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My daily message has been converted to blog, so expect announcements through this channel.

Entries in this blog

Monday - 27th

where did this month go? I think today is the last physical therapy unless it is extended. I have to wait till 21st August 2020 to have my other shoulder injected, and will discuss operating on my right. I can't even say I should have taken better care of myself, as I do not know of any defence against bone spurs. well, that's my sad story. my happy story is a lineup of fine lads for your delight. I think Justin Nikola would get the brass ring if choosing someone with which to roll around. man,



Sunday - 26th

I have bad news to impart: this day is dragging like nobody's business. I was shocked to see it's only noon - I've had lunch, and no prospects for entertainment this afternoon. no, I tell a lie, there is supposed to be some stuff on PBS, so long as its not presented by that drippy Lucy Worsley. what a hag, and I mean that in the worst possible sense. thankfully, we have some really nice looking men to perv over. I am going to mention Mike Nichols, not the cutest stud to come along, but certainly



Saturday - 25th

this has been a good day, after all the complaints I've lodged. had a pretty good night's sleep and woke up to a mash note from @techman whic cheered me no end! I had a data project to occupy me, so not much on the photo collection. gad - what an array of male loveliness - how to pick one. I know, first come, first cum! I think I will feature Paul Newman, with his blue eyes and blonde butt. hope you like. we have been acquiring a few new clubmembers, to whom I say Welcome, and, of course, thanks



Friday - 24th

another week down the gurgler! high hopes for a good night/weekend, as I got my shoulder shot up today. wish me luck. same with el cute-o real, which applies to each model I've posted. funnily enough, my feature is Trevor Neubauer who is so good-looking, it just makes me want to irk. I was going to say I hadn't seen any worthwhile males, however, there was a new cashier at Publix who has possibilities. for now, welcomes to our new clubmembers. I was just that chuffed that @JoelR gave our little



Thursday - 23rd

a day conspicuous for nothingness - I slept far later than usual, ran out to marketing, then had a sort of brunch, a PBJ in the mid-morning. worked on administration and the picture collection. so hard to choose a feature; I want a blonde, however, find Rick Nelson beyond the pale of cuteness. I wish he had not died so young, before I could express my love and admiration in a really personal way in the mean time, welcome to our newest clubmembers, and many thanx to those who afforded me Likes &



Wednesday - 22nd

this must be quick today - I have to rush off to the bank and visit my money (my few savings). have a nice lineup of lively males, led, I guess by Dave Nelson, who, IMHO, is cuter than the law allows. with a purty peter, also. not much else to report; we have new clubmembers to welcome, and my thanks go to all who afforded me Likes & Stiffies on posts-to-date. L8R! https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/26533-neighbors-andrew/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/26535-neilse



Tuesday - 21st

not the best day of my life; did not sleep well - had a nice interchange with a new clubmember in Naples FL, poor thing. it is hot and muggy, and I am lighting candles to the air conditioning gods. I have a nice lineup of models for y'all to view; cannot make up my mind, so it's viewer's choice. every man has lots to recommend him. if only they would drop by and visit - I have a delicious coffee cake in the freezer, just in case of company in the mean time, keep those cards, letters, Likes &am



Monday - 20th

I wonder wonder who, 1) who wrote the book of love, and 2) where did the day go. did not sleep well, and am leaving for errands and physical therapy quite quickly. my featured fella is a vintage vamp called Joe Napoli. he has an enchantingly smirky smile and a butt of aristocratic proportions. wow. a clubmember wrote in that, he was unaware Joe was vintage, having acquired a picture postcard in Amsterdam within tme of recent memory. well, they everything old is new again, and Joe never ages in h



Sunday - 19th

v. quiet at the ranchero today - how great it would be to have a stampede of horny hunks to take my mind off boredom. I can feel a nap in the offing, alone and without a peter to play with. for a feature, Landon Mycles seems like my kind of guy (ready and willing) so I will go with that. btw, if you are in Florida, plan to vote on 18th August 2020 or sooner if you have a mail ballot. I know I have. biz: our clubmembership has plateaued again, and I am depending upon you all to recommend us to yo



Saturday - 18th

another day, another devalued dollar! I hope I don't jinx things by saying that I have been sleeping better sans shoulder pain. my physical therapist is quite nice (for a woman). I have been pinning hopes on winning Lotto to engage a live-in personal trainer, preferably one who looks a lot like Alex Munsch. his images are so dreamy, I do wonder if there is some sort of digital enhancement. whatever. as long as said trainer is majestic, male, and muscular, as well as prone to cuddling. how we do



Friday - 17th

huh! Friday already!! guess the stuff I had planned for tomorrow must roll over to Monday. aaanyway, the afternoon news is: I am getting ready to roll out for physical therapy, and wanted to share the boys in the bund with you. todays models each have something strong to recommend them, however my choice is John Moulder-Brown, of which only 1 in 5000 of you have ever heard! he is a british character actor who was cuter than pink shit in his salad days, and exceedingly fetching in upper crust (am



Thursday - 16th

it's something of a bore to sit around and wait for something to happen, and that's about all I have! got a couple of nice notes from clubmembers, helping me to correct the collection - today, I think I will feature William R Moses, a veteran character actor and blonde, who was Perry Mason's sidekick, amanuensis (other than Della Street) and doofus who got in a number of pickles. none were as lurid as in the book I just finished wherein the two bad boys were meeting with two gangsters, their two



Wednesday - 15th

not the most successful day of my life - I am uncertain if I got any sleep at all, with my shoulder paining. had a lovely lunch with friends and neighbors, a quick trip to the library, and off to physical therapy. that was not an undiluted joy, as my right arm hurt so bad I succumbed to temptation and took a few pain pills. there was a bit of cheer, a phone call from my dear old friend in PDX - we always find something of interest - talked for 1½ hours! somewhere in getting ready to post, I came



Tuesday - 14th

Allons enfants de la Patrie, Le jour de gloire est arrivé! gee - only 28 years ago, I retired, however unwillingly, and embarked on a journey that took me all over Africa and Europe. now home in rainy/sunny floorda, I look back on my adventures and wonder WTF all these cute guys were. I do remember an encounter in South Africa and the lesbyterians who were my hosts were frantic that I not get any . . . amusement. now I'm home, never more to roam, and thinking about my picture collection which I



Monday - 13th

I guess Friday the 13th comes on Monday this month! I did not have what might be described as a successful night, and I'm a little groggy, even now. I worked on the collection, which is always uplifting, and got a lineup of models for your delectation. although not blonde, John Morano is a dreamboat, especially with all the express deliverymen coming through the park. wish he were mine. I have visions of relieving his package of quite a lot of loving - mmm - I'm getting excited just thinking abo



Sunday - 12th

another day in paradise! I'm going out to eat and to pick up neighbors at the airport, so I will get air, whilst leaving the boys to you all. I think my fave is Sir Roger Moore, although we have never seen any nude photos. he is alleged to have said, he didn't think the Queen would appreciate seeing his posterior. one never knows! I see we have a couple of new clubmembers, and I say, Welcome. also, thank you for the Likes & Stiffies - we were lagging behind there for a while. enjoy the rest



Saturday - 11th

to give you an idea of how my life goes, I was napping on the sofa when waked up by a clap of thunder. okay, I get up and purpose to make a cup of instant coffee. come out here to see if the computer missed me. after a season, I decide to check on the teakettle, and find I forgot to snap the burner on. seems like a lot of life is like that these days. thankfully, I have my club and my collection to keep me warm. got a great tip from @JackFTwist for a couple new models, and I always appreciate hi



Friday - 10th

on this day, in different years, Nikola Tesla and my brother were born, so a task for today was to call Phill and wish him a happy birthday. I think Tesla is dead and besides I don't speak Italian. not a lot else to report. sitting here regarding my collection. oh, I have to make sure to mention that I finished the Miscellaneous Male Models M, and find I have reduced the file about 28% from previously. I still would dearly love to get tips and contributions on these models who are in that Miscel



Thursday - 9th

geez - I am sitting here yawning and I have done nothing, zero, zip, zilch, squat. I have just not felt motivated to do anything or anybody. that might change if Rod Mitchell dragged his big ol' dick around to my door, however, chances of that happening are about the same as hitting Lotto tonight (haven't bought a ticket). did a little work on the collection, and mostly loafed. before I forget again, thanks go to @Will for contributions to the club, and as always, greeting to our new clubmbmers.



Wednesday - 8th

a quick trip to the airport this morning, stopping at Alessi for some taste treats, and coming home to find that everybody had weenied about lunch, citing the health scare. ah me, well I got my kicks on Route 66, visiting every sleazy motel I could drag Marty Milner into. hated to give him up to the ministrations of Kent Mc Cord; that's life. oh, I almost forgot, an item of cheer, I got a new video of my other blonde idol, Chase Hunter. looking forward to having him in bed, unfortunately, not wi



Tuesday - 7th

where did the day go? I guess I did marketing and got a haircut . . . was there a nap in there? anyway, to the boys in the bund. again, excessively handsome gents for your delectation. Quinn Miller is awful cute, however too many clothes get in the way of the few pix. Terry Miller is awfully hunky - very attractive. we are again on the rise in clubmembership, and I rejoice to welcome newbies. and thank everyone for the Likes & Stiffies, which pay my psychic rent. guess that's all for now . .



Monday - 6th

as I sat down to do today's posts, I feared a real problem in choosing my feature. until I looked over the lot and saw that blonde Michael Miller was there in his striped boxers, batting his baby blues seductively. well, at least in my dreams. we seem to have a family reunion of Millers, and I hope you enjoy all of them. welcome to our newest clubmembers, and thanks be to those who left Likes & Stiffies, although we only came in 3rd today [snif] well, as Scarlett says, tomorrow is not today,



Sunday - 5th

just another day in paradise! I did my boy scout good deed for the day; I didn't mention yesterday that my elderly friend sounded terrible on the phone, as if she could not find breath to speak. I worried about her all the day and night, and called again this morning, to find her in much better spirits. I'll try not to break an arm, patting myself on the back. on the boy band again, I have a nice selection for you - every man is superb, however I choose Tamas Miklos as my feature, owing to his u



Saturday - 4th

Happy Birthday USA; also my dear friend Jane turned 98, not quite as superannuated as our nation - I have a selection of studs for you to regard. as is often the case, I am torn between the hunkiness of Stephen Michaels and the studliness of West Michaels. I guess it's a blessing I don't have to choose who to do first 😛 welcome to our newest clubmembers; under the album for West Michaels, I have explained some of my procedures; of course, as always, I give thanks for the Likes & Stiffies whi



Friday - 3rd

at the risk of being repetitious and tiresome, may I say that nothing happened today, save that I did not get a decent night's sleep. now I feel guilty of overusing the emoji, as all of today's models are something to behold. I guess I will feature Perry Merlotti, only because he has such great arms, I would pee to have them wrapped around mee. other than that - the big noise will be going to get the mail, as email has informed me that my printer ink has arrived. I have to figure out how to sto



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