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  1. Thanks, Loran23! It would’ve taken me a long time to find my photos of Dennis Cole. Cole actually went on to become a minor film and TV star, co-starring in the popular TV series “Felony Squad” in the late 1960s. After that, he played only occasional, mostly minor TV and film roles until 1998. I definitely remember his cute face from “Felony Squad”! Here are a few more photos of this cutie, from both his “physique modeling” days (photos #1-3 from “Athletic Modeling Guild,” #4 probably from his “Felony Squad” role, and the others from his later career. He was definitely a boyish-looking stud muffin during his early film and TV days. Even though his time as a major star didn’t last very long, it’s extremely surprising for someone to have succeeded as well as he did in progressing to mainstream Hollywood roles from previously modeling for what were still considered raunchy, borderline-pornographic magazines in the 1960s. Unfortunately, I don’t have any other photos of Jack Burke. For more information on Cole, see his Wikipedia file: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Cole
    4 stiffies
  2. Hunks in jeans
    1 stiffie
  3. Have you ever been cruising a free video site and come across a particularly hot video you wished you could download? Well, now you can. If you're using Chrome you can add a video download app that will allow you to download any video from any site. There are a wide variety of video down loaders and the best part is they are all FREE! To find them just go to "customize and control Google Chrome", "settings" and "extensions". At the bottom of the extensions page click on "get more extensions" and that will take you to the Chrome Store. I should mention that if video down loading isn't your thing there is world full of apps that you might like to check out from almost any topic under sun.
    1 stiffie
  4. Some old time smut for your enjoyment
    1 stiffie
  5. Brian was featured in many Calafran publicaions. He was a special favorite of mine. Brian Idol (whose real name was Brian Arthur Hengel) was born August 31, 1949, in Minneapolis, Minnesota of German/Scandanavian stock. He grew up in northern Idaho where he did mill & farm work during summer vacations from high school. In 1966, right aftergraduation, he headed for Los Angeles, barely arriving at the downtown bus station (the gay equivalent to Schwabb's drugstore) when he was "discovered" by an alert model scout, Darby Summers. Taken immediately to the studio of Bob Carr (whose brief career in physique photography is poorly documented today), Brian agreed to pose, though he later told Bob Mizer that he had thought the physique pix & films Carr showed him were "disgusting." Even so, after being launched on a beefcake career by Carr (who gave him his now-famous nom de pouch), Brian went on to pose for many other studios: besides Carr and Mizer, Bruce and Milo did a considerable amount of work with him. As we see, most of these photos were nudes, and he did films (in & out of the pouch) both for AMG and Bruce--his 'at home' color film for the latter being particularly successful. He stood 5' 11" and even though he looked heftier, usually weighed only 165-170 lbs. Judging from his AMG-symbols chart, he must have commanded nice fees as a hustler, and he eventually got himself into trouble with drugs. By 1968 or so, he escaped total perdition by heading back to Minneapolis, where he worked in electrical engineering. The following year, Bob Mizer reported (in PP) that Brian had licked the drug problem & was eager to get back to LA, but subsequent mentions of him (in 1973 & 1974) don't make it clear if he ever made it. In any case, the photographic work already done on him had already established him as the 'idol' of many all over the world, truly one of the most popular models of his generation.
    1 stiffie
  6. I don't about you but I think I might like this kind of Thanksgiving.
    1 stiffie
  7. I disagree with the description below the picture. The producers of the show made the biggest mistake when they translated the answer from German into English language. The correct answer in German was "Lass es Scheiße regnen" referring to a song by Mission13. The best possible translation would be "Let's raining Shit". Unfortunately, they have used a free translation: MUCK BE IN THE AIR TONIGHT
    1 stiffie
  8. Have you ever had a friend who is always bitching and whining about a rough time they're having? Doesn't that just get a little tiresome?
    1 stiffie
  9. I think you're blushing!!!!?
    1 stiffie
  10. Now there's a cowboy I wouldn't riding off into the sunset with!
    1 stiffie
  11. Love the guy in the second photo giving the tongue.
    1 stiffie
  12. Photo #2 you are right I discovered that comes from this magazine http://www.amazon.com/YOUNG-ADONIS-MAGAZINE-ORIGINAL-EDITION/dp/B0027RR8AO and should be Dennis Cole
    1 stiffie
  13. Freddy57 — Thanks for starting this topic! It’s one of my favorites.
    1 stiffie
  14. Oh shucks, stop it guys
    1 stiffie
  15. so old school. so sexy, thanks for dharing
    1 stiffie
  16. Btw, I always wondered: One can buy 100 tokens for $10.99. How much money do you get of them if you like to get them paid out?
    1 stiffie
  17. Lerner and Loewe, My Fair Lady. "The French don't care what they do actually, as long as they pronounce it properly." Very true, try speaking French as a foreigner in Paris and see what happens!!
    1 stiffie
  18. "It has become a race between computer programmers to make better idiot proof computers and the universe to make better idiots. So far the universe is wining." This is quote I came across a few years back. I'm not sure who the author was but I got kind of chuckle out of it.
    1 stiffie
  19. I absolutely love this collection. You did a great job on this!!
    1 stiffie
  20. 1 stiffie
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