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Thor Knai

Thor Knai

Thor Knai Male 28 years old Los Angeles, California, US Official Thor Knai Website Mayhem #367881 Model MM URL: http://www.modelmayhem.com/thorknai About me Greetings all! My name is Thor Knai. Neither is an artist name, both are related to my Viking descent. I am professional, driven, open minded and ambitious. I want to inspire people, like I have been inspired and moved by the work of others before me. Although highly subjective, I believe that all art has one thing in common: Constructive positive energy. Some of it may be effective conduits for negative emotions, but it is never destructive. I hope this site will let me get in touch with great industry pro's who love to create. Something new and powerful. Commercial, sure, but in it's own unique way. All the work we do gives us more cards to play, and brings us closer to our goals. Let's make magic. Interviews with me that relate to my modeling career: http://buffrx.wordpress.com/the-men/thor-knai/ http://www.connex247.com/c-now/thor_kna ? onals.html http://expressmenmodel.com/2007/11/thor ? l?5ff3d400 http://modelsmore.co.nr/thorknai/index.html ========================================== Thor Knai, born June 22, 1984 in Troms?, Norway, is a Norwegian actor and model. Knai came from well-off parents, his dad worked in the Royal Norwegian Air Force and his mom an entrepreneur. When he was three, they moved to B?rum, Oslo. While in school, Thor was involved in a variety of different activities like sports, martial arts, and role-playing which awoke his passion for acting. When Knai was 15, his mother found a casting call in the newspaper for a mini-series that was to be shown on NRK, a national television network. He was then referred by the impressed director to attend more auditions including the lead in feature film "Lime, 2001", although unsuccessfully. At this point in his life he had no real aspirations to become an actor. That happened later when he played lead in a high school cabaret which was awarded "Best high school cabaret of the year", an award he accepted in front of fifteen hundred people on a well known stage in Oslo, the "Chateau Neuf". Knai went on to star in another successful cabaret, his own amateur short film, and did some modeling. He was also active in he live role-playing community and hosted and participated in many such events. Thor graduated Nesbru High School with an International Baccalaureate Diploma spring 2003, with the highest amount of extra curricular activity hours. After finishing high school, Knai went on to join the Royal Norwegian Army for a mandatory year. He became Squad leader in a Storm platoon (mechanized infantry unit) in the 1st Armored Battalion. During this year he signed a contract to go on a NATO, ISAF7 (international security assistance force) peacekeeping mission to Kabul, Afghanistan. He subsequently served the tour of seven months as a combat medic. After completing the tour in Afghanistan, Knai went on to pursue his dream and was admitted to the New York Film Academy at Universal Studios in Los Angeles for a one year acting conservatory program set to begin September 2005. During his brief stay in Norway before leaving for LA, Thor auditioned for, and got a part in a big Norwegian reality show called "Filmstjerne" (Moviestar) after out-performing thousands of other actors. Thor was eventually voted off the show by the judges just in time to make his planned departure to Hollywood. He graduated the program spring '06 and went on to work on short films and minor parts in features like "He's Such a Girl (2007)" and "How to Lose Friends & Alienate People (2008)." Currently Knai is pursuing his acting career and doing modeling work. His motto reflects his unrelenting drive to be the best in his endeavors: "To Have What Most People Never Have, You Must Do What Most People Never Do..." ============================== http://www.thorknai.com/Home/news/page1.html http://covermenmag.com/thorknai/interview.html

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