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Showing content with the most stiffies on 02/12/2011 in all areas

  1. It's funny that some of you guys have such judgmental attitudes towards users of Grindr. It's kind of like this "it is what it is" sorta deals I suppose. I don't find it as shady as craigslist though but I've actually met a few guys for coffee once that I've met on Grindr and have had a generally positive experience though my profile does state "Not looking for hookups, but it's nice to see who's nearby to chat". That said, about 80% of the guys I've spoken to on there usually ask me for a cock pic or ask me if I'm top or bottom. These is a little photo taking function on there, but the most it's taken a photo of is my pussy...cat, to show some guy my favorite pet kitty :) Perverts aside, a few months ago I was briefly visiting the next town over and while I was waiting for one of my friends to use the bathroom, I popped on Grindr and happened to start a great conversation with a chap who lived nearby. Over the course of the next week, we progressed to texting and talking on the phone. Since then, we usually meet once or twice a week whenever he has a day off and we've actually become great friends (and no, no sex has been involved...yet.)
    1 stiffie
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