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Showing content with the most stiffies on 05/22/2011 in all areas

  1. That guy is the most clinical, boring sounding person on earth. I'm glad he took his shirt off to show off his seemingly only assets. And the cut aways where he clearly was rehearsing and thinking about what to say next since he doesn't seem like he can have a complete and cogent full train of thought helped nicely to make the video slightly less boring...
    1 stiffie
  2. There was a discussion on this with our politicians not long ago. They're always bleating on about family values, and keeping them safe etc. It was pointed out to them that only 14 percent of people in Australia live in a family unit as described by them. Most people live in a childless or single parent relationship, and 26 percent are single people living alone. It's all a load of shit, this family value thing. It's a phrase to tug at the heartstrings, a bit shallow really.
    1 stiffie
  3. "Every girl should strap a dildo and fuck a man in the arse!" How does that sound?! Almost the same, doesn't it? What a weirdo!
    1 stiffie
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