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The Adventures of Rex: The Work Medical Exam (Part One)



Readers: This is where it all began almost 20 years ago.  Rex Davenport , a successful London business man is off to the doctor’s office.This medical based tale is a great way to get to know Rex. If you have read my work before, thank you! If not, please enjoy! The amount of Rex tales is vast and covers much ground. Feel from to contact me. DJXXX




The Adventures of Rex: The Work Medical Exam (Part One)

Rex Davenport left the company office early today in his favourite suit. Rex looked
very stunning in his dark blue suit and brown loafers as he strode down the
busy London streets to catch the local bus to ride a few blocks south. The dashing
mature 50 year-old darted nimbly through the crowded sidewalks as if he
were still a mere youth. He was due at the medical building at 5:30 for his
insurance medical exam. His company has just been put on a yet another new
health plan and it was his turn to visit the doctor for his physical exam
in order to get the right coverage. Rex got in to the medical building and
ran up the stairs to the proper waiting room. An attractive older man was
waiting there at the desk. The older male receptionist was about 60 and had
just that frosting of grey hair that looks so attractive.

Rex was greeted warmly and asked to fill in a question sheet about his
health so far. The older man watched him and found him highly pleasing to
the eye. Rex knew he was being watched and loved it!

"When Doctor Martin is ready, he will come and bring you in for your
exam. You are his last tonight," said the older gentleman receptionist.

"Fine!" said Rex.

"The doctor and I have worked together for many years now and I often
assist in his exams," said the handsome older fellow with a wink.

Rex was pleased. He enjoyed being seen and loved to show off.

Doctor Martin strode into the room and Rex stood up.

The doctor was a balding, heavy set man also in his 60's and very
distinguished looking. "Come with me," he said in a deep, sexy voice.

Rex followed and the receptionist came behind him.

The doctor sat Rex down in the inner rooms, closed the door and introduced
himself and the receptionist. Bernie and Doctor Martin made a perfectly
sexy couple and Rex was thrilled to be examined by this manly team.

"This will be a full exam and very personal. Hope that's ok?" said Doctor

"Fine. Shall I undress?" asked Rex.

"Yes," exclaimed both men at once.

Rex slipped off his loafers first. His moist dress socks clung to his
feet. Rex was eager to be nude before these two hungry onlookers. Bernie
prepared the exam table and instruments while Rex slowly stripped off his
suit coat and slid it onto a nearby chair. Next he stood and undid his tie
and placed it with the now growing pile of clothing in the chair. Bernie
laughed and moved forward and folded the coat and tie neatly for Rex.

"That's my Bernie! Always a fuss pot!" the doctor shared with a grin.

Bernie next assisted Rex in the undoing two final buttons of his blue dress
shirt, folded it and put it away followed by Rex's suit trousers which
Bernie nearly grabbed in excitement. Rex stood before the two gents in his
tight black bikini underwear and his gold-toe black socks.

"You seem to be in excellent health and you look very fit for your 50
years," the doctor said as he began with his stethoscope upon Rex's chest
and back. Rex breathed deeply and the doctor moved the stethoscope about
and smiled.

"Fine! Just as I thought. You are very fit. Now lie up on the table and let
me examine your body more carefully," Doctor Martin purred in his deep

Rex complied quickly and lay back on the comfortable exam table whilst
Doctor Martin began to feel his vital organs in and around his furry,
slender mid-section.

Bernie stood taking notes for the doctor at the base of the table by Rex's
socked feet. Bernie being a very good assistant was very in tune with his
role and between notes managed to gently reach down and caress Rex's silky
socked foot, gently moving up his hairy calf with his warm finger tips. Rex
felt a rise in his bikini pouch as the doctor pronounced him as sound as a

"Now let's see. You seem healthy in every way so far. Is everything in
working order in the bedroom area of your life?" the doctor asked in a warm

Rex smiled and said, "I seem to make far too much pre-cum when I am
aroused. It streams out and gets rather messy."

Bernie exclaimed, " Oh, dear! The Doctor and I had a man in here recently
who complained he did not make enough pre-cum. How much is too much?"

"Good point, Bernie! All men need a healthy amount but I would need to see
what you mean by too much," the doctor explained with a warm smile.

Rex, eager to show them both, gently slid his bikini briefs down his furry
legs where Bernie then gently slid them over his toes and onto the clothing
pile in the chair.

Rex's uncut cock lay rigid against his furry tummy and a pool of pre-cum
oozed out of the nearly visible slit partly concealed by his ample

"This needs a much closer look, Bernie. Get my examination gloves so that I
may begin to explore the extent of the problem here in this region," the
doctor said as he waved his hand over Rex's manly tool.

Rex looked up at both men and smiled saying, "I really am VERY open to any
therapy you have to offer."

To be Continued...

Comments always welcome!!!  [email protected] or here at adonismale!!! 
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