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Ben Dudman


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On 3/10/2020 at 8:25 AM, Steve said:

Ben Dudman &  Vince Azzopardi 


Ben Dudman &  Vince Azzopardi (1).jpg Ben Dudman &  Vince Azzopardi (2).jpg Ben Dudman &  Vince Azzopardi (3).jpg Ben Dudman &  Vince Azzopardi (4).jpg Ben Dudman &  Vince Azzopardi (5).jpg Ben Dudman &  Vince Azzopardi (6).jpg Ben Dudman &  Vince Azzopardi (7).jpg

Another shot of Dudman and Azzopardi.

On 11/29/2019 at 11:49 AM, Greggers said:



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He’s a straight model creating sexy content for gay men without shame or fear of being judged. His is an inclusive and accepting world, where masculinity exists without boundaries.

DNA: How did you get into physique modelling?

Ben Dudman: I’d been competing in men’s physique competitions for three years and after my final show in 2018, I did a few fitness photo shoots. I started getting interest from underwear and swimwear brands and photographers with offers to work with them and it’s just gone from there.

We see a lot of images of you getting sexy with other hot guys but you aren’t gay, correct?

I’m not, I’m afraid. I’m very comfortable in myself and have like-minded friends who I work with. We are all comfortable with each other and always want to provide great content.

What made you decide to create these homoerotic images?

Demand. I like providing great quality content for fans and brands and, well, sex sells, I guess.

When did you first realise you were attractive to other men?

 [Laughs] When my inbox on social media kept getting full up every day! I appreciate the love from all.

 What do you your fans tell you about what turns them on?

A lot of people are into different things and I try to cater for all. No one person’s fetish or desire is wrong. I’m blessed in that I can have my body hairy or smooth. Again, it’s hard to please all. If I shave, it takes a couple of months to grow back, but I like that as it gives my content different depths and different looks.

Your fans want to see you get more intimate with other men – do you feel any pressure to go to “the next level”?

 I used to but not anymore. I hate letting people down but there are lots of guys out there going “the next level” so they should check them out if that’s what you desire. I think everyone needs to stay in their own lane and stay at their own level and just be true to themselves.

Gay for pay” is not new, but some gay men are uncomfortable with it. They feel it’s exploitative. What do you say to that?

No one is making anyone look at anything they don’t want to look at or pay for anything they don’t want. What someone chooses to look at or pay for is down to them. A picture is worth a thousand words but, at the end of the day, it’s just a picture. People need to chill out. I work with gay and straight men; to me, they are my friends and work colleagues. Their sexual orientation is never a factor. You could have sex with men or women or trees for all I care. It doesn’t bother me and isn’t any of my business. I actually got hate the other day from someone saying it was wrong for me to be advertising and working for gay underwear brands because I’m not gay, which is absolutely ludicrous. Basically, this insinuates that each sexual orientation should stick to working for and wearing their own clothing brands. There should be equal rights for all – not just for the parts that people choose.

Who re your favourite scene partners?

People think it’s as simple as standing next to someone and pulling faces. It isn’t. You need to shoot with someone who has a similar body type to you, hair colour, body shape, height and everything otherwise the picture looks odd. It’s important to have good chemistry on set. I get booked with, and work a lot with, Vince Azzopardi because we get on great and know what works for one another. I’ve been doing lots with Sean Pratt lately. He’s a good contrast to me with his tattoos but mainly I get on with them both and it often doesn’t even feel like work. We have such a laugh and are comfortable being around each other doing whatever and bouncing ideas back and forth to get the shots.

Do you find being photographed or videoed a turn-on?

I hate to destroy everyone’s fantasy but it’s not like that on set. Everyone thinks it’s one big orgy but it’s just work. It’s more fun than a turn-on. I’m the biggest joker. If you watch any behind-the-scenes work I’m constantly playing pranks and sticking my dick in guy’s ears!

You must have had some real-life gay sex experiences?

I haven’t!

Do you do live performances?

Yes, on OnlyFans and Skype.

Looking at these Andy Chou shots, Vince is clearly the top in your relationship!

Ha! They were some extremely homoerotic shots. Vince is on the same wavelength as me. We travel around loads and constantly keep each other working and wanting to get more. Sadly, coronavirus has meant we’ve had to cancel four trips we had booked and a lot of photoshoots.

You get semi-hard in some of your videos and shoots with other men; on a scale of one to ten, how gay are you?

[Laughs] You’re just like my fans… you keep pushing!

What about the arse play with dildos – you enjoy that, right? It’s not just for tips?

There’s a G-spot in there for a reason!

You offer your butt very generously on OnlyFans – is that something you enjoy in your private life?

 Who doesn’t like being rimmed?

 Are the images you make specifically for a gay male audience or do straight women enjoy them, too?

Straight women appreciate them as well, but I’d like to think I make content for all. Even within the gay audience there are different demands. What might be good for one person won’t necessarily work for another.

Some lesbians enjoy gay male porn, do you get any feedback from them?

I have a lot of women on my OnlyFans, as well as men, and they love it.

 You’ve put yourself unashamedly into the public domain – do you fear being judged?

At the end of the day people should just worry about themselves and what they do and not judge others. There’s a lot of hate that goes around about me and all the guys and girls I work with, which is pretty disgusting and they should be ashamed of themselves. People are going to judge and you’re never going to please everyone. That’s just life, unfortunately.

What do you think the concept of “masculinity” means in 2020?

Being masculine use to mean having muscles or being “hard”. I don’t think there is a definition of what masculinity is any more. I say, why try and fit into categories? Create your own. Break away from the norm.

 How do you define your profession? Model, entertainer, porn star…?

Technically I’m a model in some way, shape or form. “Jack of all trades” is a good one, or adult entertainer, I guess.

You’re the subject of many people’s fantasies. Would you like to share any of yours?

Oh, I like that and appreciate it. I’ve pretty much fulfilled all of my fantasies. I’ve led a very adventurous life. It’s pretty boring but my fantasies now are more about living out life goals as opposed to bedroom ones.


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