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Dean Simon

Dean Simon

Name: Dean Simon
Age: 33
Height: 185 cm
Hometown: Tel Aviv
Agency: none
Instagram: @mr.deansimon

1. **How did you get into modeling?**

Modeling has always intrigued me, but it was only a year ago that I truly embraced it. This shift came as I gained more confidence in my body and realized that it was the perfect time to explore this passion.

2. **What are you doing if you are not modeling?**

When I’m not in front of the camera, I’m behind the scenes as an art director at a gaming company. We specialize in creating engaging casual games for mobile devices. We’re actually gearing up to launch our first game very soon!


3. **The most spontaneous/difficult/strange thing you’ve ever done?**

One of the most spontaneous decisions I’ve made was right after high school. I took a hiatus from my regular life and worked as a dancer and entertainer at a resort in the Dead Sea. It was a unique and enriching experience!

4. **What’s your life motto?**

I’m currently living by a quote from Moira Rose in Schitt’s Creek: „Take a thousand, naked pictures of yourself now. You may currently think, ‚Oh, I’m too spooky.‘ Or, ‚Nobody wants to see these tiny boobies.‘ But, believe me, one day you will look at those photos with much kinder eyes and say, ‚Dear God, I was a beautiful thing!'“


5. **Describe your personal style – Favorite Brands/Fragrance?!**

My style is all about challenging societal gender norms. I often find myself drawn to pieces from the women’s section. My style spectrum is broad, ranging from monochromatic black to vibrant colors, all depending on my mood.

6. **What genre of music best describes you?**

I resonate most with pop music and musicals. In fact, I’m currently listening to the Barbie album soundtrack!

7. **Where are your roots – The best thing about/to do in your hometown?**

I’m a proud Israeli, born and raised in a quaint town. I now reside in Tel Aviv, a city that I love for its vibrant community and diverse population.


8. **Name one celebrity you’d like to get naughty with!**

If I had to pick, it would be a toss-up between Henry Cavill and Luke Evans.

9. **Do you have any special Talents?**

I have a knack for memorizing song lyrics, especially from musicals. Give me a cue, and I can recite entire acts from Wicked or Rent on the spot!

10. **What is the most interesting thing online at the moment?**

I’m currently obsessed with TikTok. I love staying updated on the latest news about the Wicked films and new Marvel movies.

Photo credits:@hooligan1o1


  • Album created by Pollione
  • Updated
  • 15 images

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