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Showing content with the most stiffies on 02/22/2011 in all areas

  1. Do you have a favourite city you've been to, lived in, or want to go to? Maybe because of the architecture, the gay life, the things to do? Maybe even a worst city? I'm kind of torn because there's a lot of cities a love and a few I wouldn't want to return to. The city I would move to in a heartbeat if the opportunity ever presented itself would have to be Hong Kong. I do love the Hong Kong culture and how woven their past is with Britain while they were an English colony. You can see a lot of remnants of the english colony's past such as the naming of the streets, parks, and places. I love how fast paced the city is and how nearly everything is open 24 hours a day. The downside is that most of the jobs there include 72 hour work weeks... 6 days a week on 12 hour shifts. I can barely do a 35 hour work week, let alone nearly double that! Now the worst city I've been to was probably Washington DC. I just found that once you've done all the museums, there really isn't much to do there. Plus there's so much shady activity going on in the alleys there. Though there were some really nice neighbourhoods I loved there, I was actually kind of happy to be heading home when the time came.
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