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  1. Past hour
  2. TommyBoy2

    I met your son last night 🫵

    Of THESE twins, it’s #2 for me 👍
  3. KeithLucas

    Bratty Little Brothers

    Now, how about some "little brothers" for all those big-dicked studs in my "Stud Finder" album to play with?
  4. KeithLucas

    Stud Finder

    Miscellaneous guys, some familiar and some not, some "full frontal" and some not, but all of them studly!
  5. TommyBoy2

    Cup of Joe

  6. TommyBoy2

    Room with a View

  7. Vistafan69

    A Day at the Beach

  8. cute-naked-guys

    cute nude bed dudes

    because men in birthday suit have always been handsome, cute nude bed dudes
  9. Vistafan69

    Men In Motion: Hot Videos of HOT Men

    Logan Stevens tumblr_s6un202oQr1a7sb6i_720.mp4
  10. Vistafan69

    Give Me a Kiss

  11. Vistafan69

    Selfie Studs

    Alfred Liebl Oliver Marks
  12. Brucex

    What made you laugh today?

    Bob regretted wearing his 'Huggett's Hygienic Open Gusset' bathing suit. The Phanton Rimmer of Roanoke beach had struck again!
  13. Dunegay

    The feet

  14. handybiman

    Focus on the Cock

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