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My daily message has been converted to blog, so expect announcements through this channel.

Entries in this blog

Friday - 13th

Friday the 13th doesn't have to be all bad - we have a lineup for boys all named Williams. not from the same family, but oh, you kid! I could roll around with any of these, however the feature is Chris Williams who died before he could make enough loving to reach me. too bad. I gave a couple of zip files for ease of downloading. https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/21975-williams-brett/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/21977-williams-brian/ https://www.adonismale.com/g



Friday - 28th

a busy day around the ranch. digitizing movies like a madman, little hiatus to take Mom to the cardiologist, then back swotting. have a lovely assortment of models for you today. I guess my feature is going to be Michael Churchill. nothing like Sir Winston - this boy has charm by the boatload. note a couple of zip files were added as well. https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/18062-christiansen-nate/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/18063-christiansen-wes/ https://www.



Saturday - 14th

another saturday night and I ain't got no money . . . thankfully I have my picture collection to keep me warm! today's feature is Calum Winsor, a carrot-topped model who possesses a butt https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/21996-williams-treat/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/21997-williams-van/ https://www.adonismale.com/files/file/19593-winslow-clay/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/21998-winsor-calum/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/219



Friday - 21st

actually did some work today, as well as having the tree surgeons outside. am in the process of setting up my new computer and wondering where it will all end. thankfully has room for all of the handsome men in my collection. I'm afraid you are getting a bit of a short ration today, however with lots of meat. my fave rave in all of this is Jimmy Pike, whom I fantasize as looking like Clark Gable when they were both young. YUM! hope you like!! welcome to our newest clubmembers and thanks go to th



Friday - 30th

well, another month down the drain. looking on the bright side, we get to pay the rent, again! oh, for a pack of Fletchers to make me quiver. I started the day with Jessica Fletcher, and gone on to our lineup for the day. however, I think the feature should be the rather amazing Lon Flexx. what a lad!! I spy with my little eye, that our clubmembership has soared past 6300 without so much as a speed bump, and would like to say welcome to all our newcomers 🤗 https://www.adonismale.com/gallery


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Saturday - 29th

its been a long day, since getting up before the crows to take a fare to the airport. but I had a better day than the guy who wrecked out on I-4 and US 301! digitizing like mad, with some hiccoughs, but progress comes, slowly. my posts feature the great George Clooney. can't say enough things about this man. wish he'd run for President - I'd vote for him. anyway. posted a zip file as well. hope you like. btw, you know the "likes" and "stiffies" don't cost you anything, but they mean a lot to me.



Saturday - 22nd

well, the jury's out - I've set up my new computer and can't get it started. also can't get hold of tech support. wish me luck. in the mean time, I have a selection of studs for you, most of whom are not pitter-pat favourites, however, I choose Chris Pine to feature, as other people seem to be fascinated enough to morph his images through fauxtoshop. I will have the capability soon - I had a quick tutorial at our local photography studio, and so if I can get this freaking new computer off the gr



Friday - 14th

kind of a weird day - I woke up at 3 am and not felt quite like anything all day. bleagh! so I turn to my font of solace, my picture collection, and share today's pickings. it sure is tough to choose between the teddiness of Adam Champ and the sportiness of Chris Champion. you can decide. I also included a few valentine messages in an album. and I have finished up the Miscellaneous Male Models C - if you have anything you would like to contribute to the cause, please do so. for some unknown reas



Sunday - 30th

30 days hath September and the rest, I can't remember. golly, another month down the drain - gearing up to celebrate Canada Day tomorrow, and made a bunch of terrific posts. my feature is Ben Cody. such a handsome lad. his way of smiling just makes me want to cuddle him, nibble his ears, and go right on down the pike. wow. I may have to lay down for a while. am still digitizing. also posted a couple of more calendars for your entertainment or other https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/1



Sunday - 2nd

woops, I started off in the middle of a story that I knew where it was going. the message of the day is: save your money. I was pretty down until my local hag arrived with medication, and we had a nice coffee and küchen. she's gone, and I am working on the collection. today's lineup is led by Harrison Ford. there's no end of praise for this gentleman's talent. I sleep better at night knowing that he's President; also having him as a body pillow. our clubmembership continues its upward spiral, an


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Wednesday - 20th

had fun today. it was lunch bunch, and we were exposed to new rules: apparently I arrived first, and was informed that I could not sit in the lobby and wait. okay. so I went out and leant on the car until another couple showed up. we went in, to a perfectly empty restaurant, and were told that there would be a ten minute wait. and that we could not wait in the lobby. at that exact moment, the other couple appeared, and we were again told we could not be seated nor could we wait in the lobby. tha



Tuesday - 25th

things must be returning to normal - today is my baby sister's birthday and I called to wish her well - got my brother! Carol was out jogging! I forebore to say that I thought the point of cell phones was to have them with you at all times. whatever. I am still wrassling with my new computer, my old computer, the bank, and I don't know what else. keeps me occupied. today's lineup of boyz could keep me occupied for time immemorial. to break with tradition, I will feature Joe Porcelli, a model of



Monday - 16th

decisions, decisions - so hard to choose, and I am so glad they are not lined up at the office door, forcing me to take them in one-at-a-time. I'll make it readers' choice. note zip file at the end and note that I have finished off the Miscellaneous Male Models W, to which you are cordially invited to contribute. https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/21870-miscellaneous-male-models-w/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/22020-wrangler-jack/ https://www.adonismale.com/galle



Saturday - 15th

my head is spinning from regarding so much male beauty. I suppose that, weakly, I would have to choose Rex Chandler to feature. one hears rumours that Rex was gay-for-pay. too bad I didn't know that back when I had a good job and he was in his primacy. eh - speaking of primary, I have already voted by mail for Pete Buttigieg. anybody in Florida who is not registered as a Democrat, you have until Tuesday to make the change. you can do it on line - google Polk County Florida Supervisor of Election



Monday - 1st

Happy Canada Day to those celebrating. I've worked a mixed bag - went to see about getting my celluloid digitized, but the contractor wouldn't do it. whatever. I did get a video cassette repaired, and it seemed most provident, that it has hours of FOX videos on it. we will have to investigate how to share these. in the mean time, my feature is Sir Sean Connery, an actor of much exposure. there's an album and a zip file for your convenience. https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/18132-col



Friday - 22nd

I can't believe its Friday again! the only excitement came when a neighbor called with a transportation emergency and I got to feel useful for a few minutes. ah, me. looking at me lads, and they all have something special that recommends them. when Colby le Febvre was last posted, there were some snarky comments about him having too much bathing suit on. ja, I understand. I always like to get men out of that hot clothing and into compromising situations 🥰 in the mean time, have a look at my line



Thursday - 27th

I just love it when I complete my afternoon chores and prepare to go up for the mail - and it starts raining. oh, well, at least we will do better than the folks up in Louisiana and Texas so here I am cool and dry with lovely hunks to regard - a preponderance of blondes, and I guess my feature will be Markus Pöyhöynen, an athletic cutie. hope you enjoy - a reminder to our newest clubmembers: when I have more than 99 images in an album I also post a zip file for your convenience. thanks for all



Wednesday - 8th

if a tree falls in your backyard and you don't hear it, does it make a noise 😜?? my neighbor sent me an email saying this had happened. I went out to view the situation, and began to wonder if that is how I would die: just dry up and fall over. enough with the far side humour - think of all the lovely boys I have posted for you 🙂 foremost of which is Lew Buckley. that man provokes feelings in me, that I thought were only in my dreams. mr sandman, send me Lew Buckley 🙂 and I welcome all the newes


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Tuesday - 2nd

I suppose y'all are worn out from Canada Day celebrations. we did it up proud. we sat around, kept quiet, and minded our own business. an excellent model. I am well and truly finished with digitizing video tapes. now on to audio tapes. no rest for the weary. anyway, I wanted to feature Chad Connors, he of the bodacious buns and other accoutrements. hope you enjoy these! https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/18216-connick-harry/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/18217-connors-



Saturday - 23rd

if things are going so well, why do I feel so bleagh? I got a refund on part of my non-vacation and promise of the rest in three days to three weeks. funny how arrogant people can get when they have hold of your money. so I am back at home, regarding 3000 of the best looking men in the universe. I have a new interest; I have changed my screen saver from cuddly animals to males cavorting in a state of undress unto nudity. cheers the office up no end! if requested, I will share my folder of wallpa



Wednesday - 3rd

supposably, we are celebrating the 4th of July tonight with fireworks. also tonight, we are supposed to have a summer storm. should be interesting. not as interesting as the lineup of male models I have made for you. I guess I will feature Buzz Corbett, an under-exploited COLT of immense charm. https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/18235-corbett-buzz/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/18236-coriell-adam/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/18237-cornell-kevin/



Tuesday - 15th

another long day of slogging through memorabilia - very tiring. more pleasant to thing about the boyz - hope you like my selections. I guess I will feature Charles Paquette, mostly because he's blonde, and I surely wish he would smile more (don't call me Shirley) . . . https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/20851-papa-nick/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/20852-paquette-charles/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/20853-pare-drew/ https://www.adonismale.com/ga



Tuesday - 18th

the sun shines bright on my old florida home - and shines on a great lineup of models for your delectation. so hard to choose - Nathan Cloutier is such a dad and Eric Coak is such a lad. how about if they mud wrestle to decide which one I get for a prize? yeah, I wish. https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/23010-cloutier-nathan/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/23011-clynes-justin/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/23012-coak-eric/ https://www.adonismale.com



Wednesday - 19th

I won't bore you with a lot of vacillation over my favourite - paws down, it is Ben Cody, who is so doggone loveable that it just makes me want to irk. enjoy! https://www.adonismale.com/files/file/20197-cody-ben/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/23020-coetzee-wayne/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/23021-coetzer-morne/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/23022-colby-sean/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/23023-collack-alex/ Colt



Monday - 25th

today is Memorial Day (observed) and my thanx go out to all who have served their country. unfortunately, for us old retired folks, one day is much like the last/next, and there hasn't been any excitement around here, except for getting a little rain, and I emphasize a little. before I describe todays posts, I wanted to impart some philosophy about how my collection works. the collection is ever evolving, so what I have posted today and what was deleted from eight or nine months ago, is not exac



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