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Thursday - 21st



I feel like I could burst into song, however, am confused to which title! I have a lineup of supernal models, and the last two are giving me fits: Patrick le Blanc is relatively new to my stable, and I find him hot hot 🌶️ someone has written that he should be in pictures (nasty pictures) and I do so agree. on the other hand, I have my old faithful Tom le Duc, a hunk and a half who can easily cause a conniption. both are blonde and blue-eyed, with all the usual accoutrements. the only saving grace is, there are not here to demand that I choose one first over the other 🙂 clubmembership is steaming along, and I offer greetings to our newbies. hope my offerings are pleasing. you can indicate your approval by clicking Likes and Stiffies by each image, and know that your approbation is gratefully appreciated.







Karl01.jpg Karl03.jpg Karl05.jpg Karl07.jpg Kayne001.jpg Kayne003.jpg Kayne005.jpg Kayne007.jpg Marko001.jpg Marko003.jpg Marko005.jpg Marko007.jpg Patrick003.jpg Patrick005.jpg Patrick007.jpg Patrick009.jpg Tom001.jpg Tom003.jpg Tom005.jpg Tom007.jpg
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