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When is the last time...


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You two must know everything about each other by this point!

Last time I had ice cream was a week ago when I took my niece and nephew to the carnival.  They had funnel cake topped with ice cream, Oreo crumbles, whipped cream, and chocolate sauce.  It was immenselu decadent and delicious! 

When was the last time you had a fried egg? 

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10 hours ago, Administrator said:

You two must know everything about each other by this point!


I have a gap in my knowledge.

No idea what Youri had for breakfast Thursday 16th March 2017.


It would be many months since I've had a fried egg.


When is the last time you ate fish?

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3 hours ago, Cool_a said:


No idea what Youri had for breakfast Thursday 16th March 2017.


Some croissants, an assortment of jams, bacon and eggs, fresh squeezed orange juice, fresh fruit, pancakes, french toast, coffee and champagne.  You know, like always... tiny-smileys-yesemoticons-023.gif


3 hours ago, Cool_a said:

When is the last time you ate fish?

A week ago.  Baked haddock.


When is the last time you hugged someone?

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  • 2 weeks later...
9 hours ago, Kawika said:

When was the last time you mailed someone a post card? 

I mailed several while I was on vacation in August 2014.

On only one did I tell the truth that I was having a miserable time.

When I returned to my home town and confessed to a recipient of one of the "having wonderful time" cards that I actually hadn't had a good time, she was very angry with me.  "So what else have you been lying to me about?  Is our entire friendship based on lies?"

I no longer speak to her.

When was the last time you chose to put an end to a friendship?

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several months ago, actually. let me start my saying, when i am in a crowd, and make friends with some of the people, i did it because i liked they way the came across. the same goes at the gym. but every once in a while there are people you see on a daily basis, that you really have no interest in making friends with them, for whatever reason!! this new guy started coming to the gym, and eventually, either planned by him or it was something that was destined to be, i cannot say. we ended up next to each other doing different exercises. he started talking to me, and i had no problem answering him, but that was as far as i was willing to go, to be sociable. we never actually introduced ourselves to one another, but he always managed to get his pleasantries in. then one day, i saw him doing preacher curls when i was finishing up my bodyweight type exercises in the studio where bodyweight exercises were performed. i stuck my head out to offer my pleasantries, but he got real huffy about talking while trying to do an exercise that was way outside his abilities!! it was at the moment that i decided it wasn't worth it to continue exchanging pleasantries with him, and for several times i avoided being anywhere near him when he was at the gym. for several months he would come in, do his workout, that made no sense to me, because it looked more like he was there to have somewhere to go, rather that actually working out. then one day he started sharing pleasantries in a limited fashion, and i replied back with the same reserve!! after about 2 or 3 more visits to the gym, by this guy, he stopped coming altogether. i think he realized he had handled that encounter at the preacher curl machine rather badly and didn`t know how to rectify the situation. i didn`t really care as i was never interested in making friends with him in the first place. 

this was one of those cases where, if i don't like you, there isn`t anything you can do to change my mind!! LOLOL!!!

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Last week

I usually sleep 5 to 6 hours by day (or night), but it happens often that I sleep less. 


When was the last time you kissed a stranger? 

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I guess that occasion hasn’t occurred. At least not anytime “special”.


When was the last time you watched your favourite series?

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Saturday, i watched an Ancient ALiens marathon on the history channel!!

when is the last time you got piss assed drunk?

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If that someone is not me, never. 

If it is me, last week. It's necessary since I'm kind of a public person. 


When was the last time you had a digital detox day*? 

*(A hole day without computer, tablet, smartphone,...) 

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17 hours ago, Tomster said:

A hole day

What sort of day? 😳🍆🍑😂

I think I never intentionally had a detox day but I guess it just happens when I am on vacation or doing other stuff. I think I never completely go without smartphone as I use it for checking time, alarm and such. 

When is the last time you logged into your Facebook account?

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