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AIDS Benefit Reggae Concert Cancelled

Guest brokenbeat

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Guest brokenbeat

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http://www.villagevoice.com/blogs/powerpla...ives/002729.php (Read this one for history)



Basically, there was scheduled to be an Aids Benefit Concert featuring reggae singers, but two Reggae Singers, T.O.K and Beenie Man were scheduled to preform. The problem is that these two singers sung anti gay lyrics, such as killing and burning gays and lesbians, and hanging them to die. Thanks to backlash and gay bloggers, YAY US BLOGGERS, the two singers were told not to perform, but then, the concert got canceled due to "possibilty of violence" which wasn't really the whole purpose of the protesting.



But anyways, I'm glad they stopped them from singing, i mean when i was younger I had to sit through a car ride listening to reggae music playing about shooting people because they were gay. And its about time someone stepped up to this. I'm tired of homophobes in Jamaica treating gay people as if they were the abomination of earth when they weren't bothering anyone.


“If Beenie Man and T.O.K. were really the monsters the protesters portray them to be, their music careers would’ve ended long ago and they would’ve been locked up long ago.� [/b]

Uh you forgot to mention that Jamaica is full of homophobes and they are so bent up in anti-gay that they wouldn't care less if they see a gay person dead. Of course their music careers didn't end. DUH.

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