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Bryson Elliott

Bryson Elliott

Name:  Bryson Elliott

Age:  25

Height: 174cm

Hometown: Meckering WA Australia

Agency: Csa Models


Images by: A-Z Photography


How did you get into modeling?

I was told from a young age that I was quite attractive, so while I did many acting jobs, I decided to try a few modeling jobs and that lead to being contacted by My agent now and here we are.


What are you doing if you are not modeling?

I work as a Police Officer and I love sport, gaming watching movies basically life I do what I feel in the moment.

The most spontaneous/difficult/strange thing you’ve ever done?

I could honestly write you a book, on the random and strange crap I’ve done through my life ask any one of my family members i have a problem. But if i had to bring it down to a one for this mag lets go with


What’s your life motto?

I don’t care who you love or how you love if your getting some you gone son. or go girl you know 2022

Describe your personal style – Favourite Brands/Fragrance?!

Yeah so like I don’t do the whole brand i wear clothes that aren’t expensive, except the Akubra(Cowboy Hat), i do love my footy shorts though as for fragrance god guys I’m new to this but i wear like a spice bomb by VIKTOR@ROLF.


What genre of music best describes you?

HAHA music bro i love country Music, I grew up in a small country town and was made fun of by pretty much all the kids, but i grew up with such strong values and such a different view of life which has got me to where i am and who i am.

Where are your roots – The best thing about/to do in your hometown?

My roots they are grounded where ever i am, but my home town there wasn’t alot to do but I was very rarely inside me and my brother used to go out and do anything and everything we would walk through the bush


Name one celebrity you’d like to get naughty with!

Florence Pugh ever since i saw her in black widow, god she is gorgeous I would let her do anything but first like all woman Dinner and a show then on the third date I’ll think about

Do you have any special Talents?

Special talents god i mean i can do like a back flip, or like I can do stuff honestly i could tell you I’m good at things but nothing id call a special talent, do chop sticks. i mean i cant use them but does it count is the question.

What is the most interesting thing online at the moment?

I mean sorry i don’t really do much on the internet, but the thing about the internet is everything ever is on the internet there for the most interesting thing on the internet is the fact that everything and anything can be found, but how good are dinosaurs.


  • Album created by Pollione
  • Updated
  • 8 images

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