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Playgirl Register

The world's most comprehensive and in-depth database of Playgirl centerfolds and Playgirl men, with information on biographical data, aliases, other pictorial or videography appearances, and other personal data . A definitive catalogue of Playgirl Magazine's men as a public service.
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    Russell McWilliam

    Playgirl Magazine:

    PG November 1989 ‒ Real Men

    PG November 1997 ‒ Real Men

    Rod Lowe

    Playgirl Magazine:

    PG May 1983 ‒ Men of Florida (Photography by Alison Morley)

    Ross Sevrance

    also known as Rick Luce, Zak, Matt

    Playgirl Magazine:

    PG ‒ Online (Hunks)

    Profile: He played football for University of Southern California (USC) in 1998 and 1999 as "Rick Luce."  Rick/Matt/Ross claims to be straight.

    Robert Haimes

    Playgirl Magazine:

    PG November 1988 ‒ “US Male” (Photography by Carol Weinberg)

    Ryan Phillippe

    Playgirl Magazine:

    PG November 2001 ‒ Celebrity “Lights, Camera, Action!”

    Ryan Zaffino

    also known as and filed under Zaffino Twins with brother Chris

    Ron Henriquez

    Playgirl Magazine:

    PG February 1975 ‒ Discovery (Photography by David Meyer)

    PG February 1977 ‒ Portfolio 1

    Robert Griffith

    Playgirl Magazine:

    PG October 1997 ‒ Feature: “Backfields in Motion”

    PG Spring 2011 ‒ Portfolio 2011

    Roberto Augustino

    Playgirl Magazine:

    PG July 1990 ‒ Discovery (Photography by Tom Clark)

    PG Special Edition (Summer / Fall 1992):  How to Meet Men

    Ray Clark

    Playgirl Magazine:

    PG July 1999 ‒ Man of the Month “Ray of Light”     

    PG January 2000 ‒ Vote for Man of the Year 2000 

    PG Special Edition (2000):  ‒ PG Centerfolds #1

    Ron Kittle

    Playgirl Magazine:

    PG July 1984 ‒ Feature: 2nd Annual Baseball All-Stars (Photography by Don Saban)

    Rick Gossett

    Playgirl Magazine:

    PG November 2003 ‒ Real Men

    Ryan Reynolds

    Playgirl Magazine:

    PG May 2008 ‒ “Celeb Nudes”

    PG Spring 2012 ‒ “Celebrity Skin”

    Robert Hemstreet

    Playgirl Magazine:

    PG June 1996 ‒ Real Men

    Robert Kirby

    Playgirl Magazine:

    PG June 2003 ‒ Real Men

    Rick Crandall

    Playgirl Magazine:

    PG October 1981 ‒ Feature: “Master Craftsmen” (Photography by Bret Lopez)

    Ron Moss

    Playgirl Magazine:

    PG January 1988 ‒ Feature

    Robert Berns

    Playgirl Magazine:

    PG August 1980 ‒ Men of Wall Street

    Robin Dooley

    Playgirl Magazine:

    PG October 1979 ‒ Men of Pac 10 North

    Randy Hammerer

    Playgirl Magazine:

    PG August 1992 ‒ Real Men

    Robert Ryan 1

    Playgirl Magazine:     

    PG November 1982 ‒ Feature: “Bartenders” (Photography by Alison Morley)

    Rodney Abassi

    Playgirl Magazine:

    PG December 1984 ‒ Snapshots

    Ronnie Kroell

    Playgirl Magazine:

    PG Summer 2010 ‒ “Hot To Go”      

    PG Winter 2011 ‒ Calendar 2012

    PG Spring 2011 ‒ Portfolio 2011

    PG Spring 2012 ‒ Lucky Seven”

    PG Winter 2015 ‒ Calendar

    PG ‒ Online (Hunks) (Photography by Lope Navo)

    PG ‒ Online

    Profile: Bravo's “Make Me A Supermodel” star

    River Phoenix

    Playgirl Magazine:

    PG August 1988 ‒ Actor

    Profile: Born: August 23, 1970, Madras OR, Died: October 31, 1993, Hollywood CA (in front of Johnny Depp's club The Viper Room), Cause of death: Drug induced heart failure. (His ashes are scattered at his family's Florida Ranch.).  When River was about 7 years old his parents changed their name to Phoenix.  His siblings are Rain Joan of Arc, Joaquin Raphael (Leaf), Libertad Mariposa (Liberty Butterfly) & Summer Joy.  He was scheduled to appear in Total Eclipse, which went to Leonardo DiCaprio, as well as Interview with a Vampire.  That part went to Christian Slater.  "I would rather quit while I was ahead. There is no need in overstaying your welcome."

    Films/TV: "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" (1982) TV Series, "Celebrity" (1984) (mini) TV Series, Backwards: The Riddle of Dyslexia (1984) (TV), "Robert Kennedy & His Times" (1985) (mini) TV Series, Surviving (1985) (TV), Explorers (1985), Stand by Me (1986), The Mosquito Coast (1986), Circle of Violence (1986) (TV), Running on Empty (1988-Oscar nomination), A Night in the Life of Jimmy Reardon (1988), Little Nikita (1988), Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989), I Love You to Death (1990), My Own Private Idaho (1991), Dogfight (1991), Teen Vid II (1991) (V), Sneakers (1992), Even Cowgirls Get the Blues (1993), Dark Blood (1993), The Thing Called Love (1993), Silent Tongue (1993), Canceled Lives: Letters from the Inside (1993) (voice).

    Rick Stevens

    Playgirl Magazine:

    PG September 1976 ‒ Horoscope Man

    Roger Richardson

    Playgirl Magazine:

    PG December 2004 ‒ Real Men

    Russell Crowe

    Playgirl Magazine:

    PG February 2007 ‒ “Science Dicktion”

    Ryan Weber

    Playgirl Magazine:

    PG March 1996 ‒ Real Men

    Robert Bordonaro

    Playgirl Magazine:

    PG October 1997 ‒ Real Men

    Randy Walker

    Playgirl Magazine:

    PG January 2005 ‒ Real Men

    Ray Hunt

    Playgirl Magazine:

    PG November 1983 ‒ Snapshots

    Raye Rivera

    Playgirl Magazine:

    PG July 1983 ‒ “Wet 'n' Wild” (Photography by Jacky Winter)

    Richard Amos

    Playgirl Magazine:

    PG March 1997 ‒ Real Men

    Russell Ebelherr

    Playgirl Magazine:

    PG April 1995 ‒ Real Men

    Ray Miller

    Playgirl Magazine:

    PG March 2000 ‒ Real Men

    Robert Bush

    Playgirl Magazine:

    PG March 1979 ‒ Guys Next Door

    Robert Elder

    Playgirl Magazine:

    PG August 1980 ‒ Men of Wall Street

    Ryan Thompson 2

    Playgirl Magazine:

    PG - Online

    PG Video: Solo

    Videos: Suite 703 video with Playgirl's Ari Silvio.

    Richard Fried

    Playgirl Magazine:

    PG November 1981 ‒ “Sky's the Limit”

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