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Showing content with the most stiffies on 10/16/2015 in all areas

  1. who's the fuck hot one at the end with all the chest hair??
    1 stiffie
  2. I wonder where he will put the body cam?
    1 stiffie
  3. 1 stiffie
  4. One of my earlier Colt favorites
    1 stiffie
  5. The following story is a complete work of fiction, a product of the author's imagination. It is solely intended for entertainment purposes only and is not an endorsement for unsafe sex. Please practice safe sex and stay healthy, guys! If you like the story, please let me know by leaving a comment and giving me a "Stiffie" vote. Please enjoy, guys... A special thanks to AdonisMale member Kawika for helping to customize this story for your enjoyment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aloha! If you're thinking I said that with a Midwestern accent, you'd be right. My hometown is actually Chicago, but I'm currently living with my aunt and uncle in Maui while I attend culinary school here in Hawaii. My aspiration is to someday land a master chef position at a five star hotel on one of the islands. And if that doesn't work out, I'll go into business for myself and open my own restaurant. Many friends and family have asked me why Hawaii, and my usual pat answer is that the tourist hotspots are some of the best places for a career as a chef, and I happened to choose Hawaii. What better place than paradise after all?... But the real reason I wanted to come here? Surfers! Hawaii has some of the hottest guys, but it's the surfers that really light my libido! Fortunately for me, I have an aunt and uncle that have done very well for themselves in real estate and just happen to live here. They never had kids of their own, and so I'm kind of like the son they never had. They're really cool, and I've always had a fantastic relationship with them. Officially, I've never told them outright that I'm gay. I never needed to. After all, succeeding in their industry requires an ability to read people and to be very perceptive. One occasion in particular stands out in my memory when we were all out together and my aunt caught me checking out the other guys. No words were ever exchanged, but she turned to see who I was staring at, then turned back to me, smiling approvingly as if to say "He's hot! Good taste, kiddo!" I just smiled back at her sheepishly, acknowledging I'd just been busted. So they've pretty much figured it out for themselves without me ever having to say anything. They know. And they're OK with it, and they've been very accepting. Like I said, they're really cool. Their place is located near Kapalua on the northwest side of the island. It's a large Cape Cod style home on a secluded corner that overlooks the ocean. My favorite part of the house is the backyard. It's beautifully landscaped in native trees, scrubs, and flowers including palms, hibiscus, and plumeria. The centerpiece of the backyard is the large, endless swimming pool and jacuzzi. Whether you're in the pool swimming or just sitting in the jacuzzi, it seriously looks as though the pool is actually part of the ocean! My bedroom opens right onto the patio, just steps away from the pool. Ideal for midnight skinny dips when I'm home alone. In fact, the entire back of the house is one continuous series of curtain-less French doors that can be opened in order to let in the Pacific breeze on beautiful evenings. Last night was one of those evenings. I opened all the patio doors in my room and then went for a swim in the nude. Afterwards I dried off and went straight to bed. Now, as the morning sun was coming up, I awoke in my 300 percale white linens, still naked and nursing one of those rock hard erections that are sometimes left over from a truly deep R.E.M. sleep. I rolled onto my back, and for the next several minutes I laid in bed listening to the ocean and the soft morning breeze as I pondered what I wanted to do today. My aunt and uncle were away on business in San Fransisco, and so I had the house to myself for the whole week. So after contemplating my day's itinerary, I climbed out of bed and started with a relaxing morning skinny dip. Afterwards I went into the house to make myself some breakfast. The kitchen in the house can best be described as a chef's wet dream. Like me, my aunt's passion is cooking, and so she has every high-end knife and cooking utensil known to modern man. Her stove is a large stainless, professional grade gas range which beautifully compliments the granite countertops and recessed ceiling lighting. I seriously doubt any expense was left undone when they remodeled this kitchen! I whipped together an omelette, cleaning up after myself as I cooked, being the rabid clean-as-you-go kind of person that I am. And then after breakfast, I straightened up my room and made my bed, threw on some swim trunks, and grabbed my swim fins, some sun screen and a beach towel. I tossed everything and my boogie board in the back of my uncle's Jeep Wrangler and headed down to the south end of the island, to Makena Beach. Makena Beach is the largest beach on Maui and has the cleanest white sand and deepest turquoise water on the island. It's also host to some of the best skim boarding and body boarding in Maui. This is because of the deceptively strong tides and currents that can make water play here a total workout in and of itself! Just try swimming here along the shoreline. You'll quickly understand what I'm talking about! I took up boogie boarding as soon as I came to Maui. Boogie boarding and body boarding are the same thing but differ from surfing because the board is significantly shorter and body boarding isn't usually intended to be done standing up so its easier to master. Most people ride prone although some guys do ride standing. I'm not one of those guys. Being from the Midwest, I wanted to get up to speed quickly and out onto the waves. Besides, its a fun sport and a great way to meet guys. I pulled up and parked in the first of the two lots at the beach. The sound of the pounding surf in the distance and the fresh morning breeze greeted me as I climbed out of the Jeep and unloaded my board and my gear. I couldn't wait to hit the water! There was plenty of open beach, maybe about a dozen people that I could see soaking up some sun. And there was about half as many guys out on the waves. I jumped in, swam out to the breakers, and spent the next couple of hours practicing my moves, watching the other guys and enjoying the sand, surf, and sun. When I was done, I took my board, fins, and towel and hiked over Pu'u Ola'i, a dome-like cinder cone at the north end of the beach. This hill features a sandy trail that separates Makena Beach from Little Makena. Little Makena is one of the few remaining nude beaches in Hawaii. Nudity is technically illegal, but Little Makena is tucked away and isolated so it's rarely ever enforced here. When I crested the hill, I could see three others soaking up the sun, working on their all-over tans on Little Makena. I walked to the far north end of the beach, far enough away from everyone else and then spread out my towel next to my board and fins. I proceeded to lose the trunks, slapped on some sunscreen and then laid down on my stomach, opting first for some color on my cheeks. The warmth of the sun against my bare ass, the smell of coconut lotion and the sounds of the surf and wind were very soothing and relaxing. I must have drifted off because I woke to the sudden coolness of someone's shadow across my body and the sound of fins and a body board dropping onto the sand right next to mine. I opened my eyes and looked up to see who was blocking my sun. I immediately recognized him as one of the other surfers from the other beach. He had long frizzy blonde hair and reminded me very much of Christopher Atkins from The Blue Lagoon. Although the movie is from the early '80's, I watched it a number of times when I was younger and was quite familiar with the swim scenes, having worn out the pause button on the remote. "Hey", surfer boy said as he caught my eye and smiled. The look on his face seemed to say he knew me from the other beach as well. "Hey", I replied as I watched him strip off his trunks to reveal a very beautiful body. I had watched him earlier from a distance as he surfed, but this close up was much more exciting. This guy obviously spent his off-beach time at the gym. He was very well built with beautiful muscle tone in his arms, legs and chest, and he had a clearly defined set of washboard abs and a barbed wire tattoo around his right bicep. I could see his cock was cut and that he was sporting a full boner (at this point, so was I), and he kept his pubes mostly natural, yet lightly trimmed and neat. But the most interesting thing that caught my eye was at the tip of his erection he had a very shiny captive bead ring. I couldn't help staring. I'd never met anyone with a Prince Albert before...well, at least no one I was aware of. He then slowly stretched, both arms stretching up and out which caused his stiff, pierced penis to stick out even further and caused every muscle in his nicely tanned body to flex! He then bent down, grabbed his board and fins, and walked down to the surf. He turned and smiled at me while slipping on his fins as if he was inviting me to follow. And then he was off, kicking into the waves, past the breakers, leaving his clothes on the beach. I grabbed my board and fins and hastily followed, also leaving everything else behind on the beach. Once I got out a little past the breakers, I spotted him heading north, parallel to the shoreline. I followed for a short distance before he began heading into what looked like a very small secluded cove hidden by rocky outcroppings. Of all the times I'd been out here, I never knew this was here. He pulled into the cove and walked up on the tiny wet sand beach. He then turned and smiled when he saw that I had actually followed him. I continued kicking until I was able to join him in the private cove. "I never knew this was here, dude", I said as I looked around the private beach. "I found it during Spring Break." he replied. "It's only here at low tide, so it'll be under water again in an hour or two." He paused as I continued surveying our surroundings. "Should give us plenty of time!" he added, grinning. I turned and smiled into his beautiful blue eyes for a moment when he said that. Unable to resist my instincts, I leaned in as we kissed, our tongues wrestling for control, our hands exploring each others' bodies, our erect penises wrestling for dominance as we embraced. Before I knew it, he was on his hands and knees, wildly slurping and sucking me with his tongue and lips. He pumped my erection with his right hand while stroking himself with his left. His mouth was all over me, his saliva covering every inch of me, lubricating my dick in preparation for exploring his ass. I kneeled on the sand as he lowered to all fours continuing to orally milk my pubes, then I leaned across the length of his back and began fingering his warm, hungry hole with my middle finger, then added my ring finger. My groin felt the vibrations of his intense, deep moans as I slid in my index finger to join the other two as all three fingers continued to play and massage his hungry void, my other hand caressing his smooth, muscular ass. We made a makeshift bed on the sand out of our boards as I mounted this hot surfer, my arms locked at the elbows, supporting my weight as he eagerly spread his legs wider to take me all the way in. At first, our rhythm was slow and easy, but we gradually increased our pace as I slowly lowered my torso onto him, our tongues again entangled, our lovemaking fire intensifying. As the late morning sun heated our bodies, our sweat caused us to slip and slide against each other as we continued our intense fucking. After a while our rhythm turned to thrusts as the waves began crashing against the rocks around us with the tide coming in. Judging by his breathing and the random shuddering of his chest and ab muscles, I sensed my hot surfer hunk was getting very close. I began grinding my hips harder into his, deliberately flexing my abs and using them to stroke his red hot penis as I thrust deeper and harder into him. Likewise he reciprocated, grinding his dick into my abs as I tightened them. It was such a huge turn on feeling his captive ring slipping and sliding around, in and out between us. His abs spasmed violently, the sounds of ecstasy in his voice as his moans turned to cries of passion, I felt his muscles squeezing around my cock as he surrendered in total orgasm, and with the spewing sensation of his warm, slippery fluid against my abdomen, I could feel the onset of my own powerful orgasm. I closed my eyes and heard the intensifying crashes of the tide slamming against the nearby rocks as I felt my own body spasm and then ejaculate my milky release deep inside him in wave after intoxicating wave! The ocean muffled my loud moans as I continued pumping my thick semen into my blonde lover's ass. With my orgasm now subsiding, I lifted up and slowly opened my eyes and caught him staring and then smiling. I collapsed and fell into his arms, lying there on our newly consummated beach and trying hard to catch my breath. Once we recovered, we headed back fully naked, kicking into the surf as the waves reclaimed our secret hideaway. We stayed at Little Makena for a while longer, working on our all-over tans and getting to know each other. He told me his name is Tristan, and he attends college back on Oahu. He came to Maui by himself for the first week of summer and was staying at a nearby hotel. I felt my hard-on stirring again as I conjured up the courage to ask him to stay with me for the week, to which he graciously accepted. When it was time to leave we got back into our swim trunks and hauled everything back to the Jeep. We then convoyed to his hotel to gather Tristan's belongings and get him checked out. After we returned his rental car back at the airport, I bought us a quick lunch in nearby Kahului. Afterwards, we were on our way back to Kapalua and back to the house. Tristan seemed very impressed with his new accommodations as we pulled up into the circular drive. I helped him with his stuff as we unloaded the Jeep and entered the foyer of the house. "Your aunt and uncle have a really nice place, dude" Tristan remarked as he surveyed his new surroundings. "Thanks," I replied. "By the way", I turned and looked him in the eye, "normally I'd tell you this B&B is clothing-optional, but unfortunately not this week." as I shook my head. "No, this week clothing is not an option. I'm afraid you'll need to surrender your wardrobe to the maitre d' immediately for checking at the front door, sir" I said as I held out my hand expectantly. Tristan grinned as he eagerly complied with the policy change, his pierced penis growing again as he gave me his trunks. I threw them into the foyer closet as I removed my own trunks and threw them in on top of his. I couldn't help staring at this beautiful surfer body, my own penis growing as I looked him over, admiring his hot bicep tattoo. "This way sir, as I show you to your room." I grabbed his largest bags as we proceeded completely naked through the house, toward my room. "Your room, sir" I said in a very butler-like manner as we stepped into my room. The look on Tristan's face was priceless. I'm so glad I made the bed before I left this morning! "Wow! This your room?" he asked. "...and yours for the week" I added, smiling. He looked me in the eye and smiled as he playfully pushed me onto the queen size bed. Laughing, he flung himself across me, our smooth, sun-drenched bodies sliding across each other, as our lips once again found each other, our tongues embracing passionately. Tristan pulled away so he could look me in the eye and ask "You skinny dip in your pool?" "All the time! Totally private" I smiled. "Cool!" he said as he stood, opened one of the doors, took a running jump and cannon-balled into the pool. I followed and jumped in behind him. We spent the next few hours playing, and frolicking in the pool and jacuzzi, pausing every now then for yet another spontaneous make out session of kissing, tonguing, fondling, or sucking. We explored each others' bodies, learning each others' pleasure points. Neither of us wanted the afternoon to end, but as the sun was going down we gave into our hunger instinct and decided to make some dinner. We went into the kitchen, and I had us both put on aprons. Since there are plenty of things in the kitchen that are either hot or sharp, this was the only exception to the no clothing rule. Safety first! Tristan helped me by cutting the vegetables as I cooked, and I couldn't help staring at how cute his ass looked sticking out of his apron! Likewise I couldn't stop thinking about how much I enjoyed fucking it! I confiscated the aprons when dinner was ready and opened a bottle of wine as we sat down to eat at the granite counter in the kitchen. I made a Tuscan Chicken with carrot and asparagus spears, drizzled in a light lemon wine sauce. I thought Tristan was going to lick his plate clean, he liked it so much! For desert, we shared three large scoops of French vanilla ice cream topped with a Kahlua caramel sauce and a mint leaf, served in a single crystal ice cream bowl and two large serving spoons. If the way to a man's heart truly is through his stomach, I definitely won Tristan's heart with that one meal alone. I had so many recipes in my head and the ones tonight were a couple of the easier ones. I couldn't wait to try out some of my more challenging dishes on him! It was so damn sexy sharing desert from the same dish! Because I opted to use large serving spoons, we couldn't help getting a little messy. Tristan got some Kahlua sauce on his chin, and so I leaned forward and cleaned it off for him with my tongue. But I wasn't finished yet. My tongue found its way to his mouth, and once again I found myself sucking on his lips and tongue. He then lifted himself up and sat bare butt on the granite counter top so that his erection was now in my face. I gladly complied with his wishes as I slurped down his cock, all the way to the base. I'd been wanting to suck that dick all day, to try tonguing a pierced cock for the first time! And he tasted and smelled so fucking good! I pumped his cock with my left hand as I began playing with his balls and fingering his ass with my right, my tongue playing with the bead on his captive ring, my lips massaging the head of his penis. He released a deep moan as he slowly laid down on the counter. I climbed up on the granite top, my knees spread across him as I licked and kissed my way up from his groin to his washboard abs, to his granite chest and perfectly large, circular nipples. His hands found and caressed my penis as we once again sucked and slurped on each other's tongues. This was so fucking awesome! Not wanting to make a mess in my aunt's kitchen, I led Tristan by the hand outside into the night by the poolside. I adjusted one of the large, two-person teak chaise lounge chairs into a horizontal position and threw down a couple of towels across the cushions. I put on some soft jazz instrumentals and turned on the outdoor speakers. I went into my room and came out with my favorite bottle of body lube. Tristan was already in the chair, kneeling with his ass in the air, fingering himself. He wanted it again in the worst way! I killed all the lights except the lights in the pool, lit the outdoor candles, and met Tristan on the lounge chair under the plumeria tree. I took the lube and oiled my torso, ass, and cock. Likewise, I slowly oiled Tristan's body, lingering on his ass and then reaching under with both hands to caress his nipples, his two favorite pleasure points. I then reached down and lubricated his penis, taking special care to fondle my willing captive's captive ring. He responded by sitting up and turning his head and torso, submitting with yet another wet kiss. Kneeling behind him, I took Tistan's firm ass in both hands as I spread his cheeks and carefully penetrated him from behind as he lowered back on all fours. He let out a deep, purring moan as I slowly entered him in a doggie style position. At first, our rhythm was slow and deliberate, matching the melody of the soft music that lightly flowed into the backyard, complimenting the sounds of the nearby ocean. As we quickened our pace, Tristan reached down between his legs to play with his erection, his moans beginning to get a little louder, our breathing becoming deeper, our bodies beginning to sweat. I decided I wanted complete control of his cock, and so I rolled us onto our sides in a spooning position. Now I was able to reach around and take over with my right hand as he surrendered his penis to me, and I continued pumping his ass. Tristan now with his hands free began playing with his nipples, his moans turning to soft, subtle cries of pleasure. We stayed in this position for a while until I felt like we were beginning to get close. Not wanting either of us to cum quite yet, I had Tristan roll onto his back as I reentered him, dominating him in a missionary position. We soon regained our rhythm as I continued stroking his dick, sweat now pouring off our bodies. It wasn't much longer before Tristan's breathing became heavier, his body shuddering in light, random jolts. "Dude, you're going to make me cum!" he cried. "I'm so fucking close! You're going to make me spew!" With that I fucked him harder and pumped his dick faster until he cried out in sheer ecstasy. His warm, creamy load splattered against his penis ring, making a pearly-white mess all over himself and my hand as I continued pumping his dick. The musty odor of his cum mixed with our sweat was a huge fucking turn on. I took some of his cum and rubbed it onto my chest and abs as I continued to feel his muscles twitching around my dick, his orgasm continuing to gradually fade. I couldn't hold back any longer. I lost complete control of my body, exhaling in short, deep thrusts, my muscles tightened as my orgasm shot through my body in strong electrical pulses. My penis exploded, painting Tristan's void and flooding his ass with my warm, milky seed. I continued pumping my fluid into my blonde surfer until my orgasm subsided, and regained control. I gently laid down on top of Tristan, catching my breath, a strong floral smell now overcoming the scent of masculine sex as we embraced under the plumeria tree. We both drifted off under a sky full of stars, the illumination of the pool on our glistening, intertwined bodies, bathed in sweat and cum... That was day one. During the next week, Tristan and I kept ourselves busy as I showed him around the island. I managed to borrow a surf board so that Tristan could teach me how to surf, and we returned to Makena Beach almost every morning to do some more body boarding. We hit the grocery store early in the week so I could load up on food for the gourmet meals I intended to prepare for Tristan. He later told me that he ate much better staying with me than he ever would have in a hotel. He offered to pay me, but I refused and thanked him for offering. When we weren't out and about, we were back at the house, playing in the pool, cooking in the kitchen and fucking like bunnies. We also managed to return to our special cove at least three times during the week. I hated seeing Tristan off when the week was out. I helped him with his bags and his board as we loaded them into the Jeep. Then I drove him to the airport and saw him off. He texted me when he got home and invited me to "cum stay" with him on Oahu for July 4, but only if I agreed to cook. I ask if I needed to pack anything. He replied, "Toothbrush, razor, travel clothes. Nothing else ;)". I gladly accepted. Likewise, he accepted my invitation to return to Maui before summer's end to meet my aunt and uncle. "Maybe this time", I joked, "you might get to unpack your bags. LOL". Me Ke Aloha Pumehana
    1 stiffie
  6. Could you help the wounded soldier ?
    1 stiffie
  7. Well he is not in uniform which is better
    1 stiffie
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