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About this blog

My daily message has been converted to blog, so expect announcements through this channel.

Entries in this blog

Sunday - 5th

quiet, grey day in central floorda - it hasn't rained, so I watered my planting bed in front. spent an interesting morning harvesting handsome men off the internet. I think I am going to quit when I hit 5000 models. I have more than I can say grace over now, and my memory isn't what it used to be. a number of new clubmembers - welcome! thank you for the Likes and Stiffies, and hope you like my selections. I have co-features today, as I cannot choose between blonde Ralston Hale and dark Adam Hamm



Saturday - 4th

another day in paradise - went to walmart and still see the lower classes whore-ding everything they can lay hands on. I wish they'd requisition some of my fat! I miss going to the gym - have not yet got desperate enough to do aerobics with the dvds I have. they aren't all that much fun to watch, as they have to have a politically correct male/female ratio of performers. I know I have one somewhere where there are two or three real hunx!! anyway, I have put up the Miscellaneous Male Models H for



Friday - 3rd

working on my picture collection, today's lineup is so good-looking, it is really difficult to choose a favourite - I guess Eiður Guðjohnsen would be the blondest. I have never known anybody from Iceland - remains to be seen if I can stop there on my second bucket trip, assuming enough money for the trip. hope you enjoy. fwiw, we blew past 4400 members today, a big shout out, howdy, and welcome to new clubmembers. don't hesitate to scroll through past postings and leave Likes or Stiffies as you



Thursday - 2nd

lotsa fun today! the news informs us that the entire state is on lockdown, whatever that means. it did not prevent hordes of really low-class people thronging the walmart, and a slightly better class of people thronging Publix. bad person that I am, I only bought what I needed, no TP, no bottled water, no beer, no frozen pizza. back here where it's quiet, I am working on the vacation I hope to have in July and working on my picture collection. today, its led by Cary Grant, star of stage and scre



Wednesday - 1st

no April Fool's jokes, just a nice lineup of tasty gentlemen. I would not be able to choose just one, so I will call it reader's choice. in the mean time, welcome to all new clubmembers, and thank you for the rather small number of Likes and Stiffies. remember, they cost you nothing and can be done six feet apart 😛 https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/23641-godfre-benjamin/ https://www.adonismale.com/files/file/20485-gold-david/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/23647-g



Tuesday - 31st

well, I have found a benefit in all the social upheaval - I saved $20 because the haircuttery was shut. I enjoyed visiting Walmart, where they had no bread and no eggs (at least the item I wanted). and I got to see low-class trashy people carrying off mountains of toilet tissue. oh well, Walmart's loss is Publix gain, as I got what I needed and came home to quietly mind my own business. then comes the postings . . . wow - two inordinately cute blondes and three inordinately cute brunettes. thank



Monday - 30th

quiet day in paradise, sheltering in place. never figured if the mail came and didn't leave me anything or wat. have a nice lineup of models to share. I pick Joe Gere as my feature, as he has many attributes to recommend himself. I have finished the Miscellaneous Male Models G, and appreciate the contributions which have come in to flesh out my collection. I wanted to mark today as the day we hit 4328 members, as it is a lucky number for me, however, for some unknown reason we have fallen back t



Sunday - 29th

a quiet day in paradise, sheltering in place. I was visited by the postal carrier who brought me a new soaker hose for my front planting bed. fyi, it hasn't rained this month, and I was becoming concerned about my newly planted plumbago - darn it, the amaryllis have peaked over, although I still keep getting volunteers popping up here and there. speaking of volunteers, @anubis has been very generous in helping my collection along, for which I give thanx. welcome to all our new clubmembers, and r



Saturday - 28th

quiet day around the ranchero - I did marketing this morning and noted that gas had gone down 10¢ since I filled up and won't need any for a bit. my luck. been working on the picture collection, and have a nice lineup to share, led by Axel Garrett, a hunk lite blonde who seems very fetching. welcome to new clubmembers, and special thanks for the Likes and Stiffies which are bring my numbers back up a bit. hope you like my selection! https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/23562-gant-robert



Thursday - 26th

I am so enjoying the current crisis - went to Walmart for a couple of needs - the first thing that I see in the parking lot, is a white trash couple, with him pushing a cart and pulling her and her cart behind. the first cart was entirely filled with toilet paper and bottled water. I thought to myself - these people must be full of shit! anyway, sheltering here, I am giving y'all a bit of lagniappe, finishing off the F's and Featuring Fabian Fröhlich. btw, a shout out to @Jeffnj and thanx for ad



Wednesday - 25th

another day, sheltering in paradise. nothing much on TV, so I spend time with youtube and my picture collection. todays postings include Jeff Foxworthy, whom I understand does not appeal to every clubmember. regardless, I think he fills out a pair of jeans quite nicely, and he has a terrific moustache. membership is on the rise, and I welcome all new clubmembers. I would like to remind you to make liberal use of Likes and Stiffies; I am falling a bit behind there, and whilst nobody would think o



Tuesday - 24th

a couple of things to share whilst sheltering in place - first is, I know it's unseemly for me to beg or wheedle, however, the Likes and Stiffies are dropping off. y'all who are trapped at home surely have the time to help me out here [yeah, I know, don't call me Shirley]. anyway, today is fire in the foxhole - five foxy models to tit-elate you. for newbies, it may be a moment to remind you that zip files are automatically provided for any model who has >100 images, and other files can be pos



Sunday - 22nd

well, plans for sunday dinner out were torpedoed, so I have a meatloaf in the oven. not much else to tell, I worked on the picture collection and almost, not quite, got sick of looking at Steve Kelso, so I came over here to regard my shining star, Cody Foster. Cody has unfortunately gone to the great meatrack in the sky. he had a lot to give and gave it to a lotta studs! https://www.adonismale.com/files/file/20283-fornea-seth/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/23477-forrest-tomm



Tuesday - 17th

ACHTUNG! if you live in Florida and haven't voted, get out there! you have 2-3/4 hours left! on a lighter note: I hope today's postings will lead you to leave Likes and Stiffies in your way. there is an album of x-rated Saint Patrick related material, and a little lagniappe in the regular posts, as I wanted to finish off the E's. Ezra is especially edible - if only he were within reach! so cute!! https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/23432-saint-patricks-day/ https://www.adonismale.



Saturday - 21st

today would have been my Mother's 100th birthday, and the big celebration we had planned, has been cancelled because of fear of contamination. so I said a little prayer when I got up the second time, and hallelujah, I have packed off all the family memorabilia to my baby brother, for him and his family to wade through. I came back humming Hooray for Hollywood, as I have a couple of luminaries from which, and at least one from West Hollywood. very talented gents. I am torn between the satiny buns



Monday - 16th

just another day in paradise! I found something I knew I had and could not lay hands on, so its a plus. am pre-packing for my little trip this week; was underwhelmed when I went to check out the car rent place and the guy took about 15 minutes to find my reservation. however, I learned a couple of things, and all I have to do is learn how to plug my mp3 player into the car and awawego. or as we say back home Oswego! hope you like my selections today, and thank you for the likes and stiffies



Wednesday - 18th

Wednesday's the day for lunch with the bunch. no lives were lost; I suppose the crypt keepers are disappointed. I came back and started my Miscellaneous Male Models F album, and to remind anyone who has been in a coma, this means from 2 - 9 images for a model, looking to get more from you, my loyal clubmembers. btw, thank you for the Likes and Stiffies - a very low cost way of propping up my fragile ego. also welcome to new clubmembers! we had a bit of a plateau for a while, however, the dam has



Wednesday - 11th

Wednesday means lunch with the lunch bunch, and the place where we often go has the most amazing onion rings. I am still full and suppertime is here. wish I had a blonde bunny to snack on, however, today's teddy bear is a brunette called Tony Dressler. what a lad! thanks for the Likes and Stiffies, we are still on top, and our clubmembership continues to grow. 🤩 https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/23318-douglas-chad/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/23320-dow-tony/ ht



Sunday - 15th

I think I am experiencing hunk apnea - I just cannot get my breath after today's lineup of majestic models. they might not see themselves in such a light, however one is in awe - they are awesome!! my feature has to be James Ellis, a cutie of the first water. I want to give you Distant Early Warning: Wednesday will be the last day of regular posts for a week. my dear Mamá would have been 100 on Saturday, and against all reason, I am driving back to New York for a memorial service. please try to



Saturday - 14th

Happy π Day, one and all. to relate my day, I did marketing as per usual. I didn't have any trouble finding a parking space, and the first intimation of trouble was walking into the supermarket - there were scarcely any grocery carts (buggies to Brits)! before I could process this, I entered the main part of the store - the front end was awash with people! wow!! I made my way back to produce and got my two small salads for dinner tonight and tomorrow, and went to check out - what a mess! the per



Sunday - 8th

well I finally got all the clocks re-set, now to work on the cocks in my collection. let's see - three dads and two lads - ach, decisions, decisions - guess I have to feature Devlin as the premiere blonde of this or any other century. I gaze on his lovely buns each time I visit the bathroom. I imagine them slathered in devonshire clotted cream and strawberry jam, preparatory to some other jamming 😛 it must be terrible to be so good looking. well, I can say that about any of my posts. these are t



Friday - 13th

oh me - Friday the 13th - actually not too bad a day. I was notified that I was going to get some life insurance money after being told no/yes/no/yes/no - finally they broke the barrier. so wee shall see. I did the Miscellaneous Male Models E, and I noticed there were 33 images, down from 43 the last time. that means that some models got more exposure and got their own album. if you see anybody you know or like, you can help out with my collection 😛 today's feature fella is Aaron Eckhart who rad



Thursday - 12th

okay, an interesting day - did my marketing, went to the clinic about my shoulder, saw my cute little checker at the supermarket. nice boy, but too skinny for my tastes. however, I did see a customer who was much more tasty 🤩 and so I am home to do my postings. what a terrible dilemma, which one would I most like to roll around with? Alan Duncan has the most interesting moustache as well as other accoutrements, so he's my pick of the day. https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/23336-duffe



Tuesday - 10th

yet more of the bloody scanning - only ameliorated by finding pix of my favourite uncle, who was so cute in his salad days. long before I came out, so you understand this is ancient history. I have a nice lineup of models to share with you led by one Trevor Donovan, a blonde cutie of the first rank. I get a knot in the pit of my tongue when I think of him. if wishes were horses . . . https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/23310-domino/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/23311-d



Monday - 9th

an odd day - I am so well and truly sick of scanning memorabilia that it's enough to gag a maggot so I turn to the lads - what a lineup! I must feature Terry Dixon, who is so cute that I have to pause, run into the front room and cuddle my teddy bear until I stop hyperventilating. hope you like them. thanks for the Likes and Stiffies - you know they don't cost you anything, and welcome to our new clubmembers. I am pleased to see we are back on a growth curve! https://www.adonismale.com/gal



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