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Showing content with the most stiffies on 06/13/2020 in Blog Entries

  1. a big shout-out to @Nokomis who is celebrating a birthday today. I was a good boy and attended the gym, no matter that both arms and shoulders were paining. I stuck it out to the end, and now am fantasizing about sticking it to the gentlemen in my line-up, each of which has something stellar to offer. unfortunately, I am constrained to choose Scott Manley as we have had 60+ years together with him and his blonde hairy thighs. what a lad! welcome to our newest clubmembers, and a reminder to each to recommend us to your buddy lists. thanks be to those who have afforded Likes and Stiffies 🥰 https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24989-manilow-brandon/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24990-manley-scott/ https://www.adonismale.com/files/file/21586-mann-karl/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24991-mann-tom/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24992-manning-eli/ Colt
    4 stiffies
  2. has not had a breakout of hives for years and that was easily figured out that it was an allergy to shellfish & associates had always included fried shrimp whenever we got chinese food as take out had some of the shrimp and - at 1:00 AM woke up itching and 's personage felt blotchy staggered to the potty - turned on the light - and saw covered - literally from head to toesies - in hives even with medication it took 6 months to get it out of 's system the other evening thought had a new pet ringworm but it was peculiarly itchy then thought was somehow covered in bug bites so put ointments on to calm the itching an hour later saw the "bug bites' spread and blotched out they be hives! after another few hours the hives faded away the next day took an allergy pill as this - essentially was what had taken years before the outbreak was nothing like with the shellfish but still - who wants hives? the day after...no hives then this morning 's "ringworm" returned in the same spot in 15 minutes the bug bite looking spots returned to 's arms there were a couple on 's legs too but that was it within another 10 minutes they were clearly hives and 2 hours later....all gone was it the packaged romain lettuce? had not used this vendor before. maybe there was something on the lettuce? was it the salad dressing? had eaten the dressing before with no ill effects is thinking that maybe now allergic to strawberries had a few the night of the big out break and one large strawberry last night and maybe that very large strawberry was all it took for the minor outbreak? dunno eats lots of veggies and will not give up 's fave lettuce - tho avoiding that vendor is easy enough but what if it is strawberries? easy enough to avoid but that is kinda unfair after all it ain't a living creature like a scallop it is a strawberry however many say veggies and fruits do scream out in horror and pain when plucked from trees and shrubbery or out of the ground soon expects to be beaten up by a tree
    3 stiffies
  3. unremarkable day - did some marketing and saw the lower classes toting off huge packages of bottled water and toilet paper. some people never give up! here at home, I had been looking forward to sharing the fruits of my research. I have discovered animated gifs, and I have discovered Joe Manganiello, heretofore unaware of his charms. unfortunately, when I went to share them with the club, we ran into size restrictions. apparently his images, if not his personal equipment, was too big for the platform. so, I have posted an album and two zip files, however you are being gipped out of quite a number of gifs! if anyone is a mad fan and wants more, write to me privately, coldt DOT mann AT gmail DOT com, and I will send a more complete zip file. in the mean time, enjoy! welcome to our newest members, and thank you for affording me Likes and Stiffies - I have so little to look forward to . . . https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24959-manchester-eric/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24960-mancini-alessio/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24961-mancini-fabio/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24962-manecke-keith/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24963-manganiello-joe/ ++++++++++++++++++++ https://www.adonismale.com/files/file/21583-manganiello-joe-ani-gif/ https://www.adonismale.com/files/file/21584-manganiello-joe-allarest/ Colt
    1 stiffie
  4. nothing exciting to report. I have been labouring most of the day over Patrick O'Brian's folder and enormous talent. now to todays lineup - the usual problem of choosing the one I like best. Trey Manor is hunky and blonde, and Andy Mantegna is hunky, though regrettably gone to the great meat rack in the sky. both worth mentioning. welcome to our newest clubmembers! and many thanks for the Likes and Stiffies you leave along the way 🥰 https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/25057-manor-trey/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/25058-mantegna-andy/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/25059-mantle-mickey/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/25060-manzel-leslie/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/25061-manzella-darren/ Colt
    1 stiffie
  5. OMG! FINALLY waiting for ages and ages but TCM finally answers 's prayers an entire night of MARX BROTHERS!!!!!! at this very moment watching Animal Crackers to be followed by Duck Soup Humans often ask "- what be 's favorite Marx Brothers film?" (actually that question is lower on the list. the top question is asked is "HOW THE HELL DID GET IN HERE!?") lets review the films: 1 - The Coaconuts - often dismisses this film - then watches and the script shines due to George Kaufman's brilliant script. "Whose On First" really is a VERY poor man's version of WHY A DUCK? There is an interesting historic element to the film. the first film to have sound in it was just 3 years prior - The Jazz Singer. sound was still in it's zygote stage 3 years later. to bring the Marx Brothers to film was not a gamble as they had own vaudeville for nearly 7 years then owned Broadway for another 7. they were mega stars at this point and today we loose perspective on how utterly revolutionary they were. that The Marx Brothers arrived just in time for sound might display other wordly elements deciding that the time had arrived. if you want to know what they looked like live on Broadway - watch this film. it is the only film where Harpo is wearing the appropriate wig. Harpo's wig is supposed to be a RED fright wig. the red wig looked too brunette in black and white so it was switched to a strawberry blond wig because that looked more blond 2 - Animal Crackers - if you want to know what the "characters" were - this is the film. much of what is hidden here is private joke stuff placed in via George Kaufman. chico's gambling and mathmatical skills are punch lines. (the bridge playing scene is interesting due to the fact that chico was one of the leading bridge players in america). groucho is in his full element as Captain Spaulding - the role he would forever be directly connected to. Hello I Must Be Going - Gilbert & Sullivan-esque is due to groucho's worship of them. the original stage version gave zeppo much more to do - but pay close attention to his delivery. zeppo was one of the extremely few who could make groucho laugh out loud. the scene between margaret dumont and grouch in the dark is NOT groucho. it is zeppo doing groucho. study the head shape. and then harpo. that Kaufman would call harpo The Professor? hrpo dropped out of school in the 2nd grade. (he got tired of being tossed out the window every time the teacher left the room and getting in trouble.) harpo was the darling of the intellectual set. 3 - Monkey Business - the first movie that was not based on a stage show. both previous films had record breaking box office. for the first time audiences came back repeatedly to see the movie. (a key reason was to catch the dialogue. there were inital complaints that the dialogue went by so fast that they could not hear. ) lines went around the block. in some towns the film ran for 26 weeks. movie houses kept bringing the films back. monkey business was also boffo box office - even tho it essentially has no plot. it is funny none-the-less....but do not look for any actual plot) 4- Horse Feathers - due to the marx brothers officially becoming film royalty they appeared on the cover of Time - in part as a promotion to horse feathers. unlike monkey business, there really is a plt. no romance as in the previous films. (zeppo was the male ingenue in monkey business - finally giving zeppo something to do) groucho felt that box office slipped here because they had become predictably predictable. horse feathers has 's favorite groucho song "I'm Against It" 5 - Duck Soup. The Marx Brothers were STARS of the first order - even tho horse feathers did not fair quite as well as the previous three. Paramount decided they were worth a FULL production and put serious coin into Duck Soup. Leo McCarey was the only top-notch director they ever had and he seriously did not want to work with them. production issues with the marx's were already legend. (groucho was walking hell for writers. zeppo was fed up with cruel reviews - having no real reason to be there - and had a VERY short fuse. those who knew the brothers off-stage considered zeppo the funniest of the brothers in real life. chico would be off gambling at some card game or off to mexico to the horse track. when he did show up, chico loved a good practical joke. harpo? nobody had complaints - but they worked together in full unity. McCarey thought he managed to get away from working with them - but the script finally was finished and McCarey had signed a contract thinking that the timing would mean that some other schmo would have to direct the brothers. his nightmare happened instead. McCarey is why the mirror scene was made....in virtually 1 take. groucho said "if the film is political - take that up with McCarey. we just wanted to make a funny movie." Result: both a critical and financial disaster. 6 - Night At The Opera: Enter Thalberg. chico saw the writing on the wall at Paramount. the relationship had been souring there for quite some time. the marx brothers were considering going into business with sam goldwyn (the G in MGM) - but when chico said he was talking with thalberg, goldwyn said "SIGN WITH THALBERG!" Irving Thalberg was called "the boy genius" EVERYBODY wanted to work with him. he really was THAT good. he loved movies. he understood them. he appreciated the audience - the actors - and the entire process. Thalberg ran his own studio within MGM. if you were under contract with Thalberg you might work at MGM - but you worked FOR Thalberg. it was an open secret that Thalberg was going to start his own studio. he had no comics in his stable. the marx brothers became available. again - timing. when thalberg talked about how the marx brothers films were failing they were dumbstruck. "they are plenty funny!" was the retort. thalberg agreed - but said they were not making money. (he meant horse feathers and duck soup) "I can make your film half as funny but they will make money." this did appeal to the marx brothers. (Chico always needed money. groucho always counted every penny. harpo was not in need of the money but had to agree that the financial point was valid. zeppo had now left and was now a theatrical agent) major money enticed Kaufman to write the script. thalberg's idea to send the marx brothers out on tour to work out key scene was inspiring. this film is probably the only genuinely perfect comedy - technically speaking. the laughs were timed. everything was a known before the filming began. the marx brothers were back! 7 - A Day At The Races is no Night At The Opera. why? no kaufman. you can not expect to hit the ball out of the park every time. MOST IMPORTANT POINT: irving Thalberg died - at the age of 37 - the 3rd week into filming. Mayer was renown for having no sense of humor. add to this that he hated the marx brothers. (groucho was no help here. once their paths crossed on the back lot. mayer asked groucho, "How is filming going?" (referring to A Night At The Opera") groucho answers "What's it to you? we work for Thalberg." (this is an example of how Groucho got his name) There are shots that Thalberg never would have allowed. The final chase scene is a key example. Groucho's favorite song "I'm dr. hackenbush" - another gilbert & sullivan type of tune was cut from the film 8 - Room Service. the brothers knew nobody at mgm had their best interest in mind. they humored going back to broadway and doing a musical version of Kaufman's Of Thee I Sing. they had the notion of doing a Broadway show then putting it to film. that never happened. they felt maybe becoming their own production company was the ticket. they purchased the rights to a broadway hit - Room Service. the show was not designed as a marx brothers vehicle. you could fold groucho into it and even chico. but there was no justification for harpo in the story. (he is the saving grace of the entire thing) this is a very claustrophobic film. the entire play takes place in a single hotel room. so does 95% of the film. it was shot at RKO - which meant that Lucille Ball - then the queen of RKO was in the film. oddly, she had no memory of making the movie. 9 - Go West: this script languished for years. someone felt, "hey - the boys never made a western. lets put them in one!" Money is money and so MGM and the Marx Brothers signed a 3 film contract. groucho's attitude was to take the money and run. this shows the attitude. critics say that the last 15 minutes virually makes up for the previous hour. perhaps. this might be their most listless film. 10 - At The Circus. Grouch HATED this film. probably because the production was so loaded with just about any production problem it could have. (the issue with the gorilla suit and it's owner and all that was key. it would make anybody fed up) this is the film that groucho referred to when he said, "we were hanging upside down by our knees and i turned to harpo and asked, 'had enough?' and harpo agreed" the brothers - even chico were financially secure. making a marx brothers movie was HARD work - not just the production but the pre-production. this is the film that introduces groucho's other key known song Lydia The Tattooed Lady. if for no other reason it is worth it. despite groucho's attitude, this really is a good film. better than Go West by far 11 - The Big Store - the marx brothers' official swan song. as a performing group they were officially calling it quits. they were in their 50s. they literally had been at this since they were kids. they earned the retirement. groucho would go out as a solo (what he really wanted for quite a long time really) chico would front for a big band. harpo would appear on radio (harpo on radio? yup) and did lots of charity work. this film shows mgm's contempt towards comedy. mayer considerd comedies just not worth the while and the marx brothers - in particular - he did not find amusing in any fashion. he "liked" harpo as a person - but just did not think harpo amusing. being tickled by a feather would not amuse mayer. critics said of the film, "As a final course, it is a bargain." An amusing film but it pales for what they could have done. take the money and run. get the contract over with. 12 - A Night in Casablanca. chico needed the money. it really is the only reason the brothers made the movie. MUCH better than go west or the big store. not as manic as at the circus - but this is a film that if mgm hadd not had contempt for comedy they might have been able to pull off. give this film a chance. it works. only complaint is that harpo did not want to wear the wig. under the lights it made his head sweat and itch. that is his actual hair - all puffed out. who really makes the film shine? thank you buster keaton! mgm had DESTROYED keaton's life and career. harpo hired keaton to develop gags for the film. a huge laugh starts the film. a police officer sees harpo standing by a building. "Hey! you holding up the building or something?" he questions harpo in contempt. harpo nods that he is. the police officer tells harpo to move along and pushe harpo to be on his way. the building collapses. thank you buster keaton. 13 - Love Happy. what a nightmare! everyone involved in this film referred to it as "Love What??" harpo had developed what would have been a lovely little chaplin-esque story. it was to be a harpo movie. NOT a marx brothers film. chico needed money. harpo agreed to include chico - as a cameo. the producers lied and lied to harpo. they could not fund the film unless groucho was in it. groucho was starting You Bet Your Life and a new family. he agreed only to help chico. the notion was that groucho would be in the introduction of the film and the end. the final result had grouch edited in throughout the film. groucho and harpo never had a cross word but the production was so horrendous that groucho had not been paid. to raise needed funds - the final scene on the rooftop with all the overtly product placement ads was created. it is a fun scene - but deserved the panning it got by both movie goers and critics. this film is why harpo swore never to do a film ever again. the film was relaesed as "the movie that discovered marilyn monroe!" she had appeared in a couple of previos films. the movie is so disappointing that it was played as the second film to a double feature - following abbott & Costello's Africa Screams. One person once said that the marx brothers - at their worse - are better than almost anybody at their best. that is definitely true - even Love Happy so....after ALL this...what is 's fave? if Duck Soup had a harpo solo and a piano solo it would be considered by all the best film the marx brothers did. the lines go by so fast that you have to listen - and watch - multiple times to catch them.
    1 stiffie
  6. is acquainted with a lovely african-american lady she works as an accountant at a major accounting firm. the best way to present this is to allow her to speak. the son's name, the police chief name and "community" is used by to protect identities and location There's no simple way to explain this situation, but I will be as concise as possible. For the second time this week, REDACT NAME was questioned by the police...for walking around our neighborhood. The first time, THREE police cars stopped and questioned my son because "someone had alerted them that a suspicious male was walking in the neighborhood." After confirming his address, the officers allowed REDACT NAME to go home. REDACT NAME asked me not to take any action at that time. This afternoon, REDACT NAME was questioned AGAIN. The officers said that they had received two phone calls from people who were "extremely agitated about him walking through the neighborhood." When REDACT NAME arrived home, he broke down. My stoic, reserved son sobbed onto my shoulder because he didn't feel he'd done anything wrong and, short of staying indoors, doesn't know how to avoid further harassment. I have contemplated knocking on all of my neighbors' door or leaving letters in their mailboxes asking them to refrain from calling the police on my son as this could, literally, cost him his life. To be perfectly honest, I don't know what to do. Later an update: On 5/18, a male called and reported he’d seen a suspicious male walking near a church (this church is next door to our house). REDACT NAME said he remembered an older man watching him while he walked. On 5/25, a woman called and complain a suspicious male had walked past her. Both of these instances resulted in REDACT NAME being questioned by multiple officers in multiple vehicles and, immediately, allowed to go home. Chief REDACT NAME iterated the officers followed up each incident by informing the respective complainants REDACT NAME lives in the neighborhood and isn’t a threat. I spent an hour listening to platitudes about how the high standards to which XXXXXXXXX Police Officers are held. I left the meeting with loosely framed assurances regarding potential future incidents (discussions with shift supervisors, better screening of emergency calls), as well as the pictured items to pass along to REDACT NAME. I shared the morning’s developments with REDACT NAME. He shared some of his coping mechanisms for engaging white people. He said he’d trained himself to NEVER show any anger. He also said he always averts his eyes/intentionally avoids making eye contact because he feels they are afraid of him. He said he’d employed this strategy during both encounters, and feels he failed to allay their fears. He said he wishes he could speak to the people who’d called the police because he would like to ask why they’re afraid. REDACT NAME appreciates all the support our "community" has offered. You all give him hope because you see HIM. question: why does he have to have any coping mechanisms? there is nothing wrong with him. he is bright - honest - doesn't do anything that would get anyone in any kind of trouble he simply is a nice kid it is THIS kind of endless inequity that has gone on for over 400 years 400 years of violent assaults and endless harrassment that always seems to almost explode but does not quite happen every time another african-american - who is unarmed - is killed the video of George Floyd is - by any definition a snuff film no mater what angel you look at it - the murderer (do not call that a police officer) - the video shows a murder the knee on the neck is an illegal move it goes on for almost 9 minutes you can hear the officer order "get up and get in the car" yet we saw - in another video - mr floyd already in handcuffs - not resisting - walking to the car if your knee is on the neck - making certain the person can not breath - how are they to get up and go to the car? was this part of a ploy to get mr floyd to attempt to comply to get up so the police could say "see! see! he is resisting arrest!" what we saw is a murder it was not a crime of passion was mr floyd in possession of a counterfeit bill? could be guess what! THAT is not a violent offenae it sometimes does happen and nobody is arrested it is not a crime that gets you the death penalty if you are white What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore— And then run? Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over— like a syrupy sweet? Maybe it just sags like a heavy load. Or does it explode? - Harlem by Langston Hughes
    1 stiffie
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