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as a special treat to my clubmembers, I am NOT going to write the entire post on Esperanto. the reason for bringing up this topic: it was a category on Jeopardy! and I got all five clues, despite not knowing any Esperanto nothing surprising to report - my home health aide changed my bandages and I went to physical therapy. my feature for today is the ever wonderful, ever beautiful George Dana. the first time ever I saw his butt . . I was in love. hope you enjoy my selections. Colt
From the album: da Harsh, Ryan
From the album: da Harsh, Ryan
From the album: da Harsh, Ryan
From the album: da Harsh, Ryan
From the album: da Harsh, Ryan
From the album: da Harsh, Ryan
From the album: da Harsh, Ryan
From the album: da Harsh, Ryan
From the album: da Harsh, Ryan
From the album: da Harsh, Ryan
From the album: da Harsh, Ryan
From the album: da Harsh, Ryan
From the album: da Harsh, Ryan
From the album: da Harsh, Ryan
From the album: da Harsh, Ryan
From the album: da Harsh, Ryan
From the album: da Harsh, Ryan
From the album: da Harsh, Ryan
From the album: da Harsh, Ryan
From the album: da Harsh, Ryan
From the album: da Harsh, Ryan
From the album: da Harsh, Ryan
From the album: da Harsh, Ryan
From the album: da Harsh, Ryan