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Showing content with the most stiffies on 10/12/2015 in all areas

  1. Tbill, if I was the referee, the rules might be just a little bit different.....
    2 stiffies
  2. @ Sammy MATHEMATCS! Great in math but I bet Spelling was NOT his best subject. :drecul: Sammy, you're up! :wink:
    2 stiffies
  3. Yep, indeed very handsome guy and great, great ass.
    1 stiffie
  4. if I was the ref it would be open season on those abs and tits.
    1 stiffie
  5. Yes, I had it at the "M's" but wanted to give Sammy the chance to champion his favorite subject. :wink:
    1 stiffie
  6. Mac, you think I'd get a penalty thrown if I sucked on these abs and tits?
    1 stiffie
  7. Good taste, Mac. Nice ass on this one
    1 stiffie
  8. I'm converted to football if this guy will play with me.
    1 stiffie
  9. We may not want to take too much meaning from clouds though. :blink:
    1 stiffie
  10. Agreed. But now that they have arrived for us via the internet, I'm not complaining. I don't even know much of his music - a couple of songs. But I find him rather pleasant eye candy. Great post sammy.
    1 stiffie
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