help. I remember meeting so many amazing people here and I miss the connections I made. People probably don't even remember me to be honest, which is ok. My life turned upside down and I ended up having to leave the forum. But I promise that I never stopped thinking about you guys. These next lines will be about what has happened in the past 5 years, just a summary. I will try to be brief, and you don't need to read. So when I left you guys, I was finishing up law school in Brazil, was closeted and tried to deny my homosexuality (in fact, I was dating a girl). I felt suffocated and depressed. Taking my life was constantly in my head. I needed to get away, and I was aware of that. in 2011 I got an amazing scholarship. Dropped everything and moved to the US. (I had lived here before). Ended up doing four years of undergrad. Those four years were incredible. I made amazing friends, joined a fraternity (was president of it for two whole years), got very involved on campus and very recognized as well. I won a few leadership awards and it was nationally organized by my involvement in different organizations. But my biggest victory on college was accepting who I was. I will go in details on that on another topic, on the coming out section (stay tuned). I have had a boyfriend (did not work out, but its ok) and I have seen other man. I got a job with the company of my dreams and I am loving my life. Last year I got to spend 6 months living in Hong Kong and it was incredible. I look forward to my future now, and this is a great feeling to have. I used to think that I did not had a future. Can someone give me a quick rundown on the forum? How is everyone? Where is everyone? I missed this place. I don't know why it took me so long to come back. I feel like this place gave me so much and then I felt like a terrible person for just disappearing. But tonight I decided to swallow my pride. And I am here again. I love the place and it feels great to be back
    5 stiffies
  2. 2 stiffies
  3. I hope Santas visiting the stores already cause I'm gonna sit on his lap and ask...pr beg for Topher?
    1 stiffie
  4. I can see I'll have to get my letter to Santa off pretty dammed quick...
    1 stiffie
  5. Now that would be quite the wish-cum-true from Santa, to leave Topher DiMaggio under my tree this year!! The other gifts will just have to wait....
    1 stiffie
  6. Agreed, Joel. Some of the guys at the gym wear similar open sleeveless shirts. I enjoy checking out their six packs and nipples. Very hot, indeed!!
    1 stiffie
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