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About this blog

My daily message has been converted to blog, so expect announcements through this channel.

Entries in this blog

Friday - 12th

a big shout-out to @Nokomis who is celebrating a birthday today. I was a good boy and attended the gym, no matter that both arms and shoulders were paining. I stuck it out to the end, and now am fantasizing about sticking it to the gentlemen in my line-up, each of which has something stellar to offer. unfortunately, I am constrained to choose Scott Manley as we have had 60+ years together with him and his blonde hairy thighs. what a lad! welcome to our newest clubmembers, and a reminder to each



Thursday - 11th

unremarkable day - did some marketing and saw the lower classes toting off huge packages of bottled water and toilet paper. some people never give up! here at home, I had been looking forward to sharing the fruits of my research. I have discovered animated gifs, and I have discovered Joe Manganiello, heretofore unaware of his charms. unfortunately, when I went to share them with the club, we ran into size restrictions. apparently his images, if not his personal equipment, was too big for the pla



Wednesday - 10th

more speed bumps in the road of life: today is the lunch bunch - I won't name the national chain restaurant - anyway the service was so disorganized, as to be pathetic. the manager apologized, saying the regular crew refused recall as they enjoyed unemployment. that was a shock! anyway, to get to the boys in the bund - I have a delectable lineup, and I wanted to pæan Elliott Malone as my feature, however, have not the energy to try to rewrite a song and suggest that I could love him like the roc



Tuesday - 9th

I guess there are speed bumps in the return to normalcy - went to orifice depot to find that, for my convenience, they no longer open at 8 am, but at 9 am. I called about getting a haircut, and they hung up on me, suggesting they will open at 11 am instead of 9 am. what fun! at least I got a fare to take to trampa airport, which is of cheer. since I am going nowhere, I am going to have to look into migrating to my new computer, which I don't wanadoo. in the mean time, I have a nice lineup of lad



Monday - 8th

the excitement is intense! my calendar says I have an event to look forward to: putting out the trash. otherwise, we are having typical floorda weather, on-and-off rain. we never complain about the rain, though, it is much better than wildfires. I have a nice lineup for you today, led by Claude Maguire. he is such a cutie, it makes me want to irk. I could nibble him all over, even on the beach - you can spit out the sand - and go from there. new clubmembers to welcome, and thanks be to those who



Sunday - 7th

quiet morning; and looking forward quite quickly to Sunday dinner out with a schoolmate from back home. better than being surrounded by an annoying array of cuties, led by Guy Madison. just the sight of him makes my tongue hurt. what a man!! have added to Miscellaneous Male Models M, and still looking to flesh out albums for these guys. also, requesting help in recruiting new clubmembers. you should tell your buddy lists of the amazing resources available in adonismale.com and in our club. thank



Saturday - 6th

I really am losing my marbles - had to run by the post orifice and had it in mind to go to the library, which I appear to have forgotten. well, I will take it up after this missive. I would not know how to select one model over the others, so it will be readers choice today. our membership is growing a little more slowly than it had, so I am depending upon you all to tell your buddy lists about SonOfPicJim, and I thank you for the Likes and Stiffies afforded. https://www.adonismale.com/gall



Friday - 5th

a day of new beginnings! my summer vacation is well and truly dead, so I will continue to entertain the club, as best I can. gym day and I re-connected with my gym-hag, so that was cheering. unfortunately, back here at home, I have nothing to entertain me except the computer. ok - will forge ahead. I have started an album for Miscellaneous Male Models M with just a few images featuring a fuzzy blonde butt belonging to someone called Mac. how I wish I could get more pix of this young man! a proce



Thursday - 4th

living in floorda is such fun - one minute it's raining, the next, the hot sun is steaming up everything - good job I don't have enough hair to frizz up. have a soupçon of studs for you to regards, in a variety of styles. my feature is Steve Lundquist, a swimmer of note. would you believe I did not know he was at SMU when I could have molested him 😛 membership is plateau-ing, so your assistance in recommending us to your buddy lists would be appreciated. also, many thanks for the Likes and Stiff



Wednesday - 3rd

today would be a great day for something to happen! as an exceptionally good boy, I went to the gym this morning, and it has left me headachy and sore in various places. I have a lineup of lads to share with you, led by Lucas Loyola, who is quite enchanting. a big shout out to our newest members. please remember to tell your buddy lists about SonOfPicJim and thank you for the Likes and Stiffies you have awarded. https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24605-lowe-sean/ https://www.adon



Tuesday - 2nd

well, some interest today - went to the library and the gym, so things are beginning to normalize. tomorrow, back to the gym, and I must prepare my workout bag. nothing in it other than a knee bandage, taken as a blind. if I have it, I will not need it, however if I don't take it . . . back here at home, today's lineup is entirely new models for me, and so hard to decide which I like best. you choose. in the mean time, welcome to new clubmembers, and thank you for the Likes and Stiffies awarded.



Monday - 1st

just got news that our library has re-opened with some limitations, so I will be visiting tomorrow. other than that, no looting nor burning. I would have liked to loot the Cheesecake Factory, but it went out of business, so I guess I will still be on my diet. new newyear's resolution, I am going to exercise sheltering at home, starting quite soon, just trying to get a little muscle tone I realize I will never look like the boyz/menn I share with you; I would like to at least appear dignified. a



Sunday - 31st

another day around the ranch with the boys [sigh] my imagination runs rampant with all this male muscularity and magnficence! the featured fella for today is Kris Lord, who, oddly enough would never get ordered by me out of the boyfriend book based on text alone. however he has given a great deal of fun to a great number of fundaments, and I have video proof. smatter of fact, I think I will go hunting him and Danny Summers relaxing by the pool 🤩 a reminder that I need assistance in locating more



Saturday - 30th

marketing day - walmart did not have any bleach (not in desperate need) nor the margarine I like - losers - I got most of my yayas out bitching to my hag in Dallas, so will turn to more pleasant topics. toothsome males I guess I choose Tony Lombardy, one of a couple of brunettes in the world who could make me give up blondes. this man has a butt, and he appears to know how to use it thanks to all clubmembers who awarded Likes and Stiffies, and here's hoping that long your stiffies wave! h



Friday - 29th

the attack of the Loftins: Aaron the cute, Jack the naughty, and Mike the boy next door! I should not have favourites, however, Aaron is far and away able to blow me far and away. what a cute boy! hoping you all are well and in-the-pink, I thank everyone who has awarded Likes and Stiffies, the feedback I cherish most. also am pleased that we are starting to have little notes and quips, and I must recognize @JackFTwist for helping so much in getting names str8tened out (Jack Mc Farlane would say



Thursday - 28th

another day, another devalued dollar! the gods are bowling in Valhalla, however the sun is full out and no rain seems imminent. whatever. I'm here surrounded by beautiful boys, lovely lads, and macho males, which suits me down to the ground. I have finished Miscellaneous Male Models L, and again give thanx to the clubmembers who submitted images for the first couple of passes. one hates to be thought a size queen, however I really enjoy lots of pix of my models. LOTS. the feature for today is a



Wednesday - 27th

lunch with the park pack and back regarding the boyz. a little lagniappe today, as I want to clear out a folder. I got a little news from On High - @JoelR otherwise known as the Great Adonis, has announced a change in the way our members arrive - from now on out, it is necessary to ask to be in our club, so, as a favour, I want to ask you to recommend Sonof PicJim to everyone on your buddy lists, so we can keep up momentum. all members who have been added are most warmly welcomed, and thanks mus



Tuesday - 26th

just another day in paradise! I have a project, trying to get all the playgirl models into a database. keeps me out of the pool halls. major upset in trying to choose a model to feature - they all are lovely. guess I will go with Brian Lewis. it sounds wretched to say, however I found out that a man I have been chasing for years, has been laid off from his job. I said I sure could make room here for him. this man is a walking, talking teddy bear. and literate, too - we can watch Jeopardy togethe



Monday - 25th

today is Memorial Day (observed) and my thanx go out to all who have served their country. unfortunately, for us old retired folks, one day is much like the last/next, and there hasn't been any excitement around here, except for getting a little rain, and I emphasize a little. before I describe todays posts, I wanted to impart some philosophy about how my collection works. the collection is ever evolving, so what I have posted today and what was deleted from eight or nine months ago, is not exac



Sunday - 24th

quiet day - I had a brief rest after breakfast and woke up thinking it was Saturday; I was about up to the corner when I realized that, if I had read the Sunday paper, it must be Sunday. to not waste gas, I visited our local Dollar Store, which has been completely reconfigured to not be so terribly cluttered, and got my naughty secret (Smarties) and a few birthday cards. us old folks like being remembered. also looking forward to Sunday dinner out with some friends. I just had a flash of intuiti



Saturday - 23rd

if things are going so well, why do I feel so bleagh? I got a refund on part of my non-vacation and promise of the rest in three days to three weeks. funny how arrogant people can get when they have hold of your money. so I am back at home, regarding 3000 of the best looking men in the universe. I have a new interest; I have changed my screen saver from cuddly animals to males cavorting in a state of undress unto nudity. cheers the office up no end! if requested, I will share my folder of wallpa



Friday - 22nd

I can't believe its Friday again! the only excitement came when a neighbor called with a transportation emergency and I got to feel useful for a few minutes. ah, me. looking at me lads, and they all have something special that recommends them. when Colby le Febvre was last posted, there were some snarky comments about him having too much bathing suit on. ja, I understand. I always like to get men out of that hot clothing and into compromising situations 🥰 in the mean time, have a look at my line



Thursday - 21st

I feel like I could burst into song, however, am confused to which title! I have a lineup of supernal models, and the last two are giving me fits: Patrick le Blanc is relatively new to my stable, and I find him hot hot 🌶️ someone has written that he should be in pictures (nasty pictures) and I do so agree. on the other hand, I have my old faithful Tom le Duc, a hunk and a half who can easily cause a conniption. both are blonde and blue-eyed, with all the usual accoutrements. the only saving grac



Wednesday - 20th

had fun today. it was lunch bunch, and we were exposed to new rules: apparently I arrived first, and was informed that I could not sit in the lobby and wait. okay. so I went out and leant on the car until another couple showed up. we went in, to a perfectly empty restaurant, and were told that there would be a ten minute wait. and that we could not wait in the lobby. at that exact moment, the other couple appeared, and we were again told we could not be seated nor could we wait in the lobby. tha



Tuesday - 19th

hallelujah, we are on the road to recovery - this morning, I see by the corner store that gas has jumped up another 3¢. big wip. am gonna check with the gym about resumption of our silver sneaking, and not much else to report. I am just here, working on the picture collection and avoiding getting back to scanning. what a chore! anyway, the boyz - I have made some additions to Miscellaneous Male Models L and find that some of our clubmembers actually read what I write! @anubis has been gracious t



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