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My daily message has been converted to blog, so expect announcements through this channel.

Entries in this blog

Thursday - 17th

never look to me for the latest news - I am often a day late and a dollar short. just learned this morning that they really did have a tornado over in Pinellas Park (that's 45 miles from me). other than that, a dull day, doing the marketing and going by the bank to visit my few savings. cheered by a rather handsome teller, though it's hard to tell how kissable with a big black mask. can you remember when you could get shot for entering a bank wearing a mask?? anyway, I bring your attention to th


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Wednesday - 16th

nobody told me, when I left for the airport that we were under a tornado watch. what fun! I make the whole trip with no wallet, no money, and no cell phone. again!! I've pulled that stunt before. I have now decided that the car keys must be next to the cell phone. gad! however, no lives were lost, and I got back here to look upon some of the worlds finest men, and it has cheered me up no end. my feature for today is Jeff York. this man stimulates me in ways that ought to be bottled and sold as p


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Tuesday - 15th

man, I really slept in this morning. put me in a good mood to review all these handsome hunkies in my collection. I'm torn for my feature, between Steve Wright and Troy Yeager. guess I'll go for Yeager - he could break the sound barrier in my boudoir anytime! welcome to our newest clubmembers, and a note, when an album has >99 images, I also post a zip file for your convenience. hope you enjoy! and thanks to all for the Likes & Stiffies!! https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/2927


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Monday - 14th

interesting day - I went to the bank to visit my few savings, swung by the chiropractor, and here I am, back home to present you all with a cord of Wood. nice 😁 Jeff Woods looks the most comfortable, however all are worthy of note. our clubmembership continues to grow, and I say welcome to all newcomers. thanx to those who've accorded me Likes & Stiffies 🤗 https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/29238-wood-bryant/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/29240-wood-terron/ ht


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Sunday - 13th

quiet day in Dodge; I have quite a nice lineup of models to share. I wanted to comment that Miscellaneous Male Models W is quite a bit cut down from the last posting. as a matter of fact, it only contains two models who have attributes which cannot be ignored. any assistance in getting more images of these men would be so gratefully appreciated. the other models, well, I must go with Rick Wolfmier, if only because he looks like the teddy bear of death. I could cuddle him so long and cuddle him s


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Saturday - 12th

a superb lineup for you today; I believe the feature will be Calum Winsor. I wonder if there is a bad pic of this man anywhere!? a hearty welcome to new clubmembers, and a reminder, that when an album has >99 pix, I also provide a zip file for your convenience. thanks to all who have awarded me Likes & Stiffies, the perfect holiday gift, as it costs you nothing ❤️ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/29173-wilson-carter/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/29174-wilson-


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Friday - 11th

well, the attack of the Williams family. I am forced to admit that Chris Williams is my most favoured - he is so cute and died too young 😞 a lot of that going around; I just got word that one of my old ladies passed on, so now I only have one old auntie who would hate to be so titled . . . to the boyz - they are all a treat in my eyes. welcome to our newest clubmembers, and note my convention of providing a zip file for albums >99 images. hope you enjoy. I do enjoy the Likes & Stiffies, f


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Thursday - 10th

if my deargrandmother was with us, she would be 122 today! fine lady!! and we are surrounded by fine gentlemen - I am hard 😛 pressed to choose a feature. how about a sandwich with me between Maverick Willett and Brian Williams? that would warm things up nicely! I see we have a couple of new clubmembers, to whom I wish a warm welcome, and offer thanx to those who have awarded Likes & Stiffies. always a treat. https://www.adonismale.com/files/file/24478-wilder-peter/ https://www.adon


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Wednesday - 9th

great day! lunch with the gang, then got to spread money far and wide, paying some bills and seeing a new chiropractor. now at home, regarding a lineup of stellar studs. David White is more than worthy of praise; he is worthy of being licked all over, nibbled, and well, your imagination can insert the rest 😛 thanks to all who have awarded likes and stiffies and awaywego! https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/29038-white-david/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/29039-white-mic


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Tuesday - 8th

you have gown days and you have yawn days - it's still chilly in central floorda and I am warming my feet with a space heater. a little excitement today - got a phone call from baby brother who had a day off, but who is remodelling the kitchen and has nowhere to go. been there, done that. matched wits with walmart's lack-of-customer-service, and considering my next moves 😝 it's especially fun to argue with someone about whether they are arguing with one - wow! so I turn to today's postings and a


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Monday - 7th

today, we remember with sadness, the attack on Pearl Harbour, and look forward to fewer of the cotton-picking adverts for medicare advantage plans. man, am I sick of them. I would rather see cute blonde men cavorting across the screen, though probably not on mainstream channels. when I win Lotto, perhaps we can look into an all gay p0rn channel. featuring the likes of Brandon West - he is right up my alley 😛 anyway, welcome to our newest clubmembers and thanks to all who have awarded me Likes &a


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Sunday - 6th

today is Saint Nicholas' Day, and I am given to understand that, in some countries, children receive their gifts. if I had to choose from my model lineup, I would be hard 😛 pressed to make a choice. I guess I would go with Tim Wenzel, as he is totally charming and looks like he would appreciate good loving! I see we have some new clubmembers, to whom I say welcome, and give thanks to all who have awarded me Likes & Stiffies. https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/28981-wells-dan/


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Saturday - 5th

in many countries, today is the eve of Saint Nicholas' Day, a time of celebrating and starting to hang decorations. unlike the middle Americans who did it right after thanksgiving dinner 😝 these are the same ones who will rip everything down by New Years, instead of waiting for Epiphany. am I the only one who knows these things?? anyway - we have a delightful lineup of male models for you, featuring Tom Welling of stage and screen, as well as my wet dreams. see his album for full details. welcom


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Friday - 4th

quiet, unassuming day - my buddy came round with some books for me, otherwise looking at the four walls and the pix of boys which I have posted there. I couldn't do that when Mother was alive - she quailed at what the neighbors might think. now anything goes! to find a feature for today is a real problem! several are tcfw, some are blonde, some with muscles - I guess I will make this readers choice 😍 welcome to our newest clubmembers; it gratifies me as the club grows, and I thank all who have a


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Thursday - 3rd

one big yawn today - it would be ghastly if I didn't have pix of tasty twinks and twunks to regard! after having given him a sort of cack-handed write-up, I will feature Burt Ward, the Boy Wonder, faithful and long-time companion of Batman. or as Mad Magazine styled him, Battyman some day soon, I will share my fantasy of Superman and his faithful companion, Blue Jay. watch this space. a warm welcome during this chilly spell to our newest clubmembers, and thanks to all who have awarded me Likes &


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Wednesday - 2nd

lunch out with the usual suspects, and believe me, we enjoyed hot coffee and hot cream of potato soup! back at the reservation, I have procrastinated over working on the picture collection in favour of having a little nap-ette. now back at work, and have a splendid lineup to share. I have no choice but to feature Clyde Wallace, an incredibly adorable, voluptuous blonde boy who has furnished me with several delightful poses. he really is a cutie! I see that we again have new clubmembers to welcom


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Tuesday - 1st

when I say hot, I mean the models, as the rest of us in central floorda are chattering and huddled round heaters. hurricane season is over, we have 7 more days of medicare advantage adverts and winter is visiting for a few days. to warm you up, I have a nice lineup of models, the cutest of whom is Gregg Wainwright. as I welcome new clubmembers, I remind all that albums with >99 images also get a zip file, however, in the case of Clint Walker, there are some animated gifs which the system woul


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Monday - 30th

wow - we had an hellacious storm this morning, and now, I think winter is here! so here I sit, surrounded by incredibly handsome males, don't I wish! I am going to feature Julian Wadham just because none of you have ever heard of him; a british veteran character actor whom I think would make excellent husband material. we have some new clubmembers to welcome, and as always, I give thanx for the Likes & Stiffies which come my way 🤗 https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/28918-voronyak-


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Sunday - 29th

a pleasant day - I went out for marketing that would have been done Saturday morning, except I was leaving town with me and my gal. and she bought me such a lovely souvenir, I have just been having conniptions over it. treated myself to breakfast out - I have to tell you about our local deli/restaurant. it has a whole row of booths along the north wall, and somebody went out and got something like clear shower curtains to hang between the booths. I thought that was inventive! I don't have to inv


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Saturday - 28th

my much heralded half-day vacation today! no matter we got lost going and figured out what went wrong coming back. I was hoping to see the fabulous castle in rural Hardee County, however it was back off the road, and I was beginning to tire, so we blew it off. my hag bought me a terrific souvenir of the trip, so now I owe her. mmm - which of my models to feature? I would not mind a romp with any of them! maybe Peter Vidmar, as gymnast, would be the one with whom to get nasty 😍 hope you like 'em


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Friday - 27th

an exciting day, starting at midnight - that's when I determined my landline phone was dead. I managed to not get too whipped up before retiring, and bright and early matched wits with a young woman with a script and a computer. amazingly, she said someone would be right out this morning, and while it was 11:55, she told no lie. got that puppy fixed, and I thought about posting my daily lineup. these are five of the most stellar models going. my feature is Ed Ventresca, only because of his down


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Thursday - 26th

we gather together to ask for all blessings . . . at least in the US and Canada. I just saw a youtube clip explaining that there is no thanksgiving in Britain, just a harvest festival. here, I believe we fantasize about stuffing anybody we can latch on to 😛 and give thanks for any gratification that comes our way. I guess I will feature Radoslav Vanko as a hunk-and-a-half. welcome to our newest clubmembers! and my grateful thanks to all who awarded me Likes & Stiffies 🤗 https://www.adon


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Wednesday - 25th

nice day, today - I got a lot done, and planned out a half-day vacation with my local hag, so I may be late in posting on Çaturday. for today, I am torn between featuring cowboy Jamie Vanek and featuring wowboy Brent van Zant. what a lot of loveliness. wish they were here! aanyway - I see we have some new clubmembers, for whom I say, warmest welcome. note for newbies, whenever an album has >99 images, a zip file generally follows. thanks to all who have awarded me Likes & Stiffies 🤗


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Tuesday - 24th

as cooler weather arrives, here's the recipe for a Chocolate Watchband: mug of hot cocoa, shot of rum, shot of amaretto. two or three of those will warm you up no end! 😍 in the absence of liquor, I have a small fleet of vans for you (thank you @BeauMeck) can you imagine lounging before the fire with one or more of these models (this is a fantasy, you know) and a good supply of chocolate watchbands, made with van Houten chocolate. okay, if I get only one, I choose Paul van der Voort. what a doll!


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Monday - 23rd

unspectacular day - watched Perry Mason this morning and worked on the photo collection since. have a superior lineup of models, all with Dutch names 🤗 pre-eminent is the ever wonderful, ever beautiful David van Brunt. man, I could sit and watch that man all day, calculating the best angles for jumping his bones. he seems a little light compared to the muscle hunks I favour, however, he is so inordinately cute, that it ought to be illegal. I see we have some new clubmembers, to whom I say welcom


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

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