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Sunday - 29th



a quiet day in paradise, sheltering in place. I was visited by the postal carrier who brought me a new soaker hose for my front planting bed. fyi, it hasn't rained this month, and I was becoming concerned about my newly planted plumbago - darn it, the amaryllis have peaked over, although I still keep getting volunteers popping up here and there. speaking of volunteers, @anubis has been very generous in helping my collection along, for which I give thanx. welcome to all our new clubmembers, and remember, members, Likes and Stiffies are most welcome, don't cost anything, and give me a warm glow. speaking of glowing, I am totally unable to choose one of the five models I have posted for you to regard. they are all beyond the valley of the cute, some young and muscular, others mature and soigné. so it's readers choice today.







Stefan01.jpg Stefan03.jpg Stefan05.jpg Stefan07.jpg Tyler001.jpg Tyler003.jpg Tyler005.jpg Tyler007.jpg Carsten001.jpg Carsten003.jpg Carsten005.jpg Carsten007.jpg John01.jpg John03.jpg John05.jpg John07.jpg Simon001.png Simon003.jpg Simon005.jpg Simon007.jpg
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