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My daily message has been converted to blog, so expect announcements through this channel.

Entries in this blog

Monday - 6th

just a few quick lines to say Happy Labour Day (in the US) and hope everybody survived. welcome to our newest clubmembers, and hope you like today's lineup! I believe my feature must be Reichen Lehmkuhl, although annoyingly talented, he is fun to look at. rich and kool! onward and upward! https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/38951-lekakis-paul/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/38952-leland-dwain/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/38953-leman-andres/ https:/


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Monday - 6th

rolled out of bed late this morning, though I had no reason to linger. phone call from an old schoolmate who calls whenever she gets bored (!) doing the boys for your viewing pleasure. no problem in choosing a favourite today. Clint Peak is to most adorable, cute man since Bo Summers. have to make room for both of them. welcome to our newest clubmembers. https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/42727-payne-bruce/ https://www.adonismale.com/files/file/29790-payne-george/ https://ww


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Monday - 6th

lessee - I like blondes, I like blue anything, must be that Aaron002, the second image under Aaron Brückner PhD, must be the feature. egg jelly, all the boys are superb - oh, I forgot that I am totally in love with Bruce! man, I am fickle 🙂 anyway, I sure hope you all like my lineup for today, and I wish a hearty welcome to our newest clubmembers! https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/50156-brown-peter/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/50158-brownell-jonathan/ https://w


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Monday - 6th

the day started without a bang, even though the cutest plumber I ever saw showed up at my door. also the slimmest. I didn't have the nerve to ask for his home number, however, if I can think of another plumbing fault to get him back, I will. now out of my selections, I wonder how John Michie would measure up as my husband. he seemed to work well with Samantha Bond 🙂 ah, me! a warm welcome to all our newest clubmembers, and, as Scarlett says, tomorrow will be another day! https://www.adonism


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Monday - 6th

a quiet day - did a couple of errands and visited the neighbors. well, anyway, looking good for the lads and dads here. gone into the military, the stuff of many fantasies and videos https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/22356-mer-men-buff/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/22358-military-army/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/22359-military-general/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/22361-military-kilt/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/



Monday - 6th

my feature for today must be Steve Hammond, star of many moovies and also appeared in plague gurl. he is so inordinately handsome and talented, I am going to have to lay down after this. welcome to all new clubmembers, and thank you for all the Likes and Stiffies. I have to attend to a stiffy right here 😛 https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/23717-hammersmith-rick/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/23718-hammond-jeff/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/23719-hammo



Monday - 6th

as I sat down to do today's posts, I feared a real problem in choosing my feature. until I looked over the lot and saw that blonde Michael Miller was there in his striped boxers, batting his baby blues seductively. well, at least in my dreams. we seem to have a family reunion of Millers, and I hope you enjoy all of them. welcome to our newest clubmembers, and thanks be to those who left Likes & Stiffies, although we only came in 3rd today [snif] well, as Scarlett says, tomorrow is not today,



Monday - 6th

another unspectacular day around the old homestead. the high point was, going to the chiropractor this morning. how I wish I had some of my lineup here with me, especially Rod Mitchell. I'll bet his rod and my staff could make beautiful music hope you enjoy my selections, and welcome our newest clubmembers! https://www.adonismale.com/files/file/40866-mitchell-lex/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/68822-mitchell-mike/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/68823-mitchell


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Monday - 5th

unremarkable day - went to the post office to hand in my mail ballot, and was surprised to find it was post paid! so I did my scout deed for the day and went for physical therapy. now home and regarding a most annoying lineup of cute handsome men who leave me in a lurch to choose my favourite. that being said, it has to be Bart Savage and his savage little butt. delicioso!! hope you agree. a hearty welcome to new clubmembers and thanx go out to those who have awarded me Likes & Stiffies 🤗


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Monday - 5th

I have been rabbiting on about how quiet life seems; I went to empty the shredder and found that I hadn't shredded anything! wow!! my lineup today features Jeremy Gittins, possibly obscure to many. he is a british character actor who plays a vicar on Keeping Up Appearances (a dreadful show, except for him). so that's that. hope you like him and the others. https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/20035-gilmore-patrick/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/20036-gittins-jeremy/



Monday - 5th

the message tonight will be, of necessity, short. I seem to have been behind the eight ball all day! I was supposed to have lunch with a schoolmate in the next town over; I missed my turn and went 10 miles out of my way. when I got back on the right road, they had road construction (!) ah, so I got back and had physical therapy, a nod in to the branch library and a little light shopping, although I did not actually buy anything I needed. now here I am with the boyz, and I hope you like my select


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Monday - 5th

oh, how I love bureaucracy - went for my second shot this morning and had to fill out paperwork as if I had just flown in from outer space. glad that is behind me. I wouldn't mind being behind Drake Diamond, one of two top construction workers in my bull penn. it would cheer me up no end! 😛 not much else to report from space headquarters; I see we continue to track new members, and I am so thrilled! a hearty welcome to all our newbies! https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/33448-di-mucci


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Monday - 4th

I have to wait all year to say: May the Fourth Be With You. to which you reply: and also with you. hmmm - two blondes and three brunettes. one can imagine Jack King with Jeff King - all five models are relatively adorable. I will let you choose. in the mean time, a hearty welcome to new clubmembers, and many thanks for the Likes and Stiffies which keep us the top club in our realm. keep up the good work! https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24028-kincaid-josh/ https://www.adonismal



Monday - 4th

ah, I put off posting until bedtime in the vain hope we would click over 17,000 clubmembers. well, if wishes were horses . . . so we mosey in from Williamsville NY and the fabulous Mosey Hotel to introduce a bevy of Williamses, each one with special talents. however, I will honor the memory of Chris Williams, who was TCFW and died far too early. what I could have done for that boy! what I could have done to that boy!! a gracious welcome to our newest clubmembers, and remember, when an album has


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Monday - 4th

one of my saved graphix shows a pig in muck, who comments to an associate, I wish the whole world was Jewish. similarly, I wish the whole world was populated with handsome, willing males, so if I got bored, I could go next door and ask to borrow a cup of hotsex. the boys I have posted today have so much to recommend them; I only wish I had their names, and possibly their numbers 😁 barring that, I will wish our newest clubmembers a warm welcome! I notice we are creeping very slowly toward 5500 me


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Monday - 4th

fairly productive day, if you ignore getting up at 5 am, which I blame on the time change. I hope to sleep right up until the 6:30 alarm tomorrow, and plan to snicker as I go past all the saps working on the municipal election. if you live in Florida, there is no reason not to vote by mail!! as I prepared to make this post, I glimpsed Roger's ample good looks on the header of yesterday's blog entry, and wondered if I could tolerate looking into those puppy eyes upon awakening . . . wouldn't mind



Monday - 4th

Happy Independence Day to those who celebrate. I guess I am a mean old curmudgeon, as I pray for rain to keep the fireworks down. whatever works! I have a nice selection of models for you to review; I guess my feature will be Anderson Cooper, a gay icon who has numerous fans who know fauxtoshop. welcome to our newest clubmembers! https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/51014-cook-steve/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/51015-cooke-kyle/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Monday - 4th

um, today sure slipped away - I was working on my image collection most of the time. had a nice visit from a lady I have yet to consider a hag. she brought me a couple of presents (well liked) and later, my brother called a brought me up to date with his broken tooth. poor kid. anyway, today's lineup contains a lot of meat - Aaron Kuttler is in grave danger of my kuttling his buns, and Pete Kuzak - well words fail me. I am working on a novella in which Superman comes out as Pete - you know, we h


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Monday - 3rd

just another day in paradise. choosing a feature is difficult, as each model has much to recommend them. however, I have to admit a favourite in Tom Brock. he is just so cute, I want to make purple puppy love with him all night long. and then some. https://www.adonismale.com/files/file/20129-brent-jeremy/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/22785-brickman-joshua-michael/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/22786-brock-tom/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/22



Monday - 3rd

sitting here, a little downcast - several items of work have not worked out - mostly, not getting a refund on a vacation I am not taking. a bit depressing. also hard to choose a model to feature - I suppose Gustaf Olsen is the blondest, and he does exhibit a lovely butt 😛 hope you enjoy the lineup. I see we have a couple of new clubmembers, to whom I say welcome. want to let you know what when you select Like or Stiffy, it gives me a boost. https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/26754-oli



Monday - 3rd

Biblical day - I spent the day loafing, woops, no fishing. anyway, here we are at the daily post. it seems that Mrs Foster's boys all ran to p0rn. if I had to rank them, it would be Cody, Brennan, Devyn, Cameron. Cody is just too too utterly utterly. blonde, buff, blue-eyed, buttsome - I just can't sing his praises highly enough. I can, however, sing high praise to our newest clubmembers, and note a reminder that when an album has >99 images, like Cody Foster [sigh], a zip file is also offere


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Monday - 3rd

quiet around the old ranchero - I been working on my collection and trying to get hold oh my dear old auntie who is 97 today. of all my lineup today, Max Pallauf sounds to most interesting hope you find someone to enjoy in my selections. welcome to our newest clubmembers! https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/70074-paige-tyson/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/70075-paisley-david/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/70076-pall-barrett/ https://www.adonismale.


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Monday - 3rd

well, I tried getting my post together early with mixed results. my feature for the day is Brad Pitt - he sort of had to grow on me, and I disapprove of him with long, stringy hair; otherwise, he's pretty good-looking. hope you all like my selections, and I offer welcome to our newest clubmembers. https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/62254-pinther-chad/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/62255-pirolozzi-alex/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/62256-pitt-brad/


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Monday - 3rd

another pleasant valley monday, here in fla-la land . . . heard from @Nokomis earlier. also learned that my gardener had a heart attack, so I must shop around for a temporary replacement. always something, or as Wanda Rosanna Danna used to say, zawsze cós! have a delectable lineup of models to share, and am unable to choose a fave, so I am leaving it to reader's choice. am pleased to note that I am fulfilling my one New Year's resolution, which to to never go back to the nail salon that I had be


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Monday - 31st

what a peculiar day! I woke up in the middle of the night, panicked that I had not put the trash out. later, when I noticed that none of the neighbors had trash put out, I checked the calendar and saw it was Monday, and I am supposed to do that Monday evening - gad - 😝 so here I am with a delectable assortment of lads for your review. my feature will be Jeff Seid, a hot young bodybuilder who desperately needs a haircut. also, I forgot to say fauxtography alert - some fans just cannot resist enha


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

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