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Blip's Specail of the Day

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blip's new hero



whether character0109.gif&key=5bed75c775adc4a784likes it or not

despite the fact that character0109.gif&key=5bed75c775adc4a784 really does not care for politicians

character0109.gif&key=5bed75c775adc4a784 has to confess to being a very political animal

while character0109.gif&key=5bed75c775adc4a784 will not give up watching Archer

character0109.gif&key=5bed75c775adc4a784 is VERY content watching Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell as character0109.gif&key=5bed75c775adc4a784's core evening's entertainment

and this is after listening to Randy Rhodes (3-5 est) and mike malloy's podcast


so character0109.gif&key=5bed75c775adc4a784was happy to have something to watch all week - the Democratic National Convention

(character0109.gif&key=5bed75c775adc4a784WILL NOT - UNDER AND CIRCUMSTANCES - view into the republican shit show and if that offends you


now character0109.gif&key=5bed75c775adc4a784has to confess that the speeches did not fully have to verve character0109.gif&key=5bed75c775adc4a784 would have preferred

maybe character0109.gif&key=5bed75c775adc4a784is simply not a political diplomat


biden's speech was more than superb

and obama's was a stunner


it is Brayden Harrington that - in character0109.gif&key=5bed75c775adc4a784's less than humble opinion OWNED the convention

character0109.gif&key=5bed75c775adc4a784does not exactly have a stutter

but character0109.gif&key=5bed75c775adc4a784 did have a bit of a speech impediment

while character0109.gif&key=5bed75c775adc4a784 "outgrew" much of it

it did permanently effect character0109.gif&key=5bed75c775adc4a784's speech to this day

and character0109.gif&key=5bed75c775adc4a784continues to be ridiculed to this day

this speech MOVED character0109.gif&key=5bed75c775adc4a784to such a degree character0109.gif&key=5bed75c775adc4a784can not stop sobbing watching this

and watching it over and over

this GOT to character0109.gif&key=5bed75c775adc4a784in a huge way

now character0109.gif&key=5bed75c775adc4a784is aware that this young man is UNDER 18 and this might break rules

BUT PLEASE give this a pass

and PLEASE listen

character0109.gif&key=5bed75c775adc4a784 begging you to


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Posted (edited)

I watched Brayden's speech earlier. His courage deserves a bow. He is inspiring...


Edited by Tomster
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Guest lev_igor33


I agree. Anybody who has a severe impediment that hinders requisites for ordinary events in life and come up with coping mechanisms to compensate or overcome the impediment deserve recognition. 

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I completely agree on what has been said. I was an unathletic kid who wore glasses. It didn't help my self-esteem in the slightest. It's only possible to guess how much self-confidence Brayden Harrington must have, as he has the courage to stand in front of a camera and give his inspiring speech.


character0109.gif&key=5bed75c775adc4a784  Я тоже не буду смотреть Российскую национальную конвенцию.

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Guest lev_igor33


I have a similar history as Malelover above. I share his sentiments. 

3 hours ago, malelover said:

was an unathletic kid who wore glasses. It didn't help my self-esteem in the slightest. It's only possible to guess how much self-confidence Brayden Harrington must have, as he


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