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Cut or Uncut ?


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  • 1 year later...
On 7/5/2020 at 2:37 PM, Vegsdealer said:

Was a 7 month baby, 3 lbs 3ozs and 14 inches long at birth so I escaped the knife. So glad I never got cut like my older brothers. First off, imo cut cocks are so much more sensitive  than cut ones and really feel sorry for guys who are because they lost a lot of sensitivity and they will never know how much better it is. (Mostly str8 guys, gay guys know)  

Blog below  is trying to change the world on cutting, not mine.       



Actually, that's a common myth, but a number of studies show no decrease in sensitivity. I worked as a physician in a urology clinic for 15 years (though trained in FP). We had to perform a number of circumcisions on adults for medical indications. Not once did the adult say the sex was less pleasurable after circumcision. Here's one of the studies, for anyone who's interested:


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  • 3 weeks later...

BELATEDLY IN 2022.....Cut or Uncut

Seems strange that males take sides on whether they have foreskins on their cocks or NOT.

An age-old statement referencing cleanilness and God got lost along the way when it became a religious ritual to circumcise the penises of male infants.  Yes, cleanliness is a fact of life for humans.  If you do not bathe or shower, there will be consequences when other people stay some distance away from you and you develop body sores!  Practicing body hygiene is expected in our civilization.

The original purpose of the foreskin was to protect the Glanz (head) from injury or becoming desensitized thereby reducing the ease of semen ejaculation from which procreation occurs.  If a male infant grows up having been circumcised, he will never be aware of the increased sensitivity of his cock head had he have lived all his days with a foreskin attached.

America overwhelmingly adopted the "snip-it bandwagon" in the early 20th century and has never retreated significantly.  Once hospitals becane the birthing centers for Amerians instead of the home, the "snip it" society took hold.  A male infant today will most often be circumcised shortly after birth and never have any input into being left natural.  (It should be pointed out that many regions of the world do not widely practice circumcision.)

Persons who prefer cocks without foreskins have their preferences as do the males who still have their natural state since birth.


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In FOLLOW UP................I heartily DISAGREE with the medical experts who did not experience issues with having premature ejaculation.  When I first married at age 26, I kept ejaculating  prematurely and disappointing my wife!  I then learned that I needed to keep my foreskin pull back over my cock head to let the ring of the head become less sensitive.  THAT DID THE TRICK....I slowed down and we had a wonderful sex life until she became an Alzheimer's patient.

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Satisfaction is limited to one's experiences.  You cannot experience something that was removed from your original state at birth.

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7 hours ago, BiDaddyDave said:

Satisfaction is limited to one's experiences.  You cannot experience something that was removed from your original state at birth.

That being said, studies of men whose foreskin was removed as adults showed no decrease in sensitivity. 

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I do not agree with the studies.  I can agree that by keeping my foreskin pulled back and desensitizing the rim of my glanz that my cock became less sensitive and I no longer ejaculated prematurely and my wife and I could orgasm together.

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4 hours ago, BiDaddyDave said:

I do not agree with the studies.  I can agree that by keeping my foreskin pulled back and desensitizing the rim of my glanz that my cock became less sensitive and I no longer ejaculated prematurely and my wife and I could orgasm together.

One cannot "disagree" with a study. The findings are what they are. You can say that your personal experience didn't coincide with the study's results. But a study simply gathers factual data. As I said, I worked in a urology clinic and in no case did I encounter a patient who noticed a decrease in sensitivity after adult circumcision. One can only speculate as to why your experience was different. This reminds me of people like Djokovic who "disagree" with multiple scientific studies which show that the benefits of the Covid-19 vaccinations far exceed the risks. I suppose one could refuse to believe the studies, but one would simply be factually wrong. One can disagree as to whether one prefers Burgundy or Bordeaux wine, but one cannot "disagree" with factual data. 

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Your super herbs and vegetables play an important role in your extension of your cock and multiple ejaculation times. Here are some of the foods and herbs responsible for your sexual prowess.

1. Broccoli

2. Pau D'Arco

3. Gota Kola

4. Calliflower

5. Siberian Ginseng

6. Apples

7. Arugula

8. Bananas

9. Yams

10. Cat's Claw

11. Saw Palmetto 

12. Kale

13. Beets

14. Oysters

15. Lemons

16. Fo-Ti

17. Eel

18. Octopus

19. Green Beans

20. Choy

And many others I will mentioned later are contributors in having a great sex and improved life.



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  • Stiffie 2
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  • 2 weeks later...

Great to see so many uncut guys on here. I am circumcised, have never been with an uncut guy before but have always wanted to, it looks hot and docking really turns me on. In the end tho a dick is a dick and I won't say no either way. I like both

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  • Stiffie 1
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IF you have been without a foreskin since infancy, you have never experienced what it feels like to have a foreskin retracted and the head of your cock subjected to the level of excitement it will have.

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On 2/14/2022 at 6:38 PM, BiDaddyDave said:

IF you have been without a foreskin since infancy, you have never experienced what it feels like to have a foreskin retracted and the head of your cock subjected to the level of excitement it will have.

True, but men who've been circumcised as adults do have such experience. And as many feel the sexual experience improves as those who feel the sexual experience worsens (and most notice no significant change). 

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This is not a diversified topic.....it is a matter of taste ....and I am not and have not looked an uncut or cut cock and told the person or man that I could have sex with him.....I don't about that....I care if that cock can spill milk from it and lots of milk to give me 32 ounces of protein.....hahaha.....lol......hahaha...and does the cock take 30 minutes to spill or 5 minutes....and does it fit in my mouth comfortably..........everything else...cut or uncut to me is insignificant.


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What difference does it make?  Just as long as you can enjoy one another, and have full function.

Like SIZE!  If you have a good time with whom you are with, the size is really not relevant.

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Just now, zippy said:

What difference does it make?  Just as long as you can enjoy one another, and have full function.

Like SIZE!  If you have a good time with whom you are with, the size is really not relevant.

Right on. I never got the size thing. If you know how to use it, that’s what matters 

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The fads of civilization are especially noted in the fact that the USA was taken over by the "Snippet Society" when hospitals became the preferred place for birthing. In the days when the home dominated, circumcision was mostly a religious rite.

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The point here is that when it comes to the sexual contact issue, the cut or uncut situation should not be a subject of discriminations.  If the man has an clean, operational organ and is functional and is attractive to you, why is this an issue?  Unless the cutting was done for a medical reason that he had to resolve at some later point, then  religious reasons or   parental decisions made at his birth or later (for whatever reasons) controlled the state of his member.  Why discriminate  over something he had no control over in the first place?  Such is true of the uncut male, who is, was after all,  naturally born that way and left  intact. I am uncut.  I must add that the first moment during a sexual act when the foreskin is retracted is a moment of extreme excitement that can be compared to climax, when done digitally, by tongue, or any manipulation.  Can even happen inside my underwear if the foreskin peels  back as the head is quite sensitive....that's what the foreskin protects (sensitivity).  I tell you....even at my older age, it's hot.

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