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Showing content with the most stiffies on 03/15/2011 in all areas

  1. People worldwide watched in horror the explosion at the japanese nuclear power plant. Everybody worries about there would be a reactor meltdown in Japan; immediately, old questions are being asked again about the safety of nuclear energy. According to euronuclear.org, as of Jan 19, 2011 in 30 countries 442 nuclear power plant units with an installed electric net capacity of about 375 GW are in operation and 65 plants with an installed capacity of 63 GW are in 16 countries under construction. Do you live near one of them? Do you still think that nuclear energy is safe and that it is our future and that governments worldwide should continue what they have been doing and build more and more nuclear plants? Can our present technology handle nuclear energy?
    1 stiffie
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