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  1. Dear Mami: I miss you so much! This morning, Mr. K and I went to your house and on arrival we felt an immense void. However, we began to remember the good times that we shared with you and that feeling slowly began to fade. We remembered the day we went to visit you so that you were the first person to know about our relationship. Wow! That was almost 17 years ago! We were extremely nervous. We remembered that, after a while, you asked us (with that big smile on your face) if we wanted to tell you something. When I began to talk, my voice was trembling. You interrupted me and said, "OK, OK, do not hesitate anymore and tell me at once that you two are a couple." Then you laughed when you saw our surprised faces. You also said: "I wouldn’t be your mother if I didn’t know you. This is the first time in years that I’ve seen you really happy." You gave us a big hug and your blessing. That was one of the happiest days of my life and I thank you for that. I also want to thank you for helping me not feeling guilty for the death of Daddy; for helping me raise my son; for advising me when my relationship with Mr. K staggered and for accepting him as a son. Thanks for making me a real man. Thank you for selecting me and Mr. K to take care of you during the last months of your life. Thanks a lot for saying that I was your best child. Thanks for giving me the honor of having you as a mother, friend and confidant. I know that there must be other mothers like you in the world, but none better than you. I’m afraid that I failed to fulfill the promise I made you about not to mourn your absence on special dates. Today, I cried because you will not be here tomorrow. I’m sorry, mami. Please, pardon me. I would give everything I have so that I could hear you singing once again that song you used to sing to God. Today, and as a gift on Mother's Day, I want dedicate it to you because it reflects the way you raised me up. I love you mami.
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