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On Relaxation



There's a lot of negativity right now in the world, from market crashes and joblessness to heartbreaking stories of personal tragedy.  

It's important to distance yourself between what's truly impacting your day to day life, and what's happening to the world at large.  One way to do that is to step away from the non-stop negativity by simply relaxing.  This can be 3 minutes of deep breathing at work or 30 minutes of peaceful meditation at home. 

My neighbor invited me to do that with them last night, and while I initially scoffed at the idea, I couldn't help but feel better afterwards.  They burned some scented oils and played gentle ambient music in the background.  And while we still talked and laughed (and yes, gossiped) about the neighborhood, I couldn't help but feel infinitely more relaxed and calmer.  (Lots of laughter with good friends helps a lot too!).    

Your brain's ability to process, analyze, and is intertwined with your body's health.  Your body needs to recharge, which is why a good night's sleep is foundational to your waking hours.  But taking the time during the day to put yourself in a deep, meditative state can help your entire body recharge itself by relaxing the muscles, removing the tensions, and allowing your brain to freeflow with positive thoughts.  

 I wish everyone well during these times!  


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Very sound recommendations.

Exercise has many of the same beneficial effects as meditation does.  In addition, if you spend a lot of time following news about the pandemic or politics, including on social media, it's very important to limit your time doing that.

I also recommend:

  • Spending some time on AM every day, especially on the "What Made You Last Today," "Helpful Signs," and "Cartoon Game" topics.
  • A regular happy hour with your favorite beverage every day (alcoholic or non-).  And remember:  It's always happy hour somewhere in the world! 
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These recommendations are extremely helpful.

13 hours ago, JackFTwist said:

In addition, if you spend a lot of time following news about the pandemic or politics, including on social media, it's very important to limit your time doing that.

My recommendation is that it is sufficient to get up to date once in the morning or in the mid morning. Avoid to watch news short before bedtime. The reason is easily explained. The last thought before we fall asleep is usually the first thought when we wake up. So let's just think of something nice or positive. Your sleep will be calmer and more relaxing. 

A warm relaxing bath or even a shower bath will make us feel better. Just imagine that the water washes away everything we worry about. 

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Great suggestions. Herbal tea is also part of my relaxation toolboxMy favorite is Celestial Seasonings Chamomile with Honey and Vanilla. Passion Flower is an excellent anti-anxiety remedy. 

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4 hours ago, Howdy1970 said:

Great suggestions. Herbal tea is also part of my relaxation toolboxMy favorite is Celestial Seasonings Chamomile with Honey and Vanilla. Passion Flower is an excellent anti-anxiety remedy. 

Mmm that sounds wonderfully relaxing!!  

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