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Vincent Wolfang

Vincent Wolfang

Vincent WolFang Male 25 years old Knoxville, Tennessee, US Twitter Mayhem #2226691 Model About me I am currently perusing a MFA in Theatre Lighting Design at the University of Tennessee Knoxville. I am new to modeling and am greatly enjoying the experiences that I have been receiving. It would be great to start doing more fashion photography, particularly underwear modeling. I tend to do a bit of traveling to work on shows but I try and find some free time for some shoots. I am also available as a male entertainer for events and clubs. Being a part of the arts, I enjoy the thought of expression and showing one?s self through design. I have been told that I have a great body so I feel no need to hide it but to show it off to those who would like to see it in an artistic manner. It has been a bit of a struggle to deal with the fact that I have hair everywhere and that it is dark and thick. I always thought that my hair was too much and that I needed to get rid of it all. I was rather ashamed to show it off since it seemed that an attractive gay man shouldn?t have hair. Through countless reassurances from friends and lovers I?ve come to realize that my hair is rather beautiful. I came to accept that I have a great natural look that people actually like. It is a bit of a rare look still these days but I hope to become a bit of a role model to those who are hiding their hair and let them know that it can actually be attractive.

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