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My daily message has been converted to blog, so expect announcements through this channel.

Entries in this blog

Monday - 19th

got some rain today and I had a nice nap after physical therapy. I am going out on a limb to feature a character actor called Jeremy Slate. I noticed him in an old video, in which he was so terribly cute that it was painful. I had to be restrained from licking the tv monitor. I hope you like the lineup of models I have chosen; I welcome our newest clubmembers, and thank you for the Likes & Stiffies which you all have awarded me 🤗 https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/28221-skarsgaard


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Sunday - 18th

mmm quiet day; I just finished a travelogue about Texas, and thinking about my feature, Cal Sinclair, I'm humming, I got the money honey, if you've got the time. I know that's a little bakcwards; put it down to poetic license. man, that man is a lot of man! hope you enjoy the rest of the lineup. welcome to our newest clubmembers - I am not always this fey, you know. I thank everyone who has awarded me Likes & Stiffies 🤗 https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/28209-silva-martin/ h


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Saturday - 17th

well, I've completed reconstruction of my address book - just like being beaten with chains. now Thunderbird is begging for money - you'd think they were PBS! anyway, we have some really dreamy models in lineup today. there was an image of Austin Sikora posted which was so adorable, I am using it for today's feature. I see we have a new clubmember or two - note for newbies, when an album has >99 images, I also post a zip file for your convenience. as always, Likes & Stiffies are gratefull


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Friday - 16th

life is slowly returning to normal; I still am working on reconstructing my address book - I wish I weren't so lazy. had P/T and went by the bank to visit my few savings. now to the lads. gah - it's the same old story - do I choose the young cutie, Bobby Sherman, or the incredible hunk, Gardner Shore? well, I leave it to the readers to choose. needmore clubmembers! thanx be to those who awarded me Likes & Stiffies - much appreciated 🤗 https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/28182-sherm


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Thursday - 15th

sort of getting back to normal, I have 3/4 tamed my email, and treated myself to a packet of pains chocolat at the market. not as good as I got in Belgium. whatever, I have some sweet models to drool over, and my feature is Michael Shayne. hope you enjoy the rest of the lineup. clubmembership is on a plateau, and I exhort all to recommend SonOfPicJim to their buddy lists and listservs. thanks must go to those who have awarded me Likes & Stiffies! https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Wednesday - 14th

there is not a clinker in my lineup; hard to choose a feature, and that must be the ever wonderful, ever beautiful Aiden Shaw. I so enjoy his flicks wherein he shares his love to the valley of various buttz. think I'll watch a video after supper! we have a couple of new clubmembers to welcome, and it gives me an opportunity to 'splain - for a while I did not include action shots with singles in models' albums; then I changed my mind. so you will see in the zip file attached various general + var


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Tuesday - 13th

one does not wish to admit to boredom, however one could use a little more excitement around here! like if I had this terrific lineup of men in attendance - I'd be like a Greek sailor (wouldn't know which way to turn). of course my favoured feature must be Tom Selleck. I have enough images here to meet any fantasy, and hope it tickles your fancy. a warm welcome to new clubmembers, and a reminder that albums which contain >99 images will also have a zip file following. thanks go to those who h


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Monday - 12th

it wasn't until I called the bank that I became aware that today was either Columbus Day or Indigenous People's Day. I guess that, as a native of New York, I would be considered indigenous. have a nice lineup of lads today - taking a change on featuring David Sederholm - probably not a household name to readers. I forgot that, in research, he had some exposure as a soap stud, however I remember him fondly as an escort on Mama's Family. Thelma was expecting a much older gentleman, and apparently


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Sunday - 11th

not a lot to report; I got my new license plate and I hate it. I will have to decide if I wanta spend the money to get one I like better or what. always something! as to the model lineup, they are a great bunch of bubbas - hard to decide between Kirby Scott and his youthful exuberance or Larry Scott and his super muscles. best left up to the readers. note the inclusion of a zip file for your convenience. thanks to all who have awarded Likes & Stiffies - keep my pecker up! https://www.ad


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Saturday - 10th

some interest today - I had a hag around for coffee and pie and an enjoyable chat. also got her to relieve me of some excess baggage, which was appreciated. to the lineup, today features none other than the governator of californication - Arnold Schwarzenegger. I know some may go off on a tangent, and IMHO he was very cute when young and just off the farm in Austria. seems odd that I speak German better than he speaks English, but there you are. BTW, I have included a zip file for your convenien


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Friday - 9th

well it's a yawn a minute around the old homestead! if I didn't have pix of one of my most favoured bodybuilders to keep me warm . . . Günter Schlierkamp is quite a hunk of man. now I know some people will say they don't care for heavy musculature - I say to them, have you ever been hugged really well by a bodybuilder? it's an experience in itself! so, I hope you find something of delight in my lineup - there's not a clinker in the bunch. I see we have new clubmembers, to whom I say welcome. BTW


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Thursday - 8th

I tell you this: the lineup of lads for today is magnificent! I don't think they are all blondes, however all are spectacular, led by Fritz Schlageter, a retro rogue of reknown. I sure hope you enjoy them all. clubmembership may be at a plateau, and we can always scout round and recommend Son of PicJim to buddy lists and listservs. a hearty thanx to those who have left me Likes & Stiffies - much appreciated! https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/28074-scheving-magnus/ https://ww


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Wednesday - 7th

interesting day - p/t in the morning, lunch with the usual suspects, and home to work on the picture lineup. annoyingly, every model is finger-licking good, as well as other appurtenances. in a way, I am glad I don't have to choose between these models in the flesh. there is a distinct possibility of having a heart attack or a stroke! however, I will feature Nino Scappa, who certainly brings out chicken hawk tendencies in me. I never, in all my born days, have seen anything so cute, cuddly, and


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Tuesday - 6th

let's see - what happened for excitement today? they picked up the rubbish. I loafed and read and am now on the duty desk, rolling out today's lineup of incredibly handsome models. each one has much to recommend himself, although I give a slight edge to Joseph Sayers who has the tits and the ass to keep my hands full. would that I could! welcome to our newest clubmembers, and note: when an album has >99 images, there is also a zip file for your convenience. thanks to all who have awarded me L


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Monday - 5th

unremarkable day - went to the post office to hand in my mail ballot, and was surprised to find it was post paid! so I did my scout deed for the day and went for physical therapy. now home and regarding a most annoying lineup of cute handsome men who leave me in a lurch to choose my favourite. that being said, it has to be Bart Savage and his savage little butt. delicioso!! hope you agree. a hearty welcome to new clubmembers and thanx go out to those who have awarded me Likes & Stiffies 🤗


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Sunday - 4th

the day that the rains came down, Mama said, new life was born. otherwise, its just a dreary day, made no less dreary by the news that one of our clubmembers has a very sick family member. I don't have authority to share this, however, I do want to ask that we think of ourselves as a merry band of men, and offer positive energy to one another. enuf of the off topic stuff. to the boyz, today's feature is Paul Satterfield. I know not whence he came, however, I sure would like to come together with


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Saturday - 3rd

here I am, back at the duty desk - our power went out half an hour ago, so I have been going around re-setting affected clocks. it's not storming or anything! wonder why, and I know I will never learn. went up to get the mail in very light rain, and see that I have my mail ballot in hand. I will take that to the post office on Monday, and feel virtuous for having done my civic duty. as to today's lineup, I guess Jason Sarcinelli is the most intriguing model. multi-faceted. so I hope you like the


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Friday - 2nd

that last model very nearly did me in! I am sweating all over!! and that's a good thing!!! quiet day on the home front; gone to physical therapy and napped intensively afterward. got to work on the collection and drool over Bobby Sands Butt, as well as the rest of him. hope you will enjoy! thanks to all who have awarded me Likes & Stiffies - will try to keep up the good works! https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/27987-sandler-shane/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/279


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Thursday - 1st

there is no other way to begin this message. each model in the lineup has undeniable charms, some bigger than others so I leave to you, readers choice today. good news, we have achieved 5400 clubmembers, for which I am grateful. note to newbies: albums with more than 99 images will also have zip file for your convenience. so keep them cards'n'letters and Likes & Stiffies a-coming and thanks to all who have awarded them!


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Wednesday - 30th

gurgle - gurgle - gurgle - another month down the drain. thankfully, I am pulling myself together for all the things I have been deferring, so it should be a great month! would like to feature Matt Sallis, blonde of note, for my lineup, and urge you all to scout round and get another clubmember, so we will reach 5400! please!! and many grateful thanx for the Likes & Stiffies you have awarded me - much appreciated! https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/27961-sabato-antonio/ https


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Tuesday - 29th

a wasted day - all I did was loaf! need to find a new entertainment outlet other than youtube - they have started all sorts of pesky adverts 😝 now to the lads - you may think you are getting a short ration today, however I assert you are getting all the weenie you can handle with the ever wonderful, ever beautiful Lee Ryder. that man really got around, and I have posted zip files which point up several of his most popular flicks. also note, some people with fauxtoshop could not resist enhancing


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Monday - 28th

how time flies when having fun! went to my first physical therapy of the second round. funny thing is, Dr Christy never hurts me, however, later, one looks for the ben-gay. ah, me. I got to look a some lovelies whilst making up the post - a little lagniappe today, to finish up the Ryans. how to choose one playmate from the herd? Mark Rutherford would be best, done up in butterscotch syrup and whipped cream, and Mark Rutter would look best covered in hot fudge and whip, ah, cream. you choose your


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Sunday - 27th

quite a quiet day around the ranchero. it would liven up no end to have four or five naked boys running round 😛 as tis, I am here binge-watching Elliott Ness and Superman alternately. a nice lineup of models for you, although heavily weighted toward blondes 😍 my feature will probably be Nick Russell, who, while handsome, is the most stable husband material, unlike Scott Russell who is more flamboyant, and likely to flame out with age 😝 welcome to our new clubmembers, and thanx go to those who ha


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Saturday - 26th

even though more moderate weather has hit home, I am feeling a trifle sticky, or it may be my feature model, Daniel Rumfelt, who has the ability to make anyone a little moist. did a little light shopping this morning, and I understand from our governator that we are slowly returning to normal. whatever that may be. I think our membership numbers are at a plateau, so will again ask you to recommend the club to all on your buddy list, and I thank each one who has awarded Likes & Stiffies 🤗


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Friday - 25th

another day in paradise, avoiding doing anything! just loafing and thinking of how great it would be to have a pool with 300 of the best looking models adorning it. they could lay around on the chaise longues, getting laid, drinking margaritas and brandy alexanders. maybe working out, with emphasis on their squats, so to build up their bubble buttz. what a dream! back to reality and the collection, I think today's feature will be Brandon Routh - he really is almost too cute for words! had admire


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

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